I’m not building one. I’m outfitting 2.
My goal has always been to fly one, since the first day I started. I have the skills and the hulls, and most of the modules.
Obviously I’d like to take them into war at some point. I think it would be great fun.
I’ve spent literally years working towards this goal, so win or lose it would be a feeling of accomplishment.
Of course, I would rather win…
That does make sense, but you have to have long-term goals too, right?
It would be nice to have a few long-term goals to look forward to but I don’t have any for the reason I stated above. I’m not thinking about it.
When CCP is done tinkering with the game, nerfing this and that, changing the ore locations, their Chaos and Destruction business and a slew of other things then maybe I may think of a few but they’re still changing too many things for me to be comfortable in committing to anything.
I’m happy to go ratting, salvage, do some missions, a little mining, a little manufacturing, some exploring and trying some PvP when I have a ship to throw at it.
There’s still a lot I haven’t tried like FW, WH, Ganking and Griefing. That’s a list that’ll take me at least 3 years to accomplish.
You’re missing the point that if you can’t simply afford to buy and outfit one and instead are having to invest multiple years into building it, then you will not be able to take the risks required to use the ship for anything other than killmail whoring. That’s what everyone is saying. Just having one isn’t good enough. You have to have a purpose for it and enough funds to lose it without a second thought. Otherwise you have a Titan on standby that you can’t afford to lose so it never gets used.
Cap ships are trash for the game really. It does nothing but give way too much power to the whales and give the rest of you unrealistic goals. You shoot straight for flying a cap and PvE for years to get one. Then when you finally get it realize you do not have the PvP experience to find content for it so you latch it on to some Null entity who’s only real goal is to protect their bots, not PvP.
Okay, so this is interesting.
So real life history had, until only recently, been dominated by a school of thought known as Great Man History or Great Man Theory. What this means is that historians/teachers/documentarians had largely studied and presented history within the context of how great men influenced it. And while this perspective can present an exciting and romantic version of history, it often tends to (1) overlook/minimize the effects of natural events, group action, mass movements, changes in beliefs and cultures, and technological advances, (2) exaggerate the importance of great men, and (3) ignore the experiences and contributions of ordinary people. Needless to say, a lot of people aren’t big fans of this perspective of history.
John Green’s Crash Course History eschews a Great Man lens in favor of a History from Below perspective.
Even though real life historians have been moving away from Great Man Theory, Eve’s events and history appear to be examined and presented mostly through this perspective. Games journalists, authors, podcasters, and reddit posters all tend to focus their attention on things like big bloc leaders and FC’s, large battles, losses that can be expressed in tens or hundreds of thousands of real world dollars, and complicated and long-running scams that can be expressed in tens of thousands of real world dollars. But this kind of stuff only represents a tiny fraction of what Eve has to offer and the amazing stories that it has generated.
So, why do games journalists and many in the Eve community concentrate on this form of history? Well, games jounalists probably do it because it results in increased ad revenue. And the leadership and propagandists of big blocs probably do it because it helps drive drive recruitment and capital ownership. But I suspect that a lot of the rank and file players do it simply because that’s how they’ve been taught to look at history. It’s a way of looking at events and history that has been drilled into them by schools, documentaries, game articles, youtube videos, and so on ad nauseam .
Once again, viewing Eve through this lens can be entertaining, and it does help people achieve certain goals, but it also ignores 99% of the amazing stories that happen in Eve. Smaller stories can be just as entertaining, and just as useful at achieving organizational goals. Moreover, it can attract new players to eve who are not interested in sov warfare, and help existing players find play styles that might be more fun that what they’re currently doing.
Eve is so much more than the way it has largely been reported on and chronicled, and it is done a tremendous disservice by suggesting that the only things that matter are the things that “qualify” as news or history. Yes, those things can be exciting and fun, but so is the experience of getting your first solo kill, saving your buddy’s ship by jamming tackle, and flying small gang with close friends even though you do more feeding that killing.
So, yeah, you’re right. No one is going to talk about the Munins. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t play a critical role in Eve’s history or any one’s fun. My hair is an Eagle, your argument is invalid.
Going South is a Youtube series that focuses on the adventures of a medium sized corp over a brief period of time.
Fair point. My pvp experience is fairly limited to tackle and logi. I’ve been eyes for fleets to bait in caps and squash them, so even though I played an important role, I got no killmails credit.
I’ve saved over 100 sub caps from dying, but got no credit for that either.
While I have focused entirely on skills for my titan goals, some of those skills brought me to other ships as well.
I can hardly fly any sub caps, and the ones I do use have a purpose other than whoring on killmails.
I do have the skills to rat in a cap, mine in a cap (and sub cap) and produce just about everything in game.
To your point that just having one isn’t enough, you’re right. I’ve let my leaders know I’ve got two avatars to use, and I’m not even in the cap groups to find out their doctrine fits, much less deploy with them.
It’s a real shame, but I’ll eventually be able to use them. I’ve undocked on multiple occasions, fitted for mining, just to be able to sit in one and do something.
I don’t fault the game for that, I fault myself and some of the player base. They’re so secretive and paranoid that they won’t accept outsiders until the outsider has spent years and billions of isk benefiting the corp/alliance.
I’m sorry, I’ve gone on strat ops and found them to be less than entertaining.
No skill is involved. The fc fleet warps, calls targets, fleet warps out.
You don’t do anything except target and fire on what you’re told. Same for logi. You target someone on your white list, you rep, you follow fleet warps. Rinse and repeat.
Except skills to use the right ship and module, you’re only there to be a warm body and do what you’re told.
That is why nobody talks about subcap fleets.
You’ve missed out the point , you gave this comparison : “Irl you can’t expect a few speed boats to best an aircraft carrier. It just won’t happen.” , which was wrong and I’ve replied to you there with numbers…
We all know an object moves at a given speed until it reaches an obstacle in space , same goes with light , it changes speed depending on the medium it travels through .
Eve does not have real physics , was never intended to and will never have and I’m not going to bother wasting more time with you in explaining why .
There were probably thousands of threads with people like you demanding x, y or z to be changed or implemented in Eve to suite their personal needs …
The changes CCP are doing are for the best and they try to correct their past mistakes , people here have already explained you why and gave you a lot of details and things to think about about what you originally posted . You just feel entitled to impose certain game play to all of the players, it’s not going to happen .
When 10 people tell you you’re drunk , that’s when it’s time for you to go to bed.
That’s because you are what we call the F1 monkey , that just skipped to titans and doesn’t know how to handle himself or to command a fleet …
It happens when you have 0 solo pvp experience and haven’t bothered to learn to fly ships starting from frigates to capitals.
Irl, 10 speed boats won’t outrun a carrier. Speedboats use fuel, and have limited range. They can’t do enough damage to a carrier to cripple it. Unless, of course they’re carrying a nuclear payload, which has never happened.
By the time a speed boat gets far away from a carrier, they’ve probably been blown up by an aircraft, or support ship. If not, they run out of fuel and are useless.
Of course, that doesn’t happen irl, as carriers are rarely in the position for a speed boat to be in range in the first place.
That being said, a titan does not have to face the restrictions of a carrier. They have engines larger than most ships, and face no resistance in space.
It doesn’t take a physics engine to understand that. It takes some coding to give titans more linear speed. Outside of bridging or jumping, which is an entirely different aspect.
Now, to your point of thousands of threads etc…
I’m not demanding anything. I’m giving my opinion to ccp, and as a paying customer I am entitled to that.
If you don’t like my opinion, stop commenting on my thread. You’re not going to change my mind.
If I wanted to impose my gameplay on you, I’d doomsday you. As it is, outside of the forum we’re never going to interact.
Fleet ops don’t like mavericks trying to do their own thing. Solo pvpers have no place in fleet operations.
I didn’t just skip to titans. I can fly every cap and super cap in the game, as well as any mining ship, any industry ship - including jump freighters, any frigate and any triglavian ship.
You’re assuming my level of understanding based entirely on nothing.
I have been part of many strat ops, and have multiple alts with billions in positive killmails. My main role, however, has been logi and tackle. I enjoy those a great deal.
Ganking has no bearing on my gameplay, and I consider it to be beneath me. I don’t need to solo pvp/gank to understand strategy. That is a false argument on your end.
Besides all that, unless you’ve spent years learning skills or injecting, you learn very early to focus your skills on each character.
If you expect 1 character to fly everything in game, you’re going to miss out on almost everything.
I didn’t start in early 2000’s like some, so I’ve had to focus.
Goals are important.
I feel like I’ve lost a few IQ points reading your posts … the amount of nonsense, contradictions and garbage you manged to condensate in them is astonishing !
You appear to have largely missed my point. Whatever.
Also, if you don’t like being subcap pilot in sov warfare, you’re probably not going to like being a capital pilot in sov warfare.
Okay, I think I’ve had enough with this thread. Laters.
Caps are bad, Supercaps are evil. Let’s limit them for battles only and not allow to rat or run sites on those.
I understand your point.
I don’t disagree with it. We both know what is required in fleet operations, and while the outcome of those operations is very important for the overall goal, it doesn’t get the attention of anyone in the grand picture.
Perhaps you’re right and we all need to refocus how we explore the history of eve, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
You’ll obviously spend the time getting at least to IV on the skills and being useful to the group.
Because as it stands it is simply zero effort for the few with many caps to just steamroll the little guy’s fleets and structures, without nothing they can do.
The recent Snuffed Out stint in Bleak Lands, was a perfect example …
The constant pirate cap nuisance in FW battles, is always a good example …
Caps have become a plague to smaller scale pvp, in low sec especially.
So nerf them more and make them available to everyone faster, and it evens out the field, will make for more even and fun fights.
It will make pirates think twice before attacking a structure or looking to steamroll a defense fleet, knowing they might actually not be getting the one-sided fight they’d hope for.
Overall, it will fix a lot of problems coming from too few tryhards in the game looking to bank on some quantum cores, or just for the sake of grief.
And don’t even get me started and cap ratting …
Structures have a dps cap. They’re not jumping in with titans and doomsday your structure, then jumping out.
If more people would sink the isk and time into titans, as well as more manufacture of them, you’d see more out there.
Instead, they seem to focus on becoming drones in a fleet op.
Too many followers, not enough chiefs.
If you’re looking for a fair fight and an even playing field, you’re in the wrong game.
Eve requires specialization and friends.
Please get started on cap ratting.