Capsuleer Day Clash - EDENCOM Production Facility

Anyone know is sec level you run them has impact on loot drops ?? 2 semi decent low sec runs and then done 4-6 highsec ones where drops are awful.

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It always has an impact. Hi-sec gets the worst drops (always) then they can vary between which of low, null and w-space gets the very best drops.


In a drake now bit of a passive fit, seems to do ok with rapid light missiles, that is far from rapid when it comes to reload
[Drake, Conduit Fleet or Solo]
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II
Missile Guidance Computer II
EM Ward Amplifier II
EM Ward Amplifier II

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Shield Command Burst II

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Warrior II x5

Shield Extension Charge x1171
Missile Precision Script x1
Inferno Fury Light Missile x10000


I agree, drake hulls seem like a good match with this heavy neut and incoming damage.

Iā€™ve tried a few times solo with a drake first - doable, but oftentimes two of the 3 final boss ships warp off halfway through their armor. Then tried again with a Drake navy issue, better, but still sometimes having at least one boss warping off. But at least the tank and cap is fine as solo runner:

[Drake Navy Issue, *Edencom]
Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Damage Control II

Large Shield Extender II
Parallel Enduring Target Painter
Large Shield Extender II
Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Shield Recharger II

Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Small Tractor Beam II

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Federation Navy Hobgoblin x5
Federation Navy Hammerhead x5

Inferno Precision Heavy Missile x6000

600 dps output.


Shoot the Vedmak LAST. It is the ā€œbossā€ and once dead the other ships warp off.


I tried various drake navy fits, and they all perform pretty much the same as other fits - timing-wise youā€™re limited on the spawns so the site tends to take the same time regardless. Whatā€™s nice about the DNI vs. the Brutix is that you donā€™t have to micromanage range or angular, you just web and fire. Also, itā€™s far better on the Rodiva as you need to switch to Null on the Brutix to get the range.

Another benefit is that the DPS with Rage HAM on the final boss is higher than the Brutix, and really the only ā€˜hardā€™ part of the event is the Voivode spawns at the end (the Voivode spawn at end is around 441dps at 53% thermal, 47% explosive).

Here is a T2 version of the fit I was using (mine I used on Tranquility was slightly pimped but not by much)

[Drake Navy Issue, EDENCOM Passive T2]

Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Shield Flux Coil II
Damage Control II

Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II
Medium Cap Battery II
Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener II
Stasis Webifier II
Large Shield Extender II
Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener II

Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Shield Command Burst I, Shield Extension Charge
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile
Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Acolyte II x5
Infiltrator II x5

Mjolnir Rage Heavy Assault Missile x3000
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Heavy Assault Missile x3000
Nanite Repair Paste x100
Mobile Tractor Unit x1

If you want to optimize, use faction HAM on Damavik and T2 Rage on Kiki and higher - but honestly the time you take to change ammo eats into any benefit - youā€™re better off just putting the Acolytes on the Damaviks and never bothering to switch ammo (also T2 Rage is cheaper!).

Here is the data for that determination - e.g. T2 Rage vs Liminal Jarognik Damavik is 588 vs Faction is 654 - acolyte drone dps is ~80 though soā€¦ meh, itā€™s very very marginal to use faction.


p.s. youā€™re probably better off with a Purger fit rather than an Extender, but I had a DNI lying around with Extenders and didnā€™t want to change rigs!


After a day of testing and comparing fits ā€¦ nothing comes close to a Drekavac. The Drek can do what other BC can do, just better, better cap, better application, better resists, better fitting room.

Just sitting there killing stuff using Occult with perfect application of 475+ DPS at 16km. For the boss Drekavac in research sites it spooled up to 800 DPS when it died. Add ~150 DPS from drones.


After a day of testing and comparing fits ā€¦ nothing comes close to a Drekavac. The Drek can do what other BC can do, just better, better cap, better application, better resists, better fitting room.

On Paper, the Drek has a lot less DPS than other BCs - do you have any comparison metric, e.g. time per site with the Drek? Cheers!

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Didnā€™t measure time to completion (felt still too long for my taste). Maybe 10mins something for the highsec sites. Will check my logs tomorrow, or run more sites. The advantage of the Drek is paper DPS is almost real DPS. I added numbers above.


I start at 640 and spool up to 1.4k over 97 seconds. Itā€™s like attack battlecruiser damage, but with the damage application and tank of a combat battlecruiser.

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Finally got some full sites done. Soloed using a dual rep Drekavac, took 25 min to complete, travel time included, but I donā€™t have T2 disintegrator trained yet. Nothing more than 12 mil isk loot so far, but Iā€™ll keep going to see if I can hit at least one jackpotā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Didnā€™t notice if this was already mentioned, but MJD 100km off of warp-in is pretty useful in that the trigs so far will warp in, then warp off about 400km, and then warp about 20km from you, buying as much as an extra 30sec before that wave hits you. Also doesnā€™t hurt that it discourages other players that didnā€™t fit a prop mod from trying to steal from you.

Most other waves were easily tanked, but when the Voivode Vedmak scrams and neuts you for about 135 cap every 8 sec, AND you are trying to save him for last, it can get dicey. Had to turn off a repper and got down to 1/3 armor and less than 20% cap. Not sure if that was a hard final spawn or not yet. If I had T2 disintegrator, likely wouldnā€™t have been a problem otherwise.


One trick is to fit two large cap batteries. This will reflect about 50% incoming neut pressure before it even eats into your cap.

One thing I donā€™t get why people struggle with tank, dual rep is totally overkill. I use one repper, doing 75HP/s (c-type, rigs, command boost) and my armor never dips below the 90-80% mark. Damage control, EANM, RAH, 3x radiation sinks.

These values are from two dual boxed Dreks combined, right? No way you get this even with officer mods on a single Drek.

Probably because you are killing things so fast with your T2 ammo that you are mitigating a lot of incoming dps. IIRC from my vindi, the difference in dps from T1 blasters with antimatter and T2 with void is like +50-100%.

As I mentioned I only have the skills for T1 ammo on my drek, so Iā€™m probably killing trigs maybe at half speed comparatively, which allows the trigs more time to ramp up their damage. Which is why I overtank new PvE content at first, and then after skills and knowledge increase, I shift more to gank over tank as probably most players do eventually.


Yes, did the same. Started with one radiation sink, dual rep T2 and two EANM. Even with this setup I never used the 2nd repper, and armor wasnā€™t going below the 60% mark. But you are right Iā€™m max skills and Occult does an extra punch over T1 ammo.

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Has anybody tried NavyBrut for the event?

Numbers (from warpin to boss dead):

1 Research site: 20min
1 Production sites: 12min


To be honest, I more or less agree. I tried it with a few setups, being something of a BC junkie, and while I had a fairly easy time, since I made a point to focus on killing the nuets first, I really only found the last spawn a challenge solo, and then not very much of one. The rewards were ā– ā– ā– ā–  though every time.

One weird peculiarity I noticed is that the rats frequently failed to go after my drones, which I thought was moderately interesting, seeing how they went after them in the Emerging site like they were the most lethal thing in the universe.


Itā€™s per Drekavac, but I do spider tank, which frees up lows for 3 Entropic Radiation Heatsinks. Additionally, I have damn near max skills, T2 Gun + Occult, and a +5 RoF Implant. You can also make cheaper variants of faction damage mods by using abyssals.

T2 Damage Mod + Decayed Mutaplasmid can give the same damage bonus of a faction Dmg mod, but it requires a perfect role. T2 Dmg Mod + Gravid Mutaplasmid can exceed faction damage bonus relatively reliably.

Also, do note, I donā€™t use god roll Abyssals -I tend to sell any of those I make. Instead, I make use of ā€œdump stats.ā€ For example, I have enough excess CPU on my Drekavac fit, that all of my Damage mods can have the max CPU penalty and my fit will still work. So, I would pick out all the damage mods with terrible CPU penalty (Like 36 tf or worse for decayed, or 37tf or worse for gravid), and then go through all of those looking for the best ones. If I had enough CPU that all my damage mods had to use no more than 35tf, then I would look for damage mods in the 35 to 34tf range, and then pick the best ones out of there.

Oh, and I donā€™t ā€œgambleā€ with my mutaplasmids (Iā€™ve heard of people getting rollers remorse from gambling with mutaplasids). I treat it like a statistics problem. So, Iā€™ll roll between 25 and 100 items at a time (depending on the chances of getting the stats I need and how many items I need).

And do note that Some combos are so cheap, they might as well be free. For example, rolling 100 Compact Large Cap batteries + Decayed should cost less than 10 mil iirc. So donā€™t think that Mutaplasmids are just for making god tier mods. I use them to create mods that are par with faction for cheap. I know it can take a little bit of time designing fits, figuring what combinations to roll, putting up buy orders and all that, but I think it pays off in the long run. I get extra performance out of my ships on the cheap, and I now have containers full of abyssal mods. Iā€™m getting to the point where I hardly have to roll new abyssals any more -I can just rifle through my cans. In fact, I just put together a fit where I wanted an abyssal that fit the following criteria: (1) T2 10MN AB (2) Decayed Mutaplasmid (10MN AB gravids would be too expensive for this ship), (3) Cap Usage - Somewhere in the green, but low priority (4) CPU - Dump Stat, Max Penalty Still works, (5) Velocity- Absolute best that I can get, (6) PG - Dump Stat, Max Penalty still works. Anyway, I checked my can and I already had two that were EXACTLY what I was looking for in terms of bonuses and penalties.
Lol. how did this turn into a hip pocket class on abyssals.

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The cost is in the time you take to sort them out ā€¦

(most of the results are in a can and I donā€™t want to sort 500 DC . The filters donā€™t give the ability to filter on attributes so they are useless I used an auto clicker to create the 500 modules because the interface is shitty, but then I canā€™t find a way to sort them correctly.)

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That is true, but Iā€™ve gotten quite fast at doing so. For example, in addition to my ā€œsell,ā€ ā€œsave,ā€ and trash cans, I have created a ā€œmehā€ can -and I donā€™t actually throw anything away. This prevents me from laboring over any decisions.

Plus, Iā€™d rather spend time theory crafting and putting together a fit that saves me about 200 mil over a faction fit, than I would like to go isk grind 200mil, even if it takes me twice as long to do it. I mean, I already do all the isk grinding I care to do. So, itā€™s not like I would have used that time to do even more. I mean, theory crafting is fun. Isk grinding content that youā€™ve already ā€œsolvedā€ is not. Itā€™s a chore.

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