
Look, if you want to actually see the science, you go here:

Read the summary and if you want to dig deeper and verify all the sources it can guide you deep into the rabbit hole of climate science.

The problem is real, a solution isn’t really tangible. And Bill Gates can go ■■■■ himself because of what he did to computing no matter what he preaches now. He just tries to amplify possible solutions he has a substantial investment in, no matter if that actually helps. Like he always did.


I think what’s hard is it would require a drastic change in lifestyle that most people just aren’t willing to do.

Although I did see an article with some promising developments in fission.

TBH we should be throwing major resources into that and space travel.

Colonizing our initial solar system would bring a lot of benefits. But that’d take centuries of work and a redefinition of our current societies which sadly I don’t think is possible.

The dangerous trend of science is bad and the rise of just absolute quafehead conspiracy peeps probably signals the end times LOL.

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Humans disrupt natural balance with their civilization. Unpopular but honest truth is that depopulation is the fastest method nature itself have to bring balance to nature. Worldwide depopulation being result of lack of resources or viral sickness the kind never was seen yet, affecting people seriously. Humans uniting in fight against the mother nature bringing the deserved punishment will be the future and last phase of the anthropocene. Humans will survive but will be forever tied to earth, iiving only in optimal conditions in some places on earth.

What do you mean? Actual science, not media distortions.

That is the only sentence that makes sense of your drivel. So we disrupt the “natural order” what does that even mean? Early bacteria caused a mass extinction because they produces the oxygen we now breath. Change is a constant

We just have to figure out what we are changing and how we adapt, and maybe if possible how to change our behavior to get the desired outcome. We are the first species on this planet capable of reasoning about this things and influence their own actions based on our observations. I don’t think all is lost yet, we just need to push in certain places so it all goes in a direction that isn’t completely devastating for future generations.

My guy, have you not been keeping track of the news and social media trends?

The past few years have shown an intense spotlight on just how badly people don’t get science and are frankly anti-science.

On one hand, it makes me chuckle but it’s also pretty concerning.

We got peeps believing the Earth is flat, or hollow or ancient aliens made stuff or that by staring at the sun while it’s setting, it’ll clear your mind better.

Don’t even get me started on the quantum shifting Harry Potter people :smiley:

I try my best to avoid them

Please elaborate, that is indeed new. I always say, the media is like a circus, and the spotlight is on the one clown in the middle and not on the thousand of people in the audience who are just there to laugh about the hilarity of the performance. So that is a bad reflection of what people actually think.

Basically peeps think they can quantum shift to alternate dimensions, so they “shift” into Harry Potter world and attend Hogwarts, etc.

They can yennoe, just use the shower to do this apparently :smiley:

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Yeah physicists did a really good job making quantum mechanics spooky, and now apparently everything goes in that regard and is “science”. Meanwhile in reality it’s a mathematical theory that is pretty boring and completely settled in what it predicts.

all we have to do is stop playing games… so simple yet so impossible to do…

Sustainability, this is what civilization needs to survive, whatever is the shape of that civilization.

A small example of how it goes: how will you adapt to cold climate with current amount of people and consumption if there is not enough energy to survive during cold months? Energy, that is what fuelled the technological revolution and brought people from farms to cities. If you have no energy, the current technical civilization collapses. Also people dont need majority of what they have now in the so called developed and developing countries, where consumers consume too much energy for the world to bear fruit to in longer term. If they dont need it, while they are attached to, they will have less of it. There were already civilizations collapsing and people went to live in a bit more sustainable way. Last time it happened at the end of bronze age. But up until technical revolution we lived different lives, that were highly sustainable in long timespan. How it all went:

This is not sustainable, also production of energy in some parts of world is not sustainable.

Its all credit we take and that will not be paid back to nature in other form than CO2 emissions. Imagine that you have to replace all the energy with hydro and renevables, but TOMORROW at 12:00 pm. That is in time constrains what isnt even exagerrated much, Just look at the charts of population and energy usage.
Proof that we will run out of the non renevables, like we have run out of dodo birds.

This is timespan encompassing one average or long lifetime of a human. 100 Years or so.
People living now in their mass will still be reproducing, while enrgy consumption rising and fossil fuel running out. One human lifetime to redevelop everything we have, inlucing societal structure and land use from scratch and make it sustainable in all its entiriety.

Renevables, geothermal could be a thing in some places. With this energy you would have to do everything, everywhere, always. There are problems where in some places you cant have that kind of production of energy with renevables, at least with current consumtion, and in future probably even more demand as we will have even more people wanting to have a share. Its a complex thing, but to say we have found a cure for that problem is too early, and if we dont find during one human lifetime, nature will fix things its own way, balance being returned anyway, only with civilization changing back to where we started technically.

Only if human evolves its body to survive or will grow everything it needs, then the civilization will be sustainable, for some time of course. Planet have around 1 to 3 Billion of years of life surviving on it anyway, if not less. Then it will be unbearable hell and a barren wasteland.

Didnt occured to you why we didnt have a multitude of spacefaring civilizations across our galaxy, living aliens even on earth, mixed origins across the biosphere? Or why there is no probes of mechnized kind anywhere coming from every place out there to us? Or alien spaceships mining already our moons, to make even more spaceships for alien races? They seem to have had enough time to develop things.

The rate of technological advance doesnt seem to suffice for any case of unlimited growth. The growth is limited only to origin planet. In our example, that we live in now, today, it seems to go exactly this way.

But you’ll just withhold food until they agree to become your serfs right?


You will eat ze bugs.

That isn’t a problem.

Better then being in your cult :smiley:

See? You dont even have to be in any cult.

LOL def not yours :smiley:

It depends on where a person lives. Then that depends on the person himself/herself’s…for lacking of a better word I’ll say “signature frequency”. If a person cares about going green, then other individuals with those lifestyles will be with them soon, because there is a proverb that goes like “Misery loves company”. It is the same for happiness. Well, it is not that simple, however I won’t go into details about beliefs. Each to his/her own.

I, too, saw an article like that. I have a more sci-fi suggestion: Machines or antennas that can harvest electricity from Earth’s electromagnetic field. It’s still a fringe area, but there are several people working on it currently and openly. The keyword to search for on search engine is “Space Time Antenna”. The photos are the earliest version of the device. It still has some way to go, develop.

I believe that more innovation and creativity should be enforced. Making spaceships with shoestring budgets. I also believe some South African turned Canadian turned U.S. citizen has done it. Too bad he is too distracted by social media.

An obscure and mostly unknown inventor(who was hired by Google as a chielf for some period) once predicted that there would be “Luddites” in a sense in the future. His predictions have had a respectable accuracy so this might as well happen. But it is easy tagging people and not listening to their sides of the story. You know…both sides hating each other. The tech lovers vs. tree lovers.

I’m unfamiliar with the way you put into phrase. Are you referring to the New Age people or a group of Harry Potter fans?

Oh, I get it now. There were stories like that on Reddit. One was about a WASP boy one day waking up as a Chinese fisherman/fish vendor. What does one gain by quantum shifting like that, I wonder? The more feet-down-on-Earth self-help gurus don’t recommend these so called “quantum shifts” due to them being traumatic for the person. Remember when in the movie Forrest Gump was dumped and abandoned by Jenny and he began to run from Atlantic to Pacific and back for years because of the shock? Then he attracts the attention of the whole nation and Jenny sees him on TV and he ends up with Jenny again? Something like that.

It doesn’t suffice unless we invest in exponential technologies, which we as humans, a portion of humans do and the benefits, the reaping the results are only after a long time.

Here are some charts that show the world is improving in almost every area. I’d include the charts as images, one by one, in this thread but they’re watermarked and too many to post so I’d rather post the page they’re on:

50 Years is quiet optimistic, I think.

We have Oil, only until it is too expensive to pump it out of the earth.

Gail Tverberg:

“Leaders will never tell us that the world has an energy shortage. Instead, leaders will tell us how awful fossil fuels are, so that we will be happy that the economy is losing their usage. They will never tell us how worthless intermittent wind and solar are for solving today’s energy problems. Instead, they will lead us to believe that a transition to vehicles powered by electricity and batteries is just around the corner. They will tell us that the world’s worst problem is climate change, and that by working together, we can move away from fossil fuels.
Again, the whole situation reminds me of Aesop’s Fables. The system puts a “good spin” on whatever frightening changes are happening. This way, leaders can convince their citizens that everything is fine when, in fact, it is not.”

And here you can see how wel the famous “Renewables” are working in Germany over the last week, when the sky is grey and the wind is calm:

You can hover the pointer over the Chart, to see the exact amounts.

And this is only the electrical Energy we need. Don’t even think about heating our houses or drive our cars with “Renewables”.

No fossil fuel = End of civilization.

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I have seen that earlier.

We could theoretically start storing a loooooot of energy, but more with mechanical things like sand in hourglass, water being in short supply.

Dont know how feasible that would be for all those winter months, easier is to live in igloo.

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