
Not we, only some people, and others learned from it. But while some have learned much, it was not enough for everyone, and that we will have to teach those people, that its detrimental to them to start it again. Simple as. I myself contributed a lot :moneybag: to that cause, financing the means of teaching people a lesson they deserve.

You dont seem to have much imagination. Someone is replaced and thats how it is. In democracies its natural, in other systems its more complicated. You only need competent people, with enough backing. The thing is to not destabilize, but stabilize the destabilized. There is a lot of destabilization today. Not enough balance in whole world. But it will come that the balance will be achieved, thru the things people will ask for, and those things will be provided. For a price of course. That price will be their rights to consume being reduced, obedience resulting from the world changing around them, from understanding their role in the world, the role of every human on earth. Consumerism and capitalism will be naturally phased out from peoples minds. It will be replaced with better things. They will praise the sun that they can grow their crops, that it warms them, they will praise the leaders who give them means to survive while the world around wants revenge for the sins of their fathers and mothers.

And so it will be up to the flow of everchanging world. Eventually, where mountains are being turned to dust, where human houses are to be turned to dust, there only conscious, living world remains made out of flesh and bones.

Yeah Gix. I agree with Nana. You need to re-read How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It has a happy ending that you can learn from.

Whose we?

Every country on this earth have been in some kind of war at some time. Unless you somehow live in a perfect non-violent utopia we don’t know about.

Quafe sake, you cannot be this naive.

Ah. You think everyone will become like the Eloi. Sweet. Ask a Morlock how they taste :smiley:

So basically you’re saying you’ll withhold food from them until they obey. And you don’t think the ones you’re withholding from won’t turn violent and reach higher levels of violence because they have nothing to lose?

“You only need competent people, with enough backing” ROFL. There have been competent people since the beginning of time, in every age and nation on this earth.

Yet somehow, terrible things happen at every turn. Not so simple huh?

Holy jebus Amarr space jebus, you’re basically saying you want them to be serfs and to praise their master’s for the gift of life.


Cause yea, that system really worked out for the French eh?

I wonder what happened to all those nobles.


The descendants of the French nobles should be demanding restitution.

Well Nana wants to make them serfs :smiley:

And the future will have to look different. Because I and other people like me have faith and work towards that goal. So sit back and enjoy, you can only gain.

Opposite. Everyone will have as much as he can grow. Thats enough.

This is what resignation leads to. Resignation like yours.

Who cares. The future is different. There will be no nobles, only leaders, and they will be loved.

Oh. So you’re in a cult. Got it. And you dodged the question :smiley:

Uh no. You said you’d withhold it until they gave in LOL.

This right here. You’ll only give them the food if they give in. And become serfs for you ROFL.

Oh? Bold of you to assume I’m resigned. But then again you want to enslave people so


So you also don’t know history. Not surprising.

How pray tell will you make everyone in the world align to this one world view, when nothing has been able to do that since man began?

What force will you use that can cut across cultural, religious and political lines?

I see I have to elaborate, as people like you dont understand much, as they dont even thik about it…

We will all pay the price, and we will all be obedient to our fate, which will be our purpose and our life. It will be adaptation, like every time organism wants to survive. They will gave to the natural way of things to come. Because world is changing towards this goal. I am only harbingering.

History isnt important in the area you so much want to bring here. What is important is the future. The flow of time, the human mind doesnt hold for anyone sticking in past like fly in a tar.

Dont cut, dont destroy, allow it to grow until it fills the purpose. Allow people to grow together with their own well-being, as much as they can do it themselves.

People will not have to be forced, they will flock to the leaders when time is right. They will recognize their words as truth.

They will be saved in Eden.

Those who will oppose the words, will perish in pain and hunger. Nobody will save them if they dont want to save themselves.

Uh huh. People like me hm? And what kind of people is that exactly?

Surely you must know the biggest competition is from one’s own species? Even young Paul knew that.

You speak of nature, yet deny that the most simplistic thing that will happen is that the strong will take from those they can. It’ll be far from Dinotopia my friend. It’ll be Fury Road :smiley:

Wut. The future is guided and dictated by the past LOL. History isn’t important? Yea, that shoots your already non-credible opinon all to quafe even more ROFL.

Broski, I mean this most sincerely, I really hope this whole post of yours has been satire. Cause if not, this is a big oof for you as the Gen Z’ers say.

Oh I’m pretty sure they want to save themselves. Cept you’ll be withholding food from them by force of arms until they starve to death because they don’t want to bend the knee to you or your crazy beliefs.


Super cool utopia you got there :smiley: I’m sure nothing can go wrong :smiley:

What’s funny is you use the word Eden which suggests you follow the nagar’s son. Yet your words and actions are far from that homie’s actual beliefs. Which isn’t surprising but still.

You are literally one of the cults from Fallout my guy :smiley:

Yes, and who will be strong to take from rocks and sun, as they will be unable to take from human anymore? Of course those who will be listened, because they say truth, and will make strong people out of believers, thru growth. Lies will only bring failure to those who believe them, as they will spend themselves and then die from lack of nutritious knowledge.

Mark my words, as they are truth. Knowledge is power. Power is overwhelming.

No, its humans who create the future. Future is what humans believe in and work towards, what they will know will be truth and what will nurture them. These people will be the future.

Idea of it varies, but with time the truth will emerge, and it will be without sins of past.
It will be return to balance.

They will be bending knees to plant their food, celebrating life, celebrating knowledge that was given to them, they will not be bending knees to any human. They will be believing what leaders believe, what I also believe. They will believe in balance, and they will uphold it, they will be part of it, every one of them being guardian of it.

Um yea. Power is overwhelming. And they’ll take. From other humans :smiley:

History itself is evidence.

Of course we create the future of our planet. And that future is shaped by the past. To say otherwise is to completely abandon logic and critical thinking.

Even the world’s religions acknowledge the power of history LOL.

I like how you dodge the rest cause you know I’m right. LOL without sins of the past? Please. Those very sins will be repeated, over and over again.

So the leaders won’t be human? Who will they be then?

LOL. That’s a nice fantasy. Until one of them wants more than what they have, and picks up a rock to claim it. Then that person gains followers as they realize they can have more if they take it.

And guess where that all lead to again?

What have I walked in on, a hippie cult recruitment channel?

No they will not, only thought about past being enough of deterrence.

You had no such means in history as in future to know everything about people. That is where history differs from future.

When people dont want past to happen again, and cant repeat it anymore, all that was left from it, is past, and is left where its place.

No, they wil not be repeated. There will be no way to sin the way people sinned in the past, with knowledge and power that will be given to people.

Leaders are what they know.

All we need is an acoustic guitar and a campfire. We will sing songs until the world is fixed.

Wut. We have literally thousands of years of historical examples of people taking stuff from other people.

Key hint, it’s happening too. Right meow :smiley:

People never want the past to repeat itself. It still does. Quafe, some of our worst history seems to be on the verge of repeating itself again.

Uh. They have the knowledge and power now. They still sinning bro :smiley:

Ok so you’re claiming the leader is knowledge? And when someone decides to use that knowledge for personal gain? What’s going to stop them?

people who don’t give a ■■■■ what they say like me

Just to get back on topic, here is a funny discussion about the topic by two Bitcoiners enlightened beings of somewhat opposing views.

BE gone this chat is not for you this is for carbon not though bitcoin darkness

Silence! It is about this very topic! Back to your cave troll! Kushhh!

Edit: modified the text to make it less triggering to normis

Until now, I observed this thread instead of writing…hoping that the citing of academic, scientific articles would be often done. I would hope at least books would be cited, mentioned or even recommended.

Well, William Gates of all people proposed solutions and took the subject into a weighing in his book titled:

“How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need”. I tried reading the book and dropped it at 80ish percent. I found the book too technical for my taste. Maybe someone else in this thread/forum would like to read it?