Carrier / Marauders Skills Point Reimbursement

Since clearly you are too bad to make proper use of it, can I have your stuff?


carriers ā€¦ useless ā€¦

From a day 1 toon itā€™s a couple of monthsā€¦

I know because it was my first t2 hull 3 years ago heheheh
Still have the old bessie too

Only reimbursment youd get is to extract the skills and loose sp :wink:


I tend to agree CCP should have re-imbursed all T3C SP.
The changes to the class where substantial enough to warrant that.

But whatever, they chose not to and its not going to happen now.

Changes to Marauders and Carriers where peripheral, and not SP related.

Unless you live under a rock, all sp from the 5th subsystems they removed was reimbursedā€¦

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T3s need to be nerfed again. Theyre still too good.

Marauders and dreadnoughts need a buff. Along with t1 Bs and BC.

Armor caps in general need a buff cause of how op shield regen is on shield caps.

I know that.

Unless you live under a rock, stats of ship, subsystem trait , subsystem bonuses from skills and mats also got changed.

What part of ā€œallā€ T3C SP, can you not differentiate from only the removed subsystem?

Re-read the post you replied to.

T3s dont need another nerf and even a balance pass isnt something needed atm. The changes were solid changes and for the cost, usages, etc I think all the T3s are now very viable and interesting and their full potential hasnt been realized yet in terms of usage. That they are better than some faction BS and T1 BS and are out of the hands of alphas is still a good thing.

Dreads dont need a buff, buy a faction dread for the buff. Marauders are great and one of the few ship classes left for the balance passes in the future. I can wait there.

T1 BC and BS do not need a buff, especially now with the Alpha changes to use them. Use faction because you can or settle for the cheaper T1s with insurance.

Armor caps could use a buff with the Damage Control Module using nanite paste to act as a slightly passive armor regen using ā€œnanite technology to repair and ā€˜controlā€™ damage to active ships armor systemsā€. A very mild form of the shield regen formula coupled with a slight overall armor HP nerf would do the trick here imo.

A DCU is there to control damage. Let it. Its been made passive and in this case it could be made active or a third type of Damage Control Unit could be made for armor capitals specifically.


Theyā€™re glass cannons right now
Nothing close to the 600k ehp bricks of old

They didnā€™t remove any ship, only 4 256k sp skills were taken away and reimbursed.
If you want all of it reimbursed feel free to buy extractors and extract them lol.

Also mats for a lot of things got changedā€¦ but people adapted instead of crying for an unrelated sp reimbursement lol

Show me another ship class that was changed more extensively/comprehensively than the T3C change ever in the history of EVE.

4 ships vanilla stats got changed, their subsystems (which no other class has) got changed, their subsystem skill bonuses got changes, the production mats got changed and an entire SP line related to this class alone got removed entirely

Are you deliberately trying to crawl up my butt, or do you genuinely not realize the T3C change was one of, if not the most, comprehensive and extensive change to any ship class in all the history of EVE?


  • Jump Fatigue is really awful but actively prevents your ass from being handed to you by Jump Swarm and their fourty-thousand-trillion (accurate number, I counted) super carriers and dreadnoughts.

  • There are now two types of carrier and so much more diversity with carrier fitting than before, you have literally a thousand options when it comes to capital class carriers.

Stop undermining me @Salvos_Rhoska
Why do you think no one likes you? You keep thinking you know everything and everyone else is somehow mentally deficient on so many levels.

Material changes have nothing to do with sp
And the skills that were taken away have been reimbursed to those of us who trained them.

There is absolutely nothing else to add here.
But you obviously want the final word either way.

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TBH I donā€™t remember them ever reimbursing SPs for nerfs, only skill removals.
Oh, and Marauders are far from useless. I donā€™t have a carrier so I canā€™t comment on those.


T3C changes where the most wide and expansive of any change to any ship class in all of EVEs history.

You failed to refute that.

You lose the point.

You tried, and failed, to undermine my stated facts.
I didnt need to undermine your claims, as they where false to begin with

The fact that sp was reimbursed for the removed skills proves me right.
The fact that sp has nothing to do with the material changes proves me right.

Stop trying, Iā€™ll have to come back to EVE just to be a major pain :wink:

And unlike you, to be blunt, I donā€™t argue about stuff I know thereā€™s nothing to argue about, like idk, the whole T3C changes were bigā€¦ lmao


A t3c is supposed to be slightly better than a t1 cruiser and worse than a t2 cruiser by ccps own design graph.
No t3 should out perform a Bs.

Bs donā€™t have enough hp and are too slow when against frigates. They need buffs to the small double heavy turrets for tracking so they can be the rapid light missle launcher equivalent turrets.
The Bs sized gun battlecruisers and non combat battlecruisers need general buffs too.
Ccps already admitted Bs and bcs are on the list for changes.

Dread buff I mentioned was intended for pve. No reason I shouldnā€™t be able to use. a dread if others can use carriers or super carriers. Iā€™d like to see a change to siege to add an additional bonus to tracking or maybe altering cycle times to be shorter. Instead of 5 minutes at x stront let me toggle it like bastion but it consumes stront continuously at a fixed rate until I turn it off or i run out.

Damage control unit used to be active years ago and it used almost no cap.
People always forgot to turn them on and it was pointless keeping them active since they used almost no cap so they just made them passive and got rid of the headache.

More like T3C matches T2, but are more expensive, skill intensive.

T3C Generalizes while T2 specializes. This will, I hope, be mitigated in the upcoming HAC rebalancing coming soon from CCP.

BS have a lot of HPs, more than enough to do what BS need to do. Doing more means longer battles given logi reps in combat and more ā€œwrecking ballā€ sort of fleets that cant be countered. The idea is more ships blowing up not less here.

Being too slow against frigates is something sure but not significant imo. Now the buff to the smallest large turrets Im right there with you. They are the most underused and undervalued turrets in the game. Providing some HAW style weapon system to BS would be a great niche game, particularly if balanced against doing way less damage to bigger targets using sig radius equations. Putting these in a good way might bring their prices and usage up quite a bit.

Again BC Id say are in good positions. They all have uses and since the BC changes several years ago their usage his increased, even the underused old Tier 1s.

Im sorry but dreads for PvE usage dont need a buff as any PvE buff would directly translate to a PvP buff as well. Siege cycles could use some tweaking sure. But I cannot see a great drawback to make shorter bastion like 1 or even 2-2.5min cycles. Making it more cap or stront intensive isnt enough. And as you stated there are other ships for the job so to shoehorn dreads into multiple roles shouldnt be a main issue imo.

Yes I am well aware of the changes to DCUs in the past. You were talking about a passive armor repair that wasnt covered by an armor repairer much like the passive shield regen. So I gave you a scenario to use existing mechanics, ideas and usage to make a ā€œregen liteā€ version out of a DCU. An item not always used on capitals as well as using the new short cycle/high resist DCUs instead. Making it a Nanite repair paste item would mean having to repair the DCU, to get the passive regen thereby removing the shield, armor and hull resist bonuses while doing so. It would make it suitable to repair outside of direct combat situations but not while under fire. Making it a new capital level DCU module to replace the old DCUs would mean new BPOs, invention and building with new stats, fitting, etc to replace the regular DCU module as well making it only subcap.

This would split DCUs into two types for capitals. One that would benefit armor capitals and give the old DCU values for shield capitals while in capital sizes and build reqs like most capital modules alongside the new high resist/short cycle emergency DCU types also available.