Carriers too stronk! WAAAAAH!

I’ve never seen it. But if so, then I stand corrected (I’ll take your word for it).

Well, it is new:

Then I stand corrected. Will unsub if that’s how you’re supposed to play the game.

Personally, I think this is just a bad wording on CCP side, that can be used for trolling now.

Good riddance.


Ouch! Got me!

You have to admit, though … it’s funny. :smiley:
Just look at what you’ve written!

Freud would be having a field day! :smiley:


OP, you are right, as a player who used carrier a lot in the past, the last nerf to fighter application was a step too far. I stopped using them at that point.

That you cannot kill a single AFK ratting Ishtar with a full rack of fighters says just what a terrible job CCP did once again.

Perhaps now that they finally fixed cyno’s they can reverse that last nerf to fighters. One can always hope.

And no you are not trolling, you are telling it as it is.

PS Sol has never used carriers, but he can tell you how to use Thrashers in Hek… :stuck_out_tongue:

you had a max dps fit? I have quickly learned in eve max dps is only useful if youre shooting targets slower than you.

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I have watched a fair share of eve pvp videos and saw ppl running ridiculous tank fits capable to go against up to 10 other guys in subcap ships. You could have very well ran into a not so afk max skilled bling tank fitted ishtar with a guy having fun maximizing his shield rep and pretending to be afk just cause its eve

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Some dude in a battleship couldn’t either AFK Ishtar either. Apparently he’s experienced in PvP. See video linked somewhere above.

I’m not sure why the idea of ships being good at some things and worse at others is a foreign concept to you. Carriers are massive, slow, have bad damage application, etc. but can project that damage further than any other ship and have absurd utility. Those aren’t the strengths you need for killing cruisers solo. If you insist on a capital, why not use a HAW dred? I won’t dissuade you from making poor decisions with expensive, lumbering ships.

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It isn’t. Taking the idea too far is a foreign concept to me. Saying we will have ships differentiated into industrials, combat, mining, etc. is one thing. That’s having some ships being good at some things and worse at others. Saying “capships are only for group use” is another thing entirely. Even worse, saying they are only for group use, and only for use by nullsec’ers (special toys for special groups of people) is even worse yet again. Nevermind saying battleships are only for running level 4 missions.

Certain groups who hate certain ships try to severely restrict their usage so most people can’t use them in most situations. That is a foreign concept to me, and bad game design.

I have one, if you must know, and I’m saving for another :slightly_smiling_face:

And your point is…? I never said that battleships are for level 4s only. What I’m saying is that carriers are don’t need to be buffed to make them solo-pvp cruiser-killers, because they’re already super capable at what they do. Why do you think they’re used in fleet-fights? No ship should ever be perfect at everything it does, no matter how big or expensive.
Not sure why you’re lumping me into some strawman of a “nano gang” boogieman. :man_shrugging:

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I know. I said that. Well, I quoted nano-gangers as saying that. It’s an example of the mentality of “ships being good at certain things, and worse at others” but taken to extreme. You asked what my problem with this concept was. I answered that I didn’t have a problem with the concept, until taken to extremes as some do.

I never said they did. I didn’t say anything on this matter.

You gave the EXACT talking points and rallying cry of these people. “Bigger should not equal better!” They said this a million times when crusading against battleships, then a million more times when crusading against capships. I even stated this rallying cry somewhere above, before you even said it. Perhaps you’ve bought into their propaganda without even realizing it.

Here’s an excerpt from my post above, around #55 or so (emphasis added):



Aw man… you caught me with a zinger :rage:

Not being funny but… “gang” kind of means “not solo”.

Just pointing that out cos that’s the level this thread has fallen to and I didn’t want this thread locked before I said something like this.


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Is this what you are quoting?

‘Frigate’ is singular in that sentence.

No. I quoted what I was quoting. That’s why I quoted that quote and not your quote.

Bc quoting.


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