
Why do cats (yes 2 now)

Cats leave you after you feed them for hours in the day?

Why do they ditch me as soon as they had a meal?


Because they know that they canā€™t be in your lap while you are playing silly human games. They demand ALL of your attention


I donā€™t have any children. (thank deity of choice) You must not either? Cats are worse. :rofl:


Iā€™m currently working at becoming a cat!


With note to the comment on general regarding miner permits.

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Fortunately for you, your parents didnā€™t feel the same way.

Children though should come with an 18 year guarantee. If not entirely satfisfied, or defective (wrong sex) return them to where you got them for a full refund.

@Chad_Frostpacker Oh so cat lady means cool lady

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the problem is when you have no choice.
And a cat cannot replace a child even if the cat is cool and the child defective :smirk_cat:

Actually it can and one did.


I said no. You canā€™t beat up a cat.


yes, the dog can be beaten

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One did considering how late in life I was born. Meh, into each life, a little rain must fallā€¦

My sister and brother-in-law. I was never uncouth enough to ask any questions.

Not in your case if you already have children, But I would rather have cats than fail as parent and bring up entitled snowflakes.

I have a friend who feels exactly the same way.
Last saturday night she gave up going to a party because, as she didnā€™t know all the participants, she was afraid of meeting unpleasant people.
She stayed at home and watched TV.
While Iā€™m still crying about not being invited to the party.
Life is bizarre.

anyway, hereā€™s Milky :heart:, my neighbourā€™s cat looking for something on the tree of life:

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Had a party when I was in school, expected a few people, half the school turned up - lol.

maybe itā€™s because of your ā€˜radiant personalityā€™? :slightly_smiling_face:

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