I know, EvE is mayby better than real life its offer freedom, in some aspects ofc, you can do everything here, you can gank you can spy you can scam etc its ok, im not against, but come on a guy playing form 2006 got 21 account 150 fited destroyers and hunt poor newbi miners and make life stream how to gank newb… COME ON CCP what the fuckk is this ? i know you offer freedom but you boost pirates and dont give care about newbis.
Some strucuures rep pirates with -10 sec status, concord npc game mechanic total suck, eve veterans that are 10+ years old use multiple accounts to kill a 2 day character in eve, what the ■■■■ with you, come on… non locked targets like pods with -10 or fleet of destroyers with algin time less than x sec not able to lock before they start suicide just what the ■■■■., your game mechanic isynt wrong is ok, but ist totaly a huge gap betwen chance for survive and huge gap abbilitys. This isynt more balanced game mechanic its meta gaming to avoid game mechanic, this game style of suicide isynt about playing, its about avoid weaknes of poor, here simple method to kill weak, why kiling weks is so easy.
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It’s hard to read your rant, you can probably do better than this.
Well, after 6 ( and counting) edits, it better be grammatically and content containing darn near perfect. 
150 man blob easy to spot coming, wise man say.
Even in a relatively busy high sec system that must cause a big local spike, I imagine.
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I know English and German, Polish and Rusian, maybe few words of other language that is still know better than your Chinese, without learnig them in school my grammar suck, but where is the problem, can you speak any other better than your native can you even speak your native at 60% i dont think so …
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Good for you… what are moaning about?
Myself with perfect core skills and a 750k ehp bowhead will die fast if I was the target of a gank. Fair play if they do. If you make yourself a target you will become one, and not all 10 day chars are 10 day chars if you get my meaning.
Another anti-gank whine thread. As always, OP has misconceptions about ganking, doesn’t understand how trivially easy it is to avoid being a profitable gank target, and doesn’t value ganking as an important part of the player ecosystem.
But ganking is an important part of the player ecosystem! As long as it doesn’t target me! Or the newbies, think of the newbies!
Woohoo! I apparently am able to speak Chinese.
Thank you, CCP, for the skill injection.
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