[quote=“CCP_Leonidas, post:87, topic:332208”]
I can confirm that it takes longer to multi-task between fullscreen applications when the native resolution in-game is different from the resolution set in Windows. Unfortunately this is an issue with how Windows handles multi-tasking with different fullscreen resolutions.
have you tried Fixed Window? For me, alt tabbing between full screen EVE clients has been impossible to use for many years now because the clients lag and have terrible performance. With Fixed Window, you have the benefits of fullscreen look and better performance.
No graphics driver updates or anything? there was a nVidia update on the 12th which changed a bunch of things around for Windows 11 support including HDR changes and fullscreen handling.
There was a reset to full screen. On one of my accts. ONE! The others were left as fixed window.
So it still looked like fixed window on the desk top but must have been a huge conflict once I opened the acct with full screen on top of it. Thus forcing it into the wonkyness I was getting.