CCP get rid of Auto Pilot

That’s IT! Friendship ENDED. I hope you’re proud of yourself you toxic jerk.

Nothing constructive to say but you call the ISD. Are you afraid of a little PVP

Are you afraid of FRIENDSHIP?

I offer you MY HEART and you step on it! AND you were mean to Mindahouf Davaham in his own thread!

Totally agree as well as black out for all of eve

Totally disagree. CCP please force him to be my friend again.

Sounds like fun but not sure about it. On one hand it would force players to adopt new tactics in groups but on the other it would make New Eden’s era of technology a joke.
We here on Planet Earth can get data from Pluto and, now with the Voyager probes, even further so taking out Local would be a regression in this sci-fi environment.

Yes maybe because i had a bad idea that makes sense just going after people is not

I thought your idea was WONDERFUL. Keep your chin up and don’t listen to Tenger Ondor Khaan he’s a troll.

Hmm odd then

odd that this was the first reply in there

I changed my mind

was it because you were harassed out of that post? as it looks like that was why you changed you’re mined

No, I truly believe your threads are good and well thought out. CCP please hire this man.

what about guys who run multiple accounts and pay for them, mainly big industry guys who have multiple capital freighters and don’t mind running them on autopilot while doing other tasks such as PI, marketing, and industry well his stuff is being hauled, and it’s up to them to take the risk… and that’s just one aspect of using autopilot in a good productive manner! ???

We need to protect the multi-trillionaire noobs in their freighters.

The auto-pilot option is nothing more than a giant “Gank Me!” Beacon drawing in toxic pvp gankers into high sec.

In fact almost 99% of freighter ganks happen to people using the auto pilot feature.

It’s toxic and promotes the toxic ganking player base.

I think it should have never been a feature. And it needs to be removed immediately.


CCP cannot disable autopilot. It is tied in with the old POS code.

Well, then they don’t need an autopilot on airplanes or cars either, right? complete waste of resources?

How is autopiloting the “beginning of botting”? I have used autopiloting to move around for over 10 years and have not started botting at all. This is a ridiculous argument. Especially when you consider that bots use the “Warp and Jump” or “Warp and Dock” command and not the autopilot. It’s hilarious to assume that autopiloting leads to botting.

What does that have to do with anything?

This is a video game. Not real life.

If you are having a hard time distinguishing the two, then you may want to seek some sort of professional help.

It’s not about botting. Gankers go after freighters and ships on autopilot.

It draws these horrible people into high sec like moths to an electric lamp.

And noobs end up loosing their billion isk freighters to these jokers. That’s why auto-pilot needs to be removed from the game.

I can’t believe that CCP even has this option available. It essentially a little more than a “murder me” button.

We need to protect the noobs in their freighters. And the first step to doing that is removing auto pilot.

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