CCP, Goonswarm are making an example of you

You dont really get how this works Im afraid.

If its true (doubtful) there is a market impact and behavoural impact across the game.

If a scam, it affects everyone equally (not at all).

His view is as valid as yours, moreso if anything as he has greater understanding of the situation.

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Looks very much like a scam.

It will make isk if people do pay, and content and more isk probably, if they don’t. Assuming it is not more nuanced than it appears?

I guess we will only find out if you don’t pay and they war dec you?


If they sent 60 of these out, 20 corps paid, and they then decced only 5 of the forty that didn’t pay, and four of them came to the forums afterwards to shout about it… OP success?

Sounds like a clever scam, or knowing goons as we do

they will ONLY dec the ones that DO pay…

As they will know they are easy marks, easy targets, and will likely be willing to pay more again to stop the dec?

Also @Dinsdale_Pirannha

@Dinsdale_Pirannha I have but one question for you?

Why have you been playing this game for so long, when you obviously can’t stand it’s core game design and the mechanics that make it possible?

(Unless you don’t understand how changing high sec like this would affect the whole sandbox and ruin the game for many high sec players- which I find unlikely as you don’t seem stupid just lazer focused on your own point of view- and would only be achievable by sharding/none pvp server)

Why? What do you actually like about it at all?

There are other games with spaceships that don’t rely upon all the players in all areas of space having access to the same markets? Why not play one of those?


Why not, drop corp now for ‘holiday period’ make private chat channel to keep corp social scene going.

Keep chars that don’t undock in corp to manage wallet/indy jobs etc so you can still work on projects together.

DO NOT PAY or respond to evemail in any way,except CEO to say ‘of course we aren’t paying don’t be silly’ and that’s it.

CEO needs to make sure no one from corp replies or responds to contacts from gsf until resolved, inclusing and especiay in local, or posts about it on forums or feeds it AT ALL.

You should be using neutral haulers in NPC corps anyway, so war dec irrelevant to them, if you are not, do so from now on, please.

MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE, please :hearts:

If you like the indy high sec game, why not find a corp that knows how to deal with war decs, or that is part of an alliance with pvp corps and has bat phone capabilities, or I guess you could try and make your current situation work, but why go if you like the sandbox, and if you don’t I guess horses for courses?

Please to understand:

An Indy corp with 80+ actives is not small
An Indy corp with 80+ activies is making a lot of isk, and they are competing with other industrialists and markeers- this is PVP
You were getting big enough to think about moving to null
You were the perfect target for war dec corps, and a perfectly legitimate one, just because your form of player versus player gameplay does not involve simulated violence, it has a sandbox wide effect, that is why you can no more be shielded from the player versus player activities of those who do use simulated violence PVP, as they are not shielded from the ramifications of your actions either

EDIT: if you have structures this might make dropping corp etc more complicated, but if you have structures you are an even juicier target, and so should be able to defend them.

Last edit @Prim_Niminen , @Salvos_Rhoska is definately NOT a CODE agent tyvm, also I am a trader that has done other stuff previously.

Maybe EVE is not for you, OR maybe eve is not what you thought it was, but now you know what it is, perhaps you may decide it can be a lot more interesting and more engaging, and you don’t need gunnery skills to pvp.

I think its brilliant, and a valid extension of EVE meta.

However, I have one caveat.
I hope this doesnt lead to spam emails.

I changed telephone operator last week, and the company I used to buy service from has spammed me with SMS messages trying to beg me back.

Fk that sht.


Seems to be a CODE sms war dec is coming to your direction

Please. I suicide gank as a public service and for the greater good and in the noble pursuit of content generation.

Ganking is not “content generation”, unless your definition of “content generation” is simply “I cause some things to happen” in which case everyone, including that one guy who was only doing missions in his Scorpion Navy Issue for the past two years without as much as speaking a word in Local, is a “content generator” and the term is broad enough to be practically meaningless.

Anything and everything players do in this game, is content.
Arguably all PvE is not actually “content” until some player engages in it.
That’s where the P part comes in, in PvE.


They replace the rats that would add risk to balance arbitrage pvp in other games with player markets

EVE has ‘good’ rats that are invincible, CODE and other SGers initiate PVE encounter by doing PVP, this adds the risk that balances the game.

This is what makes eve different from all other games, and it is why it is possible to have high/low and null sec on the same server, accessing the same markets, without game breaking.

Just think about it for a bit, and think what you would replace the suicide gankers with, if they were removed from the game?

Rats that can be min maxxed because they follow patterns- you broke the game.

Rats with AI as good as human agents, and not following exactly predictable patterns- you are in the same situation.

What would you replace the suicide gank mechanism with Concord to punish not protect with?
How would your idea balance the game, given the above?

Suicide Ganking is not just ‘content creation’ it precedes this, it is just intended content, it’s creators are not

Then as I said, the term is meaningless.

He generates a target.

How are targets not content?

He generates a drama if I play with him and his replies are entertaining.

How is drama not content?

Please define content if it cannot include unscheduled nonconsensual ship disassembly

Of course it is friend. The New Order of Highsec and the other ganksters of highsec are the premier player-driven content generators of highsec. Do you not pay attention to these forums? That, plus the occasional missive on war declarations like this thread, is practically all the highsec community talks about. Suicide ganking keeps highsec players on their toes, helps introduce the more timid ones to other players through the ganker-gankee interaction pipeline, and gives them purpose and something to talk about.

That is content of the highest order. A solo mission-runner whose only interaction with the shared universe is the occasional buying and selling on the market is not generating content or shaping the shared universe. Serving as a public villain, enforcing consequences for imprudent behaviour, and increasing engagement of the other players by serving as agents of risk are all goodly and intending things in Eve.

My market activities may get me rich, but like the solo mission runner they don’t provide others with any meaningful content other than transaction lines in their wallets. Therefore, I like to give back to the community by spending some of my wealth on content generation by testing highsec residents through suicide ganks and the occasional wardec to make their game more exciting, as philanthropy.

But this thread isn’t about me and my small efforts towards generating player content, it’s about Goonswarm’s supposed efforts towards highsec content generation. I think we can both agree a formal and organized campaign against all highsec industry by a large nullsec power is “content generation” much like their fabled Ice Interdiction was?


But this thread isn’t about me and my small efforts towards generating player content, it’s about Goonswarm’s supposed efforts towards highsec content generation. I think we can both agree a formal and organized campaign against all highsec industry by a large nullsec power is “content generation” much like their fabled Ice Interdiction was?

That’s much more like it.

Calling ganking “content generation” is like calling peacefully running highsec data/relic sites “content generation”. See, when I clear the site, not only do I deny it to some other player, it actually respawns somewhere else in highsec. So it’s like, I’m both PvPing and literally generating content(sites) all over highsec. Go me.

The term PvE, is meaningful, but as I said, only when the P part is actually present in terms of a player running that content.

Otherwise it would be EvE ( Note: Meaning Environment vs Environment, not to be confused with Everyone vs Everyone, which is often understood to be the acronym for EVE as the name of this game).

How this matters, is that it points out that all PVE operates in this game as a floating incident in a PvP field. In other words, all PvE is permeated by PvP. That you are PvEing yourself, creates content for PvPers.

I made this diagram years ago to help internalize this concept:

(Sorry, Ralph. Mercs still not included. Been lazy.)

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Yes. You are you just dont realise it.

No you are still mistaken. Running PvE is often not meaningful “content creation”. You don’t (always) shape the narrative, interact with other players, or influence the other players game experience in any significant way. Yes, there is some PvE/collaborative content generation when you interact with other players and through doing so you give them something to do, but if you are just putzing around with NPCs by yourself you are not generating content, only consuming the content the developers provided. If you declare war on another player or explode them with a suicide gank, especially if you provide reasons and story for doing so, you are creating real, exciting and in-your-face content. You impact their game and even that of other players who react to your actions.

Enough of this though. Let’s not get dragged down into yet another semantic argument this forum is known for. If you want, call everything “content creation”, but recognize various activities have varying degrees of impact on the other players around you. Highsec wars and crime have a much larger, and much more direct impact on the other players than solo PvE or market trading does and thus I deem such noble pursuits as “quality” player-generated content.


Some of this really ^ +1

This, EVE is a fluid continuity.
No player action, or inaction, is without impact on the entirety of the system, whether large/small, direct/indirect, un/predictable.

As is often said, EVE is more of an ocean simulator, than a space simulator, in more ways than one. Every player action causes hydraulic pressure on the system which changes/shapes/defines the fluid continuity.

There is also the closed system ecology model.

EVE is basically, boiled down, an aquarium with all of us in it.
There is no action, or choice of inaction in this aquarium that does not have effect on every other entity in the aquarium.

All cause/effect is interlinked.

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Goons aren’t a threat in highsec outside of events like burn jita.

If you’re going to try extortion racketeering with hs corps you have to be able to do a bit more than camp the hubs and pipes, because the mercs have been doing this literally forever.

The only real problem they might present is you can wave good bye to your structures, outside of this its no different than a pirat or vendetta war, probably a little easier to deal with if I’m honest.


I agree, Salvos. I also hope it doesn’t lead to spam; we don’t need that in EVE. As far as I’m concerned, if I send a post-gank mail, that’s it. If the addressee responds, I reply; other than that, I’m out.

My irritant was an anti-virus software co. Like, I left them because their product became unusable; so I’m going to go back if they spam me?

I don’t think so.

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no worries man, that industrys befuckered to hell and back at the moment anyway


no he’s not , he said hes doing it for profit.

were it not for this type of endeavour the moons would all be4 covered in dead pos junk.

hes simultaneously making a profit ,providing a service and entertaining himself (fyi iv been paid good isk to do this for many people over the years)