Competent??? The new chat system is still not working properly, more than 1 month after release!!! That is the opposite of competent!
Im not exaggerating, i notice bugs pretty much every time i play, for example yesterday, the my corp chat channel was empty, although 4 people were online. Also, for what ever reason, CPU usage is still much higher than usual (2-5 times higher).
Probably the programmers have been laid off after the release, like so many other devs in the last 6 monhts.
Seriously. There is no way of ever balancing anything fairly, as long as they have to be accommodated. In nature, the little guy has no chance of competing against groups, unless he is actually smart and dedicated about it. That’s how it ■■■■■■■ works.
Wimps who demand support by game mechanics might need to realize that they are really just a little guy with no hope of ever achieving anything important … or they actually start doing something, instead of waiting for the game to make it easy for them.
Yes, because it is a sandbox and people can and will turn to strategies that work, like N+1. This is often the case in general, not just in EVE.
EVE provides an environment where people can play as people are, not as how some player wished them to be. The latter is just magical thinking really.
Perhaps CCP has finally realized that despite their best efforts trying to get people to play how CCP thinks they should play in a sandbox is a fool’s errand. Players, and people in general, will tend to do what they perceive is their best options. As such, if grouping up and working together provides greater advantage players are going to try and do it irrespective of what CCP does to try and get them to not do it.
This whas CCP Greyscale’s great dream. NS comprised of all these small entities fighting and fighting. But to achieve this vision he would have had to turn the game, which is about a dystopian future, into a dystopian gaming experience, IMO. That is players would be engaged in considerable drudgery.
Yes, the CSM are master puppeteers who make CCP Devs dance to their tune.
Can you explain to us how this works? I understand the process via which RL politicians use to further their agenda. But unlike the CSM, RL politicians have actual power. They can vote on certain pieces of legislation, sign executive orders, compell people to do various things. The CSM can do none of this. What coercive powers does the CSM have?
You really think that if the leadership of various alliances said, “Leave we have to teach CCP a lesson,” that the players would simple logoff and terminate their accounts?
This is just laughable. People are going to stop playing a game they enjoy because their leadership tells them to…it is literally like hurting yourself to get your way. Does this tactic work with you in general? When you want a discount at a store do you pull out a knife and say, “Give me 20% off or I’ll cut myself!”
That people group up and work together in game is a voluntary activity. I joined the group I am with for a variety of reasons, but if the leadership became overbearing and made it so I stopped enjoying the game…I’d go find another group. You seem to be operating under some sort of false idea that the leadership or an alliance or corporation can coerce their membership to do things they do not want to do. That is just specious nonsense.
Sounds like like the leadership of the powerblocs doesn’t it. As long as they get what they want via the csm politicians they happy. If they don’t they use the “we will unsub” attitude. But that’s exactly what ccp has done. They have handed over the game to the powerbloc’s leadership. Just the few and not the entire community. They make empty baseless promises and yet still rather support the leadership of the powerblocs so that they don’t quit because they hold the majority of the community in their alliances.
Make the outposts non-unanchorable. But make them destructible. You cannot unanchor them but you can blow them up. Therefore the powerbloc leaderships and their alt alliances don’t get to take them all and screw the entire community.
LMAO you make a statement of wimps needing game mechanics assistance. But yet ccp is supporting the powerblocs and serving it all to them on a golden platter. So your argument is retarded. CCP make baseless promises of trying to support the little guys as well, but end up rather supporting the blue donuts and powerblocs rather sometimes knowingly and other times not always know it. In this case, they are knowingly doing so. They supporting the powerblocs in this case with game mechanics. So how is that supporting the little guy. ID10T express you are on for sure.
Historically this has been proven numerous times whereby people simply unsubbed all the titan toons and well, ccp caved and gave what they wanted. Hahahaha… yeh, people have logged off in droves, and as i said, its been historically proven, and to top it off, csm’s do have a certain power. csm’s are politicians, maybe not of a country, but still. You answered the question you noted by this comment, “Yes, the CSM are master puppeteers who make CCP Devs dance to their tune.” enuff said on that.
What history? You mean like all the butthurt players over the nerf to tracking titans and all the people stomping their feet and quitting which lead CCP to rolling that nerf back…oh…wait…never mind.
Hahahaha…I too can make claims without a shred of evidence to back them up.
Let me see politicians of a town, city, or nation have actual power to enact coercive legislation backed up by threats of violence which include killing those who resist too strenuously…Yeah, the CSM has power. Bravo Sierra.
Sorry, it is a load of complete Bravo Sierra and this is a rant thread, but don’t worry, Buldath won’t close it.
Even the United States, Japan, Canada. Granted it isn’t the boot in the face kind of coercion, but ask those who don’t pay their taxes what happens to them.
The CSM are a bunch of nerds, elected by other nerds who go and try to advise and yes, influence the Devs. But in terms of power members of the CSM have very little. To equate them to someone in parliment, congress, city hall, or the like is just silly in the extreme.
If you don’t give the structures to the corporation/alliance that currently owns it, how do you give it to when the change happens? How would it be fair? A random draw from all corporations in the game? Would that be fair? A 1 person tax-dodging corp getting a faction citadel in nullsec and all the costs it comes with?
HHAHAHAHA… i don’t believe i am special. But it seems you are rather upset. Maybe its because you are from one of those powerblocs, and don’t like the ideas of smaller people. Unlike you, i don’t rent, and its retarded. Low sec is way more fun. Most null space retards are too scared to have bad sec status.
LOL… so why is it so important the powerblocs get to take all the outposts then. Who is actually gaining here, the little dude, or the powerblocs. Outposts worth hundreds of billions given freely to the powerblocs wallets. Sounds like communism to me. The people don’t own anything, only the leaderships of powerblocs do. You are absolutely terrible yourself. You say life doesn’t work this way, neither does the game, yet ccp makes promises of building in mechanics to help the little guys too. There are also so many that spew eve is life, eve is real, eve is everything. Markets and calculations are designed around real life scenarios and markets, but you say it does not work like that in reality or in the game. I guess you have no idea what you saying and you just plain suck donkey oysters. I feel sorry for losers like yourself… nooooooot…