No. Make them destructible. But they cannot be unanchored. Allowing limited faction citadels as the conversion from outpost will make them worth hundreds of billions, and the powerblocs will move in, take them all over, and unanchor them, thus the leadership of those powerblocs then own them and they sit in the hangars. Historical items in this game scooped up by powerblocs leadership and lost forever, due to stupid decisions by ccp.
LMAO… i haven’t been food for them for a long time. They are my food. Their haulers are tasty, their rants in low sec local when they get killed are delicious. But that’s ok. I don’t expect you to know much.
Learn to use quotes please
You do realize that the biggest bonuses they get are tied to the rigs they will have fitted, not the actual hulls themselves (though they are powerfull as well) ? If you unanchor them, you will lose the rigs.
Then why are you here crying so much?
But a hint: in general, the powerblocs aren’t interested in lowsec, so this statement doesn’t make much sense. At the moment anyway, they are too busy flipping outposts, however if you are a lowsec pvper (no evidence of), then why are you shedding so many tears about outpost dominance?
Key word. Earn. The history is here for us to read and know what happened. Just because you dont have a piece of it in your hanger doesnt mean its lost. Those in a leadership position have done something sometime to deserve that spot. In eve its not about promotion points or applications for the position. People who lead here have been recognized as an effective leader. Theyve earned their space. Earned their position. Earned their power. Earned. Not bitched until somebody gave you what you wanted to shut you up.
Ahahahaha…yes, I am secretly the leader of Goonswarm Federation. Gadzooks I’ve been found out.
I’d like to submit this for one of the more stupid things written on the forums. Yes, using a fleet of dozens if not hundreds of players to obtain one of the valuable citadels is “free”.
Just struck me that this guys rants remind me very much of Gevlon Goblin.
Sounds great, when can we have it?
Isn’t provi the biggest region where what you’re complaining about is happening? Shouldn’t you…care?
Which CSM’s? All of them? If not - name and shame.
What was the response you got from CCP when you previously asked them to publish the records from any voting that occurs at CSM meetings? The CSM is made up of your representatives. You have a right to know what they voted for, or even discussed.
And of course, you also have a personal responsibility to help change those representatives if they are no longer working for you. This, given that you obviously care so much.
Again, I ask, which of the CSM would you like to see removed “from office”? Alternatively, what is your manifesto for getting elected to the CSM?
How does CCP hand over free faction fortizars anyways? They announced a while back that they were being converted, and it’s not too late to try to claim your own. If it’s too hard to claim because other bigger groups have them, that’s not CCP’s fault. CCP provides the mechanics, but eve is a sandbox. Again, currently, anyone can still claim them before they get converted
Just have to join the right powerbloc
Hmmm, I am a member of a “powerblock” ( deliberately not using a P ), helped building it fromthe start five yerars ago and soon we will have faction Citadels. I really like that. Now, what’s your point again?
Seems like you are blind, deaf, dumb and stupid. It doesn’t matter where i hang out. I am as much as part of the community as you powerbloc leaderships are. I am also allowed to give my opinion. If you don’t like it STFU and don’t say a word. Its that simple.
Who said i wanted to be a CSM. I’m not a politician, i simply know how politicians think. Who owns the majority of the csm positions. Who are the powerblocs. Try also putting 1+1 together. I don’t even need to explain, as it seems most of you are just trolling or are part of the leadership that don’t like other peoples ideas. Yet again i prove my point.
Another id10t i see.
LMAO… and be like the rest of the brainless F1 slammers. Nah… they can keep the brainless. Not interested.