CCP hands over FREE Faction Citadels to Powerbloc Leadership after Outpost Conversion

Now that is one hell of a long term goal.


well Failminion did not work as intended and snipe hunt sov is just a pain in everyone head not just provi’s

Today I learned the Icelandic word for aluminium foil is álpappír. Thanks!


Maybe you could have tried doing something, rather than just crying?

Same now.


I think you’re underestimating CCP. They hate CVA as they’ve demonstrated before. This is a way of getting rid of CVA - it’s hardly subtle but then Dominion wasn’t subtle and somehow that failed. There is no way anyone could do this, or Dominion, and not see what was going to happen. They couldn’t be stupid enough to let power bloc players design their patches like this. (God I hope that level of stupidity isn’t possible.)

Sorry, but that’s some Level-V-tinfoil-hat stuff…


I think he managed to train it to level VI.

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Pirate tinfoil boosters!

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Nullsec warfare, claiming territory and resources has always been a game of grand strstegy where warlords who can command massive amounts of people, fight with eachother. It has always been this way and hopefully always will be.

In your whole post you make it sound like CCP is favouring the others, handing them stuff. You try really hard to paint a picture of CCP taking something from you away and handing it over to someone else.

But the exact oposite is true. They are changing something in the game where the rules are the same for everyone. They dont take sides. They change a little game mechanic and the rest is up to the players

Ironically YOU are the one asking right here for them to take sides with you! Because you feel entitled to keep the stuff you are not willing or able to defend yourself by means of playing the game!

This has nothing to to with “the little guy”! The grand strategy part was never intended for them. If you want to keep your stuff, fight for it like everyone else and stop asking CCP for favours!


OK human stupidity is a bottomless resource but believing CCPs line is absurd.

This is supposed to be a sandbox. What happens should be decided by player action. Not by the developers changing the rules to make what they want to happen happen.

I never asked for changes in our favour. I asked for changes not to screw us over. Too much to ask by a long way clearly.

In your whole post you make it sound like CCP is favouring the others, handing them stuff. You try really hard to paint a picture of CCP taking something from you away and handing it over to someone else. …are you just dim or what?

show how they are not taking the outposts from the owner of many years and making them stealable just for the very purpose to hand them to the the raider suckheads who have no interest in the space they were built in and only wish to destroy destroy destroy…until there is nothing left because that is the only thing that brings them pleasure of any sort.
so after this is all over what will you feed the raiders like PL and the like? i do not see another providence to hand them

Also since CCP Falcone has come out with the admission that he was in fact a Powerbloc Player who lost a war in providence… and then went and got hired by CCP as a Developer…
I call Conflict of Interest… and collusion with players in game , thats why none of he other regions built up their station levels…they knew years ago that all Outpost owners were going to be stabbed in the back…

This is a game, rules change. The rules that change in this instance have nothing to do with how war is waged in nullsec or how big alliances have an advantages, it has always been this way.

Yes your asking CCP to give you something which does not belong to you anymore, which you lost in the game to other people who where better at the type of warfare nullsec os known for. YOU are asking them for a favour and not the people who claimed this structures by playing the game the way it always worked.



PL and Crew would not now be camping provi stations for “ownership” of them without this incoming change your argument against Aralis holds no water.

Isn’t that “player action”?

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no it is not , this entire action is being driven by Developer actions.

Where is His Grace High Lord Inquisitor Varri, we need a Investegation!

Lol, that has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. There is something to be gained there and they come and take it away, that is EVE.

If you want to keep it, defend it. But it seems you rather cry for CCPs help so they defend “your” stuff from others.

What really takes the cacke the is that you then try to turn this around and want to make it look like CCP favours the other side, while they clearly just use the tools available in the game to everyone to win by actually playing.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a sorry excuse for a gamer.

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trolling me will get ya nowhere.

Crying on the forum for CCPs help too