CCP hands over FREE Faction Citadels to Powerbloc Leadership after Outpost Conversion

and see thats the thing …the people on" my " notational side have owned and defended and took back when nessary for more than a decade…and it was CCP’s original promise that constructed Outposts would be a permenant part of the game. so what if they want to make new kinds of deployables with new kinds of systems…on what level should this be taking away the docks and storage space? place people called home hmm what with the belief we should be robbed of that legacy??

It’s not about trolling, i try to get your version of the story right:

CCP Falcon was so butthurt about the loss of his station 12 years ago that he took the following actions:

  • Applied for a job @ CCP

  • While working his way up (about 8 years or so?) to the post of Senior Community Manager he was plotting his revenge on the people who crushed his mighty space empire in a computer game.

  • Pushed changes for the game design in this time with the only goal to hurt his enemies (…from 12 years ago).

  • Now sits in his chair, strokes a white cat on his lap and laughts maniacally about his success.

Don’t you see how ridiculous this is?


no i do not…i consider it entirely probable.

You are daft. Really, go and find another hobby because you’ll end up with a heart attack soon, if you stay here.

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I get it now… CCP Falcon and you were competing for the same job which he got now you take your anger to the CCP forums to undermine his rule! That is even more probable. The House of Seerin darkness shall have its revenge against House Falcon.


actually no…however having Waffles around I might get to blast someone who has been in the grudge book from 2006

I play this game for over 10 years now. And since I can remember, CCP has always looked for ways to make Outposts destructable. They talked about this FOR YEARS!

Sorry, but EVE has always been the way that you have to fight to keep your stuff. Outposts will been fixed and finally be balanced by this.

If you can’t defend it you don’t deserve it.



What did Lord Eggo ever do to you?!


more like it was crap talkin Ms Frost in a arty Tempest…more for the trash talk than the loss of my new cruiser.

We could defend our stations just fine. Until CCP changed the rules so we couldn’t. That is not sandbox.

I don’t blame those coming to take CVAs space - CCP practically forced them to.

WTF are you talking about? Did they take your spaceships away? Why can’t you fight for your stuff, enlighten us.

Actually they did a lot worse than that.

The stations business is too obvious and recent to need explaining but if you want to understand Dominion I will do so:

We had built a large network of poses and stations and cyno dampers to protect Providence. Deliberately picking the naturally poorest region in Eve. Providence was built to be defended. Dominion removed defence. CCP made the following changes (yes in one go).

  1. Massive station taxes required. (We weren’t even allowed to get rid of some of our stations to mitigate this.)
  2. POSes no longer relevant for defence. Defence now entirely based on fleet action.
  3. Insane taxes on cynodampers such that it could not be cynodamped.
  4. Constellation sov removed, removing capital defence.
  5. Supercaps made insanely overpowerful.
  6. Upgradeable space created making Providence as valuable as other regions to anyone else but giving no value to us (since we’d have to pay and others would gain the benefit).

Other smaller changes. And as a result of the moon goo changes (this I don’t think was aimed at us specifically) we went from having very few valuable moons to none at all.

Basically defence ceased to be a strategy option and it became all about fleets.

And to top it off during the major battle for Providence at D-G they changed the rules MID BATTLE resulting in our fleet being destroyed without being able to fire a shot. (Some people were blown up 4 hours after logging off!)

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How is this even relevant to what we are talking about here? Those changes to sov mechanics where a long long time ago and again, they where the same everywhere.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the outpost changes.

So again, why can’t you defend your outposts? Why do you need CCPs help to defend the stuff you clearly don’t deserve?

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Meanwhile, at CCP Falcons secret lair in a extinct volcano (there are plenty and i think he’s kind of an old school villain… Most certainly the main reason he moved to iceland).


OK I take it back. This level of stupid is possible.

Firstly these changes are what made CVA weak and made this whole situation possible. Since then the ideas that CVA existed for were not realistically possible. But major alliances seemed reluctant to take CVA out and some people put in heroic efforts keeping it going.

As anyone of any intelligence could understand the stations business I assumed you wanted Dominion explaining. But I’ll try with the stations.

This change made stations from something that couldn’t be destroyed into new special citadels that could only be got by taking over existing stations. And when they have been taken nobody will be able to get them back. It’s practically forcing the big alliances to descend on the richest station area in Eve and take them. They knowingly didn’t turn CVA stations into CVA citadels but informed everyone that now was your once in a lifetime chance to go rob them.

Deserve? What has deserve got to do with it. We played by the rules and the rules got changed to bugger us up. Nobody can defend anything in this game now, and thus the superblocks that exist.

The one consolation in all this for me is that CCP have hurt themselves more than us. Dominion was the high water mark for players, when it should have continued to soar if they hadn’t’ broken the game. This will do even worse damage. They have spoiled our fun - and their livelihoods.


No, they didn’t get changed to bugger you up. Stop playing the victim card. They got changed to get rid of indistructable stations.

The rules are the same for everyone. If you want to keep your stations you have still time to get your stuff together and defend them. If you don’t, you don’t deserve the station and the territory.

Stop crying for special stuff for your alliance on the forums. Seriously, I had a somewhat high opinion about CVA until now. Now I just realized you are a bunch entitled nerds who think they are super special and deserve to keep their stuff by fiat-CCP and not by fighting for it…

It somewhat pleases me that they will take all your stuff.

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Thanks for your hypocrisy.

TIL, thank you!

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At Fanfest 2017 these changes were firstly announced. Well, at that time I was new into this game, by doing starting missions and reading tons of guides, and my character was under 3 months of Alpha clone. One year passed, and I’m looking at these Outposts flips like a very bad idea implemented by CCP. Damn, one year!.. in three years we can achieve a PhD degree, but there are people playing this game for fu-king over 10 years!

I’m very surprised to read something like your comments from a player with ‘Wreckyou’ alias, which pray to the CODE. I’m so surprised to see that you don’t wanna see those Outposts wrecked and converted to monuments, but freely gifted to somebody under bad circumstances, because outside of hi-sec miners lodge the game should run differently. And there isn’t important who was gifted PL, Imperium e.t.c.

Look, in EVE the conflicts happens all the time, everything changes, somebody wins other is losing. In such a continuum floating sandbox model it’s a bad idea to drop a ‘Wall’ and say: “previously the Outposts were deployed, defended and conquered by different alliances. Outposts were nobody. They were space objects to identify who was the strongest at that time. Now we are going to collect all past EVE community achievements and assets to convert them into liquid resources and gift them to alliances which are strong in 2018”. You can say, as many in this thread,: “Ok, square up, go defend or conquer them for yourself and don’t cry on forums!”. Well, behind such phrases is hiding EVE politics, patch speculations and favoritism. For example, if these changes have been implemented years ago:

  • How TEST should had been defend and conquer Outpost after Fountain War?
  • How PL should had been defend and conquer Outposts after B-R5RB?
  • How Imperium should had been defend and conquer Outposts after WWB?

EVE is a latent game… the time after Fanfest and patch implementation isn’t enough to establish…

At the same time any alliance can have bad times, ‘suffered earthquakes and typhoons’, and during this time they are invaded by an alliance, which has very good times. Hostile structures are destroyed and all conquerable structures are transformed into Faction Fortizars, which can be unanchored and deployed elsewhere. Fortizars by themselves are strong military objects, which are much easer to defend compared to Keepstars and are hard to conquer like Keepstar under Fozzie SoV. It points us to the fact that CCP want the powerblocs, well established in 2017-2018, to become even more stronger, to keep this SoV format for the next couple of years.

Those Outpost should be transformed into monuments, which must contain the list of all Allinces once deployed and/or conquered that Outpost, System, Region. Like Project Discovery Monument in Ani constellation.

These changes motivates me to not build anything for myself or weakbloc, because a patch can completely demolish it even without any war. These changes motivates me to not build anything for powerbloc, because with patch changes I can acquire it from space nerds. This is a EVE politics, hiding behind this META.

Maybe on Reddit, this patch will be named one day like

“Aggressive Feeding of Powerblocs”

P.S. with best regards