CCP hates miners = confirmed

TL;DR Just another day on the forums.

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Well I mean the east coast was locked out for a bit. Was the game any better then?

I must assume so, but I haven’t logged in due to a lack of interesting things or someone to play with.

Please help me give feedback to CCP

Hi there everyone

I am a marketing researcher by trade and am concerned about the changes CCP have made to ore and changes they want to make with moon mining/minerals.

I want to give them some objective player feedback - and this is the best way I know how - through research. It would mean alot if you can participate in my survey. Please can you help send to all your friends that play the game?

Thank you

“Do you support the decisions CCP are making with regards to ore and moon mining, in the way they are making it?”

They have not detailed how/what exactly they are changing. They released a Dev Blog that specifically says “we are keeping the details close to our chest right now”. All of the people complaining about these changes are making guesses about the details that don’t yet exist.

You poll is collecting information based on a lack of information…this is not going to produce any accurate research until AFTER they release REAL information ;).

Stop spamming this pointless, self-stroking nonsense on the threads.

STOP. Nobody cares what you think.


Did u all miss the part where they say this is just one step in the rolling out of dynamic resource system? Do you not read the notes in full? This is NOT PERMANENT.

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that ist very much maximus optimuis(m) :laughing:

They wrote

The plan consists of three phases:

  • Shortage phase
  • Re-distribution phase
  • Dynamic distribution phase

The shortage phase is a mandatory step in order to get the data that is needed, so that what constitutes a ‘healthy’ distribution for the current player base can be identified and understood. This step will also allow all the factors that should be considered during the creation of the dynamic system to be listed. Currently, there are three to five steps within this phase. The first step was executed last December, and the second step is going live with this patch. The next step will be going live sometime next month.


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yep. i know.

I have no problems with it either.
Anyway, it won’t be 100% like it was. Therefore the change is temporary, but the final result is unknown.

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Pretty sure had you read my post - I already said that.

Why is it the trolls on these forums are so illiterate they simply repeat the obvious.

Sadly it seems CCP is hurting for subs, I just recieved an offer to resub that any other time would have been attractive but now just seems a joke.

Get 15% off 1 Month Omega

Plus More for Additional Accounts until 19 Feb

In addition, if you upgrade your account to Omega today, you can save 25% when you upgrade any additional accounts you have to Omega tomorrow!

This has to be a joke, why would i resub multiple accounts when the game play they were trained for (1 rorq + subcap miners/manufacturing) has been all but removed? Are those in marketing at CCP really so niave as to think I would waste money on Omega to just sit in a station/citadel?

I support a lot of charities - CCP/Pearl Abyss will never be one of them.,.

You know that’s an automated send-out right? It isn’t for “you” it just goes out. Automatically.

No doubt because they are “businesses” and not “charities”.

But sure, take offence, unsub and ragequit. While you do, please do not forget to spell my name right when you contract me your stuff. Thanks & gl \o

Read my previous post moron - Trolls will be trolls.

And you are wrong, only one of my 15 unsubbed accounts got the email, if it was “automatic” all of them would have recieved it. It is sent to accounts that have been unsubbed for X amount of time to try and entice people to donate money to them… Fuk some people are dumb.

There is no reason to resub my accounts at any price, the game is fundamentally broken and CCP is still trying to find the cheapest way to “fix” their mistakes instead of putting in real development time.
Pearl Abyss needs to replace those at CCP who caused this with people who want to see the game survive - Or they could put it on the market and save themselves a lot of money fighting a losing battle.,.

CCP’s logic with this cheap resub offer is so flawed - Resub to train more SP, on characters that have no use in game.

NB, haven’t logged in for months now and have no intention of doing so unless it is to trash all my chars…

Yes. Automatically. Are you simple or just salty?

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Or you know, CCP actually know they are all your accounts so only sent you one Email to not spam you with 15, and then have you rage about 15 emails instead.
But you are determined to find insult here.


When I used to do Ice mining with 7 accounts I just had everything set to approach the Orca, then you just need to move the orca and everything else follows (of course that only works as long as nobody forcefully changes the direction and speed of the orca)

For a “marketing researcher” you don’t seem very intelligent.

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…And you are wrong, only one of my 15 unsubbed accounts got the email, if it was “automatic” all of them would have recieved it. It is sent to accounts that have been unsubbed for X amount of time to try and entice people to donate money to them… Fuk some people are dumb…

Actually, i got 3 out of 3 accounts subbed with omega atm. I still got that email.

Piracy never gets nerfed, come to the dark side.

15 accounts over 4 different emails 1 gets targetted by idiotic propaganda - you now saying CCP breaks the law by accessing my computers?