CCP. Here is how to start healing EVE

High Sec.
Low Sec.
Null Sec.

Seems pretty obvious to anyone that has spent time in all three.

Even in High Sec you should be in danger of loosing your ship. Yes, somebody that attacks you is going to die from Concord however they if they get enough numbers together should still be able to take out your ship even there. However, Highsec specially if you are paying attention ect is still relatively safe. You paid for the higher safety with less Isk generation.

You also in the past before abyssal’s became a thing where not able to make as much ISK in High Sec as you could in Null or even Low. Now you can make just as much if not more than you ever could in null sec just running abyssal’s. If you know what you are doing you will rarely to never get caught coming into or out of the abyssal. Thats an issue.


I would do 9.99$ for first and 19.99$ for additional accounts.

No problem, we will start ganking ventures using smartbombing thrashers.

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I know a game that has an even more massive galaxy. Approximately 400 billion systems (thanks to Frontiers Skybox Engine) and it comes with three modes of play.

Solo, for those antisocial types that just want to be left alone.

Group, for you and your weird group friends that are socially awkward and stand around in front of the dollar general.

And last but not least,

Open, for those saucy individuals that like playing mmorpgs with random, and potentially psychotic, pvp happy strangers.

The game is called “Elite Dangerous” and I think it ticks all your xenophobic boxes! You can pick it up on steam, and it’s compatible with really cool flight simulator joysticks. I prefer the Saitek X52 myself. Affordable yet functional!


yo u know what is funny about that game…i saw post somewhere once…where a guy complained about EvE and Elite Dangerous in the same breathe…his screnshots showed an NPC interdicting him, that NPC demanded to see his mining permit…and it was a member of a factionc named CODE

That players salt was so delicious reading it back then…think i saw it shortly b4 the covid thing broke out…imagine complaining about an NPC demanding to see your mining permit LOL

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There’s a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place it was brighter than tomorrow

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me, and the entire human race


Yes, they don’t belong here.

They literally chose to play a massively multiplayer online open world PvP game.

Don’t like? HTFU and get a plot in Stardew :smiley:

As they should quit because this isn’t the game for them.

And yes, it makes sense the destruction is there. Due to player crying, EVE’s topography is all messed up.

Used to be people actually went into low. Now there is almost no need. Buff low, nerf high and you’ll see those numbers change :smiley:

They can. Simply play NMS :smiley:

Oh? A clinical term? Interesting. What qualifies you to make that medical diagnosis sight unseen? How many prog notes have you done? Do they have anything PRN? What are they getting qshift?


25$ for a sub! 20$ for 50 Plex! Lets milk old farts before game is dead!

Heres what I dont get.

You can have anything you want but you need to work for it. The more valuable the thing, the harder you have to work.

Being left alone is so valuable to some people that when they see the amount of work they need to do (some) they cant face the effort and quit.

But the working for it IS the game.


It’s what happens when you give bloated egocentrism a megaphone.

The reason for that conclusion ?

That loud, thread producing subpart of the player base has never presented a single argument for which there are no highly valid and playable alternatives delivered by the game’s design. In fact they refute all offered solutions.

It really is that easy.

How do you figure? They gank you after you exit when your tank has damage. They only need 1 person to scan you down and you only have 1 exit.

So your way of healing Eve is to encourage people to play another game? Please see:



  1. having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

the xenophobic undertones of this argument

You have a serious problem if other people’s pain brings you so much pleasure. Seriously.

Mining (for instance) IS work. Have you ever tried it? I can’t do it. Killing a mining vessel is NOT work. It’s punishment. And killing it ISN’T work, it’s easy.

I’ll reword part of what you said to illustrate a good point:

when they see the amount of work they need to do (some) they can’t face the effort and become gankers

I’m not sure to whom that’s directed, I can’t only speak for myself. I speak for people that don’t or won’t speak for themselves. I’ve given a small fortune to the victims of ganking in an effort to curtail the obvious consequences. I don’t mine, I don’t haul and I don’t manufacture. I’ve been ganked before and for the most part, found it humorous. Gankers seem to get upset if you don’t cry in local. I guess those are ganker tears?

CCP has a choice, adapt or die. I’m sure they’ll send you a bumper sticker saying, “I killed Eve Online” with their few remaining funds.

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People join a Massively Multiplayer Online game to be left alone ??

So offering a suggestion, that you don’t like, isn’t considered “healing?”

The player may like the other option more than what they are experiencing now.

But that’s the problem with people like you. If someone doesn’t agree with you, you demonize them. Then toss out some low brain google search in an effort to validate your position.

It’s clear that bro is miserable playing this game. So I offered a suggestion that may be more to his liking.

It’s also clear that satire goes over your head.

But to your credit, you did manage to catch the ironic wordplay. So that’s something I guess.


Yes. Its not work. Avoiding being killed adds a little effort to that, so could be called work.

Id rather you didnt. I said exactly what I meant to say.

People quit when they realise they have to put effort in to play. Repeating the tired old mantra of “ganking is effortless” utterly ignores reality.

Anyway, you totally missed the point.

If you want to be left alone, you must work out how. Its entirely possible but under no circumstances should it be easy.


Pot, meet Kettle.

You seem to have no real World experience that makes you an expert in this field.

Pot, meet kettle.


They already made that, it’s called Echoes. Why aren’t you playing that rather than bleating ad nauseam as your ilk has done for years saying how you want to change EvE into what Echoes is? You got what you said you wanted. Just because it’s boring you don’t want to play it yet still want EvE to become it? Let EvE decline with some dignity at least.


You seem to have made that up to be edgy and have nothing to add.

Demonstratable evidence, including the OP itself says Im correct.

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