Thats cool. Just trying to point out that money can buy whatever you want it too.
Itll even buy ignorance and conflict.
Thats cool. Just trying to point out that money can buy whatever you want it too.
Itll even buy ignorance and conflict.
Not really, I’m surprised CCP let you biomass and recreate with the same name. At least it wasn’t a convoluted way of avoiding KOS status somewhere.
Blimey, probably one of the most pointless changes was the tethering garbage, all because of some 31337 super hunters.
If only there was fights over R64’s like the old days rather than the infinite fields of plenty of today.
Spend enough of it and you too can become a powerful “leader”.
I don’t remember much bad about growing up in an era where sex drugs and rock n roll were a thing. I do fondly remember my 2600 and hours of fun playing space invaders - The bad parts crept in as technology got better.
Give me the simple life where technology is a tool rather than the master any day.,.
please take me there!!!, i want a time machine!!
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