I get exactly what you’re saying, but stating that as if that’s not what it’s already doing.
There’s no blindness here at all. I’m just pointing out the fact that if EVE becomes something that it’s not, it dies anyway. It’s gone in all but name.
Just because they’re not making as much money now as ‘back then’ doesn’t mean they’re not making enough to keep this game not just running, but up-to-date, and continue improving on it.
It’s not that I wasn’t in favour of them, I just didn’t fully comprehend them. When I fully realised what this game is, I didn’t just see the light, I discovered a whole new adventure.
And if I can go from new player not understanding to becoming a long-term player, even someone with some measure of influence, then I’m sure I’m not the only one.
Absolutely this too. I wanted to hit on this point but I wasn’t sure exactly how to word it. People have been coming and going from EVE for fifteen years, but those of us who have made the game more of a hobby, those of us with long-term investment, are becoming fewer and fewer with every new patch.
Please, just point what have I’ve said so “EVE becomes what it is not”. Because my point is that EVE stopped being what it was when CCP decided that keeping the numbers of PvE 2-yearers was not as important as focusing on the minority of fans.
EVE needs lots of players. Most of them are not invested and play for shorter tenure. CCP de-prioritized that kind of player and EVE has been losing them and that is harmful to EVE.
The Rubicon Plan was a change to the worst. EVE was a good home for highsec PvErs. It no longer is and as a result it’s a worse place to everybody.
EVE has changed. That’s what th Rubicon Plan was about: a irreversible change to the game. It’s been mostly completed and the result is a game with less players owned by a company that’s cutting on the quality to keep expenses near the smaller income.
Or maybe you think that using AWS for the chat system is working “gorgeously” compared to the old in house chat system? Maybe you think that the current disconnects do not point at cheaper deals on CCP’s end?
Don’t tell me ya’rr one of the f1 pushin’ losers hidin’ in big fleets feelin’ all smug ‘bout it, while bein’ hidin’ behind intel channels makin’ ya safer than a baby surrounded by SWAT and ten moms ready and waitin’ for givin’ milk and changin’ diapers.
You know…3/4 of all players are PVE in every mmog including this one…
I find it “remarkable” to say that the game can dispense with PVE players because PVP players do PVE also…remarkable…
Remarkable dump and remarkable naive…
The solution has to be MORE PVE and LESS PVP…and it will be regarding to the course CCP has set with instanced PVE like abyss…this will be just the beginning…next will be quitting this nonsense decision to make the entrance scannable and then ganking in high will be quittet…
That’s the path CCP will follow and all you trigger happy naivelings have nothing you can do against it…
Sure, it absolutely is. The difference is between PVErs who accept that the game is based on PVP in its many forms and those who don’t. Many dudes just as yourself will just play the game however the ■■■■ they want and that’s perfectly legit. Other though, will try to have the game change in their favor, because they can’t accept that everyone is playing the game however the ■■■■ they want. So it’s all good, just a few remarks:
You don’t need Omega skills to PVP. If you take T1 frigates or dessies out to Lowsec and possibly find a group of people who let you fly with them, you can have the same kind of fun Omegas have. It might help you get a taste for the depth of the game and may make you rethink upgrading to Omega for more ships, better equipment and so on.
I find it remarkable that you think all the PVP players do nothing but PVP. The reason the game can do without PVE scrubs is because it doesn’t have any. The fact is, you’re engaging in PVP all the time. Mining, trading, fighting, talking in chat, it’s PVP. You just don’t realise it because the only thing you ascribe to PVP is the fighting part. But this is EVE. It’s all PVP, and you’re doing it right now, forum PVP. And losing badly.
I would say it certainly is. You seem fairly reasonable, and you seem to be aware of what it is that you are doing. You should not take comments about this game being a PvP game at its core to heart. As long as you are aware that you may still get involved in PvP, and don’t cry for changes that would turn the game into something completely different just so you can do your PvE stuff in peace, I would consider you to be one of the “right kind of people”.
On your criticism about PvPers always bringing more guys: Not all PvPers do this. Some really enjoy fighting outnumbered. However, especially when it comes to Highsec, the possibilities to actually have PvP there have over the years been nerfed so much, that there are pretty much only two viable options left: Blanket Wardecs and Suicide Ganking. Blanket wardecs can be avoided really easily, and only really work in combination with Gate- and Station-Camping, and Suicide Ganking only works through overwhelming numbers.
If I for example wanted to fight you one on one in Highsec, my only realisitic option would be to challenge you to a duel, which you would probably just decline.
But even in all other areas of space many people will always try to win by numbers. I still consider this fair, since the other party is free to bring more friends as well. As an old saying goes “When there’s a fair fight in Eve, then somebody made a mistake”.
This man’s right! See, when people are calling EVE a PvP game they aren’t necessarily wrong, but it also does not actually tell anyone what the game actually is! The most accurate “box” you could probably put it into would be labelled:
Socio-Economic Survival Simulator with only a few restrictions on freedom.