Suicide gankers are the most vocal and vociferous lobby against changes to improve HS PvP mechanics.
They dont want to deal with players, only CONCORD.
They deliberately sabotage any discussion on it.
Suicide gankers are the most vocal and vociferous lobby against changes to improve HS PvP mechanics.
They dont want to deal with players, only CONCORD.
They deliberately sabotage any discussion on it.
Obvious bait obvious.
Would have to be untrue for it to be bait.
Its not a false lure.
But it is. You know it is and Ive just fallen for it by replying to you.
Still better me than someone else.
Im selfless like that.
Its my genuine observation of the situation.
But perhaps you are right, in that posting the truth is the greatest troll bait.
Well Ill not argue with an opinion. (Written before your edit to claim 100% factuality for your unsubstantiated opinion).
But Id have to say its not the gankers who in the majority opening threads to lobby changes, who want to avoid other players and deal only with npcs, or derail threads simply to obfuscate a point.
But thats just my genuine observation.
A) Gankers and suicide gankers are two distinct groups. One is legal aggression, the other is not.
B) Other groups make threads to lobby for change, yes, but its always the suicide gankers that attack that and troll it to death.
A) A hair split that is irrelevant
B) Always? Well thats a lie.
Youve turned into a liar.
A) Its not hair-splitting. Its a real distinction in game mechanics.
B) I knew youd bite on “always”
C) Next you will bite that I missed an apostrophe in B). You know you want to…
I love how he still tries to turn this HS PVP thread into a ganking thread
Gank =/= Suicide gank.
Suicide ganking is HS PvP specific, thus well within the topic.
You may want to repeat it. I didn’t quite get it after the 26th time.
Also, this is now officially a ganking thread, because we all want it to be one so very much.
(Any sarcasm or cynicism you may find here you can keep and sell it on eBay.)
I didn’t quite get it after the 26th time.
Some people still dont get it.
Ganking = Legal aggression.
Suicide Ganking = Illegal aggression.
Some people still dont get it.
You need to let go of it, because the topic isn’t about ganking. When someone then makes a comment, which in itself is slightly off the topic then you shouldn’t follow them, wrong or right doesn’t matter, but stay the course of the topic or you only end up going off topic with them.
You need to let go of it, because the topic isn’t about ganking. When someone then makes a comment, which in itself is slightly off the topic then you shouldn’t follow them, wrong or right doesn’t matter, but stay the course of the topic or you only end up going off topic with them
I made the comment/observation that its suicide gankers most prolifically/obviously sabotaging discussion on CCP improving HS mechanics for more PvP.
I made it, not anyone else.
I didnt “follow” anyone.
The only way to win is to not play the game.
And I dont mean either EvE or Thermonuclear Exchange
I didnt “follow” anyone.
You did follow up to Dom and used his comment to lecture him on ganking.
But he’s not guilty!!!11111111
To get back on topic, op was right 5 months ago, and still is
Always is never in never every land.
You did follow up to Dom and used his comment to lecture him on ganking
Ganking and suicide ganking are distinct.
Pointing that out is just stating a fact.