CCP killed highsec PvP

Yer ma


inb4 google search :joy:

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Ya durt burd.

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Catch yerself on leek

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A young Jennifer Love Hewitt I believe

Pvp yawn you mean we attack people with large groups we know we can’t lose against .

Pvp in the game is about groups attacking smaller groups or single players so it’s about bulling with no consequence.

It gets boring go out get blown up yawn . Go out in a group attack the weaker yawn.

This carebare comment I always see is just geeks way of justifying there cowardly behaviour go fight someone who can fight back lol

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Yeah, highsec PVP is shaking capsuleer’s pockets like Ari Kolapa is shaking her boobs.

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This gout of word soup sounds strangely like it might be coming from under the stairs.
Also, nonsense front to end.


It’s not her name.

That moment when a 24 days old post gets hidden by some salty pleb

Get a life lol

The irony.


Selling Life at Jita 4-4, only 1 billion ISK. :smirk:

Afaik, flagged posts arent hidden till an ISD/Mod reviews them. The notification you receive is automated, the hiding is not.

Its you that is salty your crap got hidden and posts about it.

Post better next time.
(But oh, you cant.)

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The posts are hidden until ISD/CCP look at them.
Not the other way around…
Seems you don’t know forum mechanics either despite you being the #1 thread destroyer on here :sweat_smile:

Pot meet kettle lmao

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A coward is someone who refuses to fight back or protect themselves and cries to CCP to do it for them.

You probably cant even provide an example of someone who cant fight back, can you?

Back when i started the ‘noob’ plexes you started going to were fun little pvp battlegrounds; they introduced you to pvp and theivery from the getgo - but were nerfed for being too profitable… of course that was when there was only one size rig…

I think, they should bring these back and adjust the suspect flag so that players or corps can set it for individual, corp, alliance or all… or maybe have it set in direct relevance to the offenders security status; maybe seems like an odd ‘fix’ but many corps went to war back in the day over greifing and small scale skirmishes were in abundance.

In summary:

*bring back small static plexes for newbros where they can make some isk through killing rats, loot and salvage; pretty sure these plexes could be relegated to newbros in frigates and corvettes by some simple programming.

*bring back the old criminal/suspect timers; possibly wont change much but may see an increase in old school greifing and can baiting…? yes something stupid players used to hate… i dont know why they changed it tbvfh but then we used to spend time with a can out hoping to catch a greifer, cus it was fun; i dont think this is as prevailant now?

*bring back some semi static profitable static plexes or something smallish newer players and corps can fight over as a resource… not related to structure bashing and needing 30+ battleships in a fleet…

*limit ‘casual’ or ‘blanket’ decs, introduce a ‘monitored’ contract based wardec system if only to ensure small new player corps can survive and have fun fighting each other and the bigger or more profesional alliances dont simply kill off the newer learning playerbase but still retain a ‘profesional’ mercenary paid service; theres a lot that could be added to this system including an extra bounty system for value of ship killed direct to the player from the clients wallet. I could write a long list but not here. GROUPS LIKE RIOT, MARMITE, PIRAT AND MANY OTHERS NEED TO READ THIS NOT AS A NERF TO CURRENT HS DECS BUT AS A WAY to retain newer players by integrating them slowly into the mechanics you have known for a decade+ you might think it amusing to wardeck a corp of 100+ nubs or alpha clones but i garantee they do not and wont undock into your 4 or 5 guardians with their ‘oh-so-elite’ t1 frig fitting skills… try to remember this is about the game, not your obvious need to wardeck noobs because of your lack of any real pvp skill… :slight_smile:

*FOR BOBS SAKE CHANGE THIS STUPID KILLRIGHTS SYSTEM its stupid and is mostly used by people sitting on the jita undock afk waiting for you to pay them to blow up their ship; rethink, redo; turn that and the bounty system into an actual ingame profession with skills and taxes and some form of actual bounty contracts for the killrights…

*Citadels in highsec should probably require those little certificates the old pos’s in hs needed to remain in highpower, id go into them needing standings too but its a little late for that… the old hs pos system of needing standings to anchor and certs for fuel wasnt perfect but it did help keep the clutter down…

economics of the game are way more complicated than the simple ‘fixes’ above for sure but it would be a good place to start…

Also someone posted something about bumping in regards to war… wtf u smoking bruv? thats a piracy thing of suicide ganking and has absolutely no reason to be included in a wardeck thread…?

anyway o7

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Wrong, multiple people flagging a post hides it, ISD/CCP then reviews them and either removes or reinstates them.

We’ll add the forum to the long list of things that you don’t understand.


I wonder how life is in a place where you can’t be wrong ever :thinking:


I was torn between this and something from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Despicable Me wins again.

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