CCP killed highsec PvP

Ok but put something together that makes sense for fixing it. Just raving about High sec PvP is getting nothing done. The OPs original post has nothing to do with actually fixing the war system, and most of his points are fundamentally wrong.

I would put to you that the structured setting of high sec is never going to be war friendly. Wars in high sec will be structure bashing.

The protection that high sec gives to aggressors is to large for any sort of genuine fighting to ever take place there. Large fleet on fleet combat will never be part of the high sec warfare game because it is in almost every case a larger/more competent organization taking on a smaller/less militant group.

Yah the War system is pretty borked. The idea that people can leave corp with an ongoing war, and be completely safe is silly.

The sort of warfare I believe @Pheonix_Jr and @Ralph_King-Griffin are advocating for has a place and it is not within the laws of high sec. You both seem like competent people so please understand nothing I have said above is meant in any sort of malice just pure frustration at the constant raving about high sec needing fixing because it does not suit a players choices when a place that does suit their choice already exists.


first off , cheers for the acknowledgement.

also in the context of this derpy twats whinge thread your comments aren’t without merit so dont think i take issue with that.
the last time i went looking for him he docked up for 12h so yeah, you have him pegged.

dispite this though war is in a bad place and remember its often newbros first contact with pvp (aside from wandering into a wh or low)

declared war ,as a mechanic, only really makes sense in highsec. (yeah it changes gate guns in low i know)
think about this though,
you are in effect:
#1 giving notice of intent
#2 giving notice of involved parties (yes im aware nutral logi is a thing but that can die in a tragic houshold fire with its dog too for all i care)
#3 giving any and all involved parties (i.e. linebros) the oppertunity to nope out if they’re not up for it.

barring nutral logi everything is on the table and declared well ahead of time,
so in all fairness , for eve , thats a lot of heads up for newbros and those that have no ability, to gtfo

wars in high are largely structure basing and have been for last year or so and its really really crap,
its not friendly to young players , its not friendly to small groups and its no god damn fun.

the defenders get by definition the exact same protection from interference, in fact the Allie mechanic i.e. cost free escalation is only available to the defender
see our example here of hilarious mauling of Russian hub-humping-degenerats , though its worth noting that this sort of clout obviously isnt available to everyone

this is true and its why a lot of us like it, is this even a bad thing?
the large hs entities tend to be around one or two hundred players at most ,
much more than that and annexing a low or unimportant null corner or even wh’s makes a lot of sense.
why would being able to cut your teeth with a group that size be a bad thing , particularly when you can get out of it with like two or three clicks.

havent put my own together but some of us have
Lord Razpataz’s doc
Dom’s doc
Marcus’s doc

if you or any of your mates have a genuine intrest in unfucking the current state of war we have a discord for further discussion but leave the adversarial “general discussion” bs at the door, likewise for the op’s whinny shite.


this is EVE you pleb, everywhere is a pvp zone, consensual or not
you agree to pvp the moment you install the game

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Don’t forget about the Ganking Mechanic being Pro-Ganker due to gankers being able to use Neutrals as shields to gain aggression on an Anti-Ganker.

The thing is a -10 pilot or corporation should never be able to war dec a 5.0 player for any reason.

Where is the Internal Affairs department in bringing to justice those in their police force who allow criminals and actually take bribes from those criminals of a -10 status for war dec?

Its proving that the mechanics of the war dec are corrupt and need changed.


Players don’t declare war on other players, and Corporations don’t have a security status.

So what you are saying here already exists.


remember who you’r responding to here
Edit: i can English i swear


are you sure you’re not just saying that because you lost 2 badly fit proteuses to Australian Excellence the other day?

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Yes, he is. That and his dastardly well thought through smart bombing plan won’t work (hence the whine about non-outlaws being available to gankers).


I remember a time when CCP challenged folks to “be the villain,” they actually used that in advertising campaigns to lure new players into New Eden… and it worked. High Sec merc life was a niche, like many other career paths in Eve, aside from Low/Null Sec. It’s not as if people are asking for something new that we’ve never had before - what folks are a bit irritated about (imo) is the reduction of PvP opportunity throughout the cluster… and for what?

CCP should be embarrassed by the current state of Eve, let alone High Sec PvP.


That is literally my point you degenerate, but the pairing to that rule is that EVE has rules. Dont complain about having to play withing your chosen rule set.

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Other than the EULA, TOS and exploit list, there are no rules
If you want to limit yourself, fine. But don’t you dare trying to limit what I or others do


This is also complaining about fights that happen within the provided rule set. If you had been in any other space you would have gotten away with anti ganking.

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And the inbuilt rules of the security space you are in. If you dont take those into account you have already lost any attempt to PvP.

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Why do gankers always win then? :wink:

Because they are playing inside a rule set. No one said the rule set was fair.


So why are you complaining about mercs/pirates shooting who they paid to shoot, be they noobs or miners or whatever?

EVE is all about the predator/prey business wherever you go

Not what I am complaining about, or commenting on. But reading is overrated anyway.


I 100% agree with @Pheonix_Jr on this. Regardless of the narrative that’s spun here and on Reddit, there are pilots that enjoy the challenge of fighting other combat-oriented pilots. There is also a lot of ISK in killing and interacting with PVE-focused pilots. Hunting a Dominix running a mission can be just as dangerous as dropping on one in Lowsec or Nullsec. Sure you might not get a cap blob cyno’d onto you, but you can bet you ass that there could be a logoff trap or some other form of trap.

The nonsense elitism that somehow other areas of space are where you go for “real pvp” is just hot air. Open your eyes and you see just as many complaints about cap blobs, getting blobbed by 10 pilots in your lone Tristan, automated intel, and large areas of space that are empty or unused. PvP is PvP and the only sense of “real PvP” is the one that you’ve self-created.

Now there are massive issues with highsec pvp and the mechanics that surround the gameplay. The fact that new players start in highsec and after finishing the NPE find themselves asking, “what next” is a very important piece to this. Players that decide to take it slow and join a new player friendly corporation can find themselves experiencing gameplay that is less than desirable, and on one hand that’s okay. The hard truth is that it should be each players goal to learn how to play the game and overcome challenges when they arise. I will admit that this is a huge issue as a new player, and shitty CEOs are mostly to blame for this.

I encourage you all to instead of whining and crying for nerfs to make New Eden safer, that you dig deep to find he root cause to some of these issues. Get involved with discussions happening on the Wardec Project Discord. Most importantly, Eve Online is a niche game that will always carry a reputation of being dark and unforgiving. When thinking about issues or how to make things better, keep the “spirit” of Eve Online as a central piece in that. Without the bad guys on one side and the good guys on the other, eve is just a really really shitty MMO.

Lastly, @DeMichael_Crimson, HTFU.


1 post by OP

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Better than 10,000 of yours