CCP killed highsec PvP

A happy life indeed. :smile:

That doesnt follow but if you feel like continuing to be random or highly obfuscating about your point, Im happy to do so in the PLEX thread.

It does for me.

CCP is never going to fix HS PvP.

There are too many vocal/vested groups benefiting from as it is now.

You might as well accept defeat at the hands of suicide gankers and shut down the wardec discord.

Thy will never allow you to enact change.

Why are you replying to yourself? Are you bored?

Your record is broken
Might want to get your spam bot reimbursed

I checked. It’s Dracvlad.

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You should ask yourself that. Wait, you just did.

You weren’t posting because you were banned (lol)

Otherwise you’d be all over the place :sweat_smile:

Hey Dom, post “your” proposal doc to fix HS PvP.

It’s somewhere above
Not linking it again since it would be redundant, and well, I don’t have to spoonfeed you :smiley:

E: besides, you should know what it’s about since you claim they’re all your ideas :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Heh, you forgot to save/bookmark it, didnt you.

And yes, it was more or less copy/paste of solutions Ive developed over years, which you too attacked but then adopted.

It’s in my Google docs, no need to bookmark anything XD

Strangely enough, I can’t find any proof of those statements :joy:
That’s extremely strange :thinking:

Dom, you are nicknamed Dum for a reason…

What is in “your” doc are ideas I explored and pushed already on the old forums.

But thats ok.

I’m glad I managed to influence you so profoundly that you think they are your own.

munches on PlexPop

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Keep thinking you’re the center of the universe pal

You’re not, just another leaf on the tree

More like a branch in the tree, upon which you are a leaf.

If that thought makes you happy, sure :joy:

Its a fact, Dum.

I developed those ideas against enormous opposition long before you showed up, and its hilarious to me that you think them yours.

But thats ok. Except for the fact you dont post/use them.

Prove to the world I

ripped those ideas off you after hating on those same ideas

If you can, good for you, if you can’t, gtfo

I was in the Wardec discord long before you got in, you still have the record for the shortest time spent there (I wonder why) :joy: