Im sure you can handle going into low sec to find some pvp if you are really desperate.
I’m sure you can handle a wardec.
CCP killed HS PvP.
Trolls killed this thread on it.
You’re trying to kill wardecs and have run out of arguments. Bring something new and get people to listen. Nobody however wants to listen to the same complaints over and over again.
Quite the opposite.
Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else.
They arent just not listening, they are pro-actively sabotaging discussion by various means, including tag-teaming.
They have vested interests to defend.
Nonsense. You want to limit wardecs and thereby remove a great feature from the game, and you want to sell it as something good, which is just BS. Please spare us the BS. Learn to dodge wardecs, or fight, get good at EVE.
Nobody wants to listen to BS.
I want to expand HS PvP.
It’s already expanded to the maximum. Remove CONCORD and you only blow the limitations more open.
What you want is to limit it, press it into a form, which you can then recognize, because your problem is that you fail to recognize what the current game represents.
Thats all inaccurate and misrepresentative of my aims, intent and proposals.
More BS. You’ll never get anyone to listen with such statements. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” - old saying.
It isnt, despite your repeated, false, attempts to misrepresent it.
You’re only the one repeating it. I’m telling you that your intentions are bad and that you don’t see high-sec for what it is. It’s what you need to fix first. Fix yourself, not high-sec.
I know my intentions better than you, and no further attempt to misrepresent them by you changes that.
Ive been hawkish on HS PvP for years, long before you showed up on the boards.
I called them good intentions. Like I said, the road to hell…
I know very much that you see this as all good, but I’m telling you that your view is flawed. I cannot fix you. What you have is simply an obsession to control the wars in high-sec.
Wardecs are good, then more the better, because this is a PvP game and how you handle yourself is what defines you, and when you want to limit wardecs then because you’re admitting to your inability to handle yourself. This is what you first have to understand. Before then can there be no dialogue. This game should not be compromised, because of the inabilities of a few. It is, as they say, a game of adapt or die. I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings, but it’s just what EVE has always been.
HS PvP was not always this way.
You mean people getting bullied, threatened and shot at? It always was like this. The face of it changes, but underneath it’s always been the same.
In the past did we have Hulkageddon, now we have CODE. You also just had to say something stupid in local and could end up with 5-10 wardecs. It’s still like this. When you want someone wardecced can you just pay Marmite 250m ISKs and they’ll chase after whoever you want to have them chase. You think if you limited the number of wardecs they’d stop offering their services somehow?
Its a package change. Focusing on only one aspect is perhaps why you misunderstand the entirety.
Thats ok. Some people have trouble considering several factors interacting at once.
No, I don’t have problem seeing it. I already said you’re just trying to press it into a form. Like meat in a can.
That is false.
Im trying to expand the can to hold more meat of different delectable types, and some spices too.
What we have now is CANNED SPAM, in more ways than one.
Yes, trying is the right word, but you’re not actually doing it. I already told you that you only have intentions. You fail to examine the consequences of your proposal. All you have done is to imagine it would have the desired outcome like someone faking their research.
I’m then pointing to your wardec limit as one of the worst ideas. And you still haven’t accepted that unlimited wardecs is a blessing. Your proposal is that of a control freak, unwilling to let go of control and to give it to the players. Instead you’re obsessed with controlling it. Start letting go of it, then rethink your approach.