Cost is not a limitation. If you dont have the isk to punch down on a smaller target, then form a sub-Corp taskforce to that purpose with sufficiently few Omegas to reduce the cost of its wardec in proportion to the target.
I already said this above, twice.
Are you reading/comprehending?
Or is this a stupid tactic to make me look like Im repeating myself.
Wardec is not free.
If you dont have the isk, you cant wardec.
My proposal does not change that, it simply makes it proportional to size in Omegas of declarer and target.
Proportionally, it will be cheaper for smaller Corps to punch up, than larger Corps to punch down. This is rational as they take more risk as smaller and have less resources at hand.
As Ive stated four times now, larger Corps can form a sub-Corp taskforce of roughly equivalent Omega count to the target (or smaller), to get a more equitable wardec cost, if they are that strained for isk.
How you manage to finance your wardec is up to you.
It is a limitation. Cost is the limiting factor. Reducing the size of a corporation is the a consequence of the limitation, making it a limitation of corporation sizes.
Your proposal limits players in growing their corporations and through the proposed limitations forces them to wage war only against larger corporations.
War in high-sec is used as a means to recruit players by force. It isn’t just about ship explosions. You then declare war on a smaller corporation to drive out the weak players and absorb the strong ones.
Your proposal undermines this and I bet all you’re thinking of is to make wars somehow fair because of numbers.
It places no limitation on Corp size, or Corp acitivity.
Infact larger Corp is encouraged as it increases the wardec cap.
As to cost, larger Corps can form smaller taskforce Corps to declare on smaller Corps, at less cost, if its an issue for them.
Smaller Corps dont have access to more members, and will be encouraged ti punch up at larger Corps as a target rich provider, at costs they can handle given their small size/income.
Say, when you suggested that a corporation shall create a sub-corporation, then where do the players for the sub-corporation come from if not from your own corporation? They will have to come from your corporation and thus your corporation shrinks.
In my proposal, <10 Omega member Corps have 10 wardec cap. Thus that subdivision, if formed off a large Corp becomes equitable in terms of wardec costs for aggressing smaller Corps than the main Corp can. Finance/profit/supplies can be handled between officers of the main and sub-Corp.
You dont have to form a sub-Corp. You can sink your own wardec cap on any target you want, as cheaper in isk vs bigger and expensive vs smaller.
You can provoke/manipulate your desired target into attacking you, if you wish. That way your cap isnt reduced, and you pay nothing.
You’re out to limit corporations in their choice of whom to declare war against depending on corporation size.
The current limitation, which we already have, only limits the number of active wardecs. It doesn’t hinder corporations from growing and using wars as a means to fill their ranks. You’r only corrupting the current meta of high-sec wars based on the ill-perceived idea that wars somehow must be fair and corporations shouldn’t pick on smaller ones. Only wars aren’t fair, Salvos.
Your proposal is only attractive to the weak. As soon as the weak get stronger will they hate it. It becomes a limitation for any corporation that’s being successful.
Nothing in my proposal prevents a larger Corp from obliterating a smaller one, either with the full force of the main Corps, or via a sub-Corp(s) at cheaper wardec cost and their own wardec cap.
The “unfairness” of grossly greater force is not impaired.
The only limitation is number of declared wardecs based on Omega count of that Corp.
This can be sidestepped by creating sub-Corps with their own wardec cap.
The isk cost of wardec in my proposal is inversly scalar, and fair to both larger and smaller Corps, in proportion. Larger Corps also get a cheap rate vs even larger Corps.
How you finance that war, is up to players.
A big Corp wont pay more/less than a smaller Corp, in proportion to their target. Such that a 1000 Omega Corp wardeccing a 1100 Omega Corp pays the same as a 1 Omega Corp wardeccing a 100 Omega Corp.