CCP killed highsec PvP

An increase (or perhaps a shift) in ganking will be a consequence. You’ve got to accept how evil thinks and works. Gankers will take more pleasure out of ganking social corp players than others.

@Nicolai_Serkanner You were saying?

And does that matter, nope.

They take pleasure…, ok so what?

I wasn’t complaining.

I did not think you were complaining, I was simply not sure what your point was?

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I love how 87 no u posts were made in the last couple hours :joy:

So productive

Holy cow! Guys, relax and stabilize your positive or negative attitudes to Hi-Sec whatever it is!

Current status of this topic: DU DU DU DU DU :upside_down_face:

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Remove tags to fix sec for sec lost from high sec ganks, and increase the sec loss by about 20x for high sec ganks.
Problem solved.

Gankers care little about sec status. Just saying…

improve negative effects of flying in high sec while being criminal as well

I don’t want to touch ganking. Change needs to have a clearly visible benefit with little to no side-effects, or one gets owned by the consequences that were missed in the planning.

But which one is which cat? :joy:

More to the point, which one is Dwayne Dibley?

I missed a which in the post above, but bugger it, the reference stays.

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Hit the nail on the head… Snowflakes took over.

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Good to see 'ol Dracvlad still dispensing painful truths.
As for his “leadership” in AG, that never existed. The only people who he lead were those who flew with him and witnessed his amazing skills as a pilot, scholar, and gentleman.
Heck watching him play made me realize I was bad at Eve.

As for his “running to highsec” - that didn’t happen. What happened was some kind of chain decs that came a month or two after taking a tower from from code bumper whose name escapes me - Siggy hosenhouser or something I don’t know. Drac took his tower. During the chain dec that tower stood, and Drac got bored after watching the opponents play the usual gate games. Heck even I got a 5 man team to panic with a SB and a Hyperion on the other side - Sivala I think. Just like my wormhole travels, outnumbered and outgunned but the hyper-individualistics of the enemy ensures that since one of them might go down and get their KB dented they all freaked.
Been a while. Drac got bored and went to null to make some ISK and Siggmund whoever took the tower back after it was abandoned. Good times.

AG has been little more than a chat channel. That’s pretty much it. It mainly runs cover for Highsec Militia. BTW what’s this about Bals that didn’t engage?

Ah well. Nostalgia. Back to trolling on the chans… Someday maybe I’ll have time to play again. Been watching the updates and that new stuff. Pretty cool.

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No, players create conflict. CCP creates the environment.

As for HS I got about half of the way through your post and saw nothing really having to do with HS.

Can you re-work your post to consistent with the title or maybe just ask for the thread to be closed?

Don’t encourage him…it will likely make my head hurt.

Anyone feel likenWXa8aI

Everyone has the same argument and no one has nothing new… So is this the definition of insanity yet?

Welcome to the Eve Online forums, the most consistent thing about this game.

I know these forums, I was born with them, you merely adopted them…

This is patiently false. Complaints come like this;

  • The removal of the watch-list.
  • The players in NPC should be forced in a dec-able corp
  • Players should not be able to from drop a corp at war
  • Wars should follow a player everywhere
  • closing a corp and opening a new one

Do I need to continue?

I, for one will be interesting to see how the CSM will be handling the can of worms. This is on their to-do list after all. Just this thread alone should see some them lose the desire to stand for re-election.