CCP killed highsec PvP

Thanks to CCP

Obviously, and perhaps CSM and undue political influence.

Maybe not
Who knows

What is certain tho, null supercomputer pilots cried hard enough to get the watchlist removed.

That only helped the bots and those too risk-averse to use their expensive toys.

If only there was someone to champion the cause of CSM reform

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points at me.

Except you’ve been disqualified


How have I been disqualified?

Imagine an entire CSM summit being salvoshed. :joy:

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Gankers are the ones who always cry tears. After all if they didn’t want anyone to cry like they do they wouldn’t gank and make others cry to make the victim feel like they do.

Something about tagging on the collar of daddies rank.

Take a look at your own troll thread… lmao

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Can I get some of whatever you’re on, that stuff looks strong

Thanks but I think Ill vote for someone who actually takes it seriously.

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It was not a troll thread on my part, and you didnt answer how I have been disqualified.

I take it with all due seriousness.

How open ended a statement.

I’ll take Falcon’s word over yours any day of the week

How so?

Because of your use of the subjective qualifier “all due seriousness”, as if you need what you wrote explained to you.

Are you going to post on topic or troll this thread like you did the CSM thread?

You implied I am not taking it serious enough.
I simply responded that I am taking it with all due seriousness, as would be the case with any other CSM candidate.

If you look further above, I did post ontopic.

Goodbye Salvos

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Goodbye, Ramona.