CCP lays of dozens and closes VR department


I am not a hater or trash talker of CCP. In Real Life business, 90% of all new businesses and ideas fail? Many many many corporations have had failues or setbacks. I can gather the list here, but look at some of the fails by Microsoft in recent decade.

I can’t talk crap about CCP for branching out and diversifying and trying new things. I enjoy what has played out for the last 4 years of the history and Drama, and it shows that CCP is human and their humility, of even they can fail or make mistakes.

Look at all the shutdown projects by CCP in the last 5 years.


" A natural phenomena are disrupting this."
CCP didn’t learn from mistakes. Dust was a mistake, darkness was a mistake valkyre was too.
Working with the real EvE online not other shits and the player will playing eve if u are care with the game.
Thats it. Fall. Learn. Stand up and go forward.

Strange i seen las vegas talk day or so ago Hilmar didn’t sing this tune there 1/3rd employed got cut amazing times indeed.

Lets hope they can muster one last major push of eve online universe or this game is toast.


With CQ and WIS it would be easier. :smirk:


Just a heads up and a reminder. Do not troll!

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Hats off to the original EVE-VR team. They had a vision.
The core of innovation they help establish at CCP Games will continue below them for years to come.


Well, all things considered, I just hope that all the affected developers and employees will be able to use their experience to further their career in other fields of development. With any luck, if the Newcastle studio is sold, someone else with maybe a different take on VR may just employ the same people.

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Not all suprised by this move.

Valkyrie was actually made during the downfall of DUST514 development as a spin off and even back then i felt that it would also fail, it did look good and had some very good ideas and the possible intergration with EVE would be solid but just like DUST514 not enough backing, not enough work in general and using outdated platforms because Sony offered them a very good deal killed it.

But VR was a risk in general, DUST could at least have been ported to PC if they actually cared about the game but VR in general sucks and the playerbase is very small, Project Nova which is a COD514 Space Edition game on PC will eventually fail most likely because CCP cannot or seem able to build up other games in conjunction with EVE.

EVE as a whole could easily benefit from mercs being actual other players, drones/fighters being other players, ship/station boarding, making the universe seem alive except a bunch of squares in a blob in the ass end of space. EVE does need a fresh injection of players to an extent, DUST did a small boost, Valkyrie i would guess did basically nothing to the numbers.

It just seems that CCP like to waste money on side projects and then axe them at some point.

It blows for the staff, getting fired at xmas time, what a present to be given.

What’s CCPs next big goal? Project Legion exclusive on Windows Phone? Seems like the next obvious choice, based on the past decisions.


It sucks to lose your job. Lost mine in 1995 with 60 others. Again in 2004 with 4000 people. Finally in 2016 with 600 people. That’s it for me, now I am 60 and who the hell want to hire me? I am now officially retired

Sadly all I learned was how expendable we all really are


10 year old mods (made by nerds in their free time) have higher 24h peaks.
Valkyrie must have been a huge failure.


Being out in front of a new technology, that requires 3rd party hardware, is a hard place to be.

Do you sit back, wait until a certain amount of hardware is out there, and other products take the spotlight - or try to help build the market by making a great product yourself? VR for CCP was not just Valkyrie - Sparq released recently, and was not scheduled for a flatscreen version any time soon, as far as I know.

My best wishes to all of the laid-off employees, I hope you find new employment soon.

Sparq was logically a good place to start with VR: it looked to have a very simple, very clean set of mechanics. Hilmar (I think) would have probably looked back at Wii Sports and thought “Why can’t we do that with VR?”

There were a lot worse bets.

Confined to a single piece of technology and unable to be properly integrated into EVE and therefore the core audience. Sounds a lot like DUST 514

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just slap the pizza slice on your face a bit until it eventually gets into your mouth? :stuck_out_tongue:

Windows Mobile was cancelled, which was obvious end for it.

The next big thing for CCP: Eve online on the iWatch. There is a good wibe there go for it go go go !

Have you considered firing the guy who decided to start investing money on VR game development ? If not I recommend to do it right away before he does more damage to the company.

Use your brains guys, I mean really this is not rocket science.


Okies, so the VR hype didn’t live up to expectations. This isn’t the first time VR made a big splash then fizzled, it probably won’t be the last before it finally figures itself out for the ‘average gamer’ audience.

My hope is this means the seeming backlog of bugs & glitches in Eve Online’s game client will /finally!/ get more attention & bug smashing becomes the cool sport for devs to take up during office hours.

[quote=“Mikkhi_Kisht, post:62, topic:35228”]
My hope is this means the seeming backlog of bugs & glitches in Eve Online’s game client will /finally!/ get more attention[/quote]
The one (VR) doesn’t have anything to do with the other (EVE) so don’t hold your breath.