CCP lays of dozens and closes VR department

Had the same scene flashback when the number 7 was mentioned. The carefully crafted claim by CCP that EVE’s development will not be affected adversely rings a bit off with the loss of so many Devs.

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BBCNews: 2017.10.31

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You’re not new here so you have no excuse for spreading such blatant misinformation :ccpfalcon:

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Heh, sorry for spreading it.

Though, in my defense, I didn’t make a new thread about it, so not really “spreading.”

How they are refocusing if there is no german localization dev now? What will they do? Make Hilmar translate it? Why fire dev if they would want keep localization up to date? Someone new is better than experienced employee?

Refocusing? More like downsizing.


TechCrunch: 2017.10.31


“As we wrote this summer, this VR cycle is dead. Check back in five years. And be happy if you didn’t already bet the farm on an overhyped fantasy.”

WoD…Dust…VR… hmmm

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I don’t understand the thingy when then loudly announced hardware upgrade etc. promising all smooth but still TiDi with the thing all major battles are fighting with. In the meantime there were 3 full of stuff offices across Atlantic Ocean running VR project which is collapsed in the end. Why I mean really why they can’t analyse the current tech level of Computer Game industry and mobile sector to understand that VR is not ready for major launch and instead focus on shifting Dust to newer consoles and upgrading its engine. As well as work on real HD upgrade to mitigate TiDi factor. I mean where in any other MMOG’s you meet with great wall of freeze while in battle?! It’s freaking nonsense.

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Might help if you understood whats going on in the backed, there is no other MMO out that has the same complexity, you’re fighting in a 3D space with ships able to move in any direction at any time, the server has to track every single detail including but not limited to, the stats of every single ship, every single projectile fired, every single deployed entity like drones or bombs, its has to make calculations for every single shot fired which have to take in to account the speed of both the person firing and being shot at, the angles the ships are moving at, the tracking of ships, the effects of any ewar or gang bonuses, the current status of shield resistances which include any effects from skills, implants and other sources

Name a single MMO where you can have 3000 people all shooting at each other without the server and clients lagging like a mofo, tidi is actually quite the genius solution to the problem of only having finite server resources by slowing down the speed of the simulation you enable the server to more accurately track every single event while using the same hardware, no other MMO even comes close to the same scale at all


I think everyone saw this coming, except CCP, for some reason.


Where in other MMOs is everyone online playing in the same instance of the universe?

What other MMOs could cope with thousands of objects in the same area, all interacting in their own way?

None. There isn’t another MMO that can do that.


…high complexity mobile games for Western audiences…

CCP is never where the industry is, which can be good or bad, and so far for CCP’s it’s always been bad. But as Churchill said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”.

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CCP has a niche game with EVE and they’re the only ones occupying that niche. It’s why they’re still around, despite all the ■■■■■■■■ they’re pulling on us.

But over recent years they went more and more themepark and mainstream, trying to leave their niche to chase after the dumb masses. They’ve killed the game with that greed.

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Another strategic mistake.

Afraid that, more and more, customers will not trust in CCP new products.
Because they will start to be fed up with investing a lot of money and time for nothing.

A long list : Evelopedia, Dust 514, Forums, Eve Gate and now Valkyrie (i think about those who bought a VR headset for that…).

Customer is not designed to be a cash cow.
Think about that before it might be the end of all.


EVE is old and CCP can’t keep it fresh without changing it. CCP also has been trying to make the game more accsssible to increase retention, but that has been about as succesful as their attempts to diversify their portfolio. EVE is out of time, an anachronism. It’s the best 2003 game around but 2017 is not 2003.

CCP hasn’t killed EVE. Successful players killed it. EVE is a PvP game and PvP games are killed by the players who succeed and make other players lose. One of the reasons why Valkyrie: Warzone has crashed and burned it’s because new players were being massacrated game after game by people who had played it for a year. Nobody likes to be the punching ball, and certainly nobody pays to become a punching ball. New players had terrible experiences, shared them and the game became dead on arrival.

In PvP, either you win or you lose. Nobody pays to lose. And in EVE, either you join the Goons or you lose. Not inmediately, but is just a mattter of time. Why even bother.

Also the things that used to be an alternative to PvP, now CCP only develops them as tools to become a part of the PvP machine. But, that would be a different story.


Why do you think it so? Maybe other companies understand that it’s hard to manage thousands of objects and players? Or that is explaining everything so yeah here is the TiDi guys we now its sucks but… Oh by the way there are plenty of new skins and cerebral accelerators (which don’t work for more than two in a row) but it’s all good.

Same to you mate. That is not justify that anyhow if you can’t manage thousands of object while in simops don’t bloody do that at the cost of time. 30 min to get my weapons cycled? gtfo

I’ve already explained it, if you think you can code it better then by all means, there are NO other games managing to track and process that number of entities, by all means show me a game that can manage 3000 people in the same place fighting, most MMO servers can’t handle that many people on a single shard :stuck_out_tongue:

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So… you’re saying EVE should cap the size of fleet fights? Should it just disconnect everyone who shoots their guns in a full system?

Either way, what your are complaining about is dumb. Un-fun fleet fights are the core of EVE’s marketing strategy. Stupidbad fights are why people play the game in the first place. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s working as intended.

So much incompetence coming from CCP. The symptoms are everywhere.

They need to start over with new staff and get rid of all these people with mental blocks.