CCP lays of dozens and closes VR department

Yes. People forget in 2003 MMOs were fresh and were to be experienced as a “new world” to spend time in. This reached its logical conclusion with Second Life, which coincidentally was released the same year as EVE, and was purely a vritual world with no game to speak of.

In 2017, it is the opposite, and people could care less about the world experience, and want purely the game. Which is why EVE has become “fight over POS/citadels for no reason online” and the lack of a timer fight every single night is seen as massive failure! Which it is, when judged by the standards and expectations of today.

Most attempts at innovation fail. If we were to subject innovative ideas to a popularity contest/voting we get very, very little innovation. Since innovation is a significant component of economic growth and prosperity…we’d all be much worse off without people taking these ex ante crazy leaps.

In this sense CCP is innovative and we should all be thankful for it.

Ahhh, but that is the beauty of EVE, CCP does not try to manage us. They largely let us manage ourselves.

Again that is part of what makes EVE, EVE. It is a process of discovery for new players. That process can be slow and frustrating if you try to lone wolf it, or it can be sped up and less frustrating if you find others in game who can pass along their knowledge…which is one reason why groups tend to dominant, IMO.

What? Every group that has been successful at one point has also suffered a stunning defeat. Goons, have lost their home twice. Once in Delve, and then in Deklein. Pandemic Legion suffered a massive loss. This notion does not seem helpful.

Goons, as I noted, have lost alot throughout the game.

The real thing is either you can handle losing or you can’t. Seems to me you fall in the latter category.

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Removed a spam post.

CCP should change the way they do things.

What we see now on Valkyrie, we ever felt it (don’t ask where…) before.

A bug? Don’t worry, we close (Eve Gate).
Too much ressources? Don’t worry, we close (Evelopedia, Walk in stations, Forums).
No future? You paid for that? Don’t worry, we close anyway. Cheers. (Dust 514, Valkyrie).

It might cast doubt on Eve Online if they hit the ball out of the park like that again.


EVE Gate was retired early because of a security flaw, it was due to be retired anyway, nobody really used it and maintaining legacy systems nobody uses is pointless

EVElopedia was constantly out of date as people were never updating it and numerous player made resources were better than it so they just decided to nuke it off

Walking in stations was a mistake to begin with and we told them from the start that it wouldn’t work

Forums? you mean this place you’re posting right now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Dust was released on an already dead system, the PS3, there was nothing CCP could do to prevent the death of the PS3 so they pulled out, a choice most developers made

Valkyrie was more of a tech demo, people have been saying since the start that VR wasn’t going to catch on this time round due to costs, low and behold we were right :stuck_out_tongue:

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People are always with the doom and gloom approach on these statements. Fact is CCP is just doing some much needed restructuring.

I mean closing of offices and laying people off sucks, but sometimes it is needed for the better of the company as a whole. I have been laid off before it sucks but you know what, I am doing better now and so is the company I worked for. I am not mad at anyone about it.

Putting VR on the shelf for now is a good move, VR is another fad, that will fade with time. It is too expensive and impractical for your typical consumer. The additional computing power for the VR is also not quite there for the average consumer and the level of things that can and will go wrong is just not worth it.

Not to mention what exactly are you going to do with VR in EVE? stare at your ship through a set of VR goggles? LOL

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Eve Gate was used.
A lot of topics were up to date in Evelopedia.
Walking in stations was not really well done above all.
These forums are not at the same level.
For Dust 514, nobody asked to make it on PS3.
Valkyrie a tech demo? A tech demo where you need to have an expensive VR headset to play and you need an entire studio in Newcastle to make it…

End of the lesson.

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CCP success with side projects speaks for itself while we are being milked for cash to fund them and the state of EVE Online is continuing to decay.


What lesson, WHO used EVE gate? i looked at it once and then never touched it because it didn’t give me anything i didn’t already have ingame, why would i use a web interface to do something i can do ingame?

And a lot of the articles in EVElopedia were out of date, if its not being maintained completely then its a waste, no point having half truths, players had better more up to date data

WiS was never going to be done well, it was a pointless addition, it was literally there so people could play space dress-up, minimal people would have used it, i’m not going to spend time walking around a station to do exactly the same stuff as i could already do on a UI much faster :stuck_out_tongue:

What exactly is “missing” with these forums, the old one barely had any features to begin with so i’ve not seen anything missing, you’ll have to enlighten me as to what exactly you think isn’t the same

You’re right nobody asked, but that doesn’t mean sony didn’t offer to finance part of the project if it was released on the PS3, the PS4 wasn’t out at the time and they already had a PC game they wanted to appeal to people who didn’t have direct access to EVE on PC, the idea was sound, the execution was a bit lacking and it being on a dead console didn’t help

Yes a tech demo, its a proof of concept to say “Look we can do this” much like everything on VR at this point, its dead end tech due to its cost, it isn’t going mainstream and without mainstream use its worthless

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EVE development team was not impacted at all? Then why the layoffs of 100 people? I was getting excited for a second. I thought some of the complacency had gone away with the layoffs. So the game still isn’t going to be developed?

im sorry but their same usual responses makes it even more proof to simply not invest in a “new” ccp product cause they do not have the fortitude to continue supporting it outside the eve online realm itself.

and add another fail… valkerie… which was the most promising vr game on the block…

how do you fail at winning???

I am thankful that CCP and most ISD are letting us talk openly here as long as were not trolling. I give a +1 to CCP for enduring the pessimistic and negative and realistic discussions about them. EXCEPT, I am not appreciative of some of the Control Freakness and Thought Crime commited here by ISD of secretly deleting many many posts, including my own. ISD please stop!

@Gryphon_Infinite just stop discussing moderation.

You have been informed about the support ticket system: . You can find out more about the forum policies here:


As a general rule of thumb: I think it’s better to be good at one thing rather than mediocre on several. Focus, focus and more focus on one thing and be the best in that thing. You can’t be good at several things, forget it, it’s not possible. There is too much spreading at CCP at the moment, too many product failures, too much noise around what should or should not be done, too much try and fail approach without proper research and analysis, too much wannabe attitude, too little creativity, too much money making mania, too much wizard chemistry without knowing what you put into the mix, too much ambition to become the next EA in Iceland…

It’s currently run by the wrong people at the top I am afraid, it used to be run by the right people I guess but not anymore ! Spreadsheet movers instead of creative leaders.

Focus is about saying “no” to 99% and yes to 1% and then do only that, and do it right ! The rest will follow. For that you need a CEO dictator who imposes his will and communicates it clearly. A business company is not a democracy, it’s a dictatorship. For example: this CSM circus is plain and simply a costly and useless joke. It leads to consensus and nerfing and then leads to mediocrity !

I was watching the EVE Vegas presentations, and I almost yelled out from my window: “what the heck are you CCP dev guys doing there the whole day in Iceland? Is this the only additional content you can pull off?”

Most likely by axing this VR dead branch, CCP realized that focus is important for business survival, which is at least a good news. Now the key is to re-focus on the stuff they are good at, hire the right creative talents and advertise the core products with a clear road map… that will drive customer retention. 100 people fired ! JFC, I let you calculate how much this was costing per year in salaries and infrastructure, and what a fantastic Eve we would have if those people would have worked on Eve online during this whole time !

One way of improvement could be trying to integrate the current harsh in-game EvE eco-system with something new which retains new players who want immediate satisfaction without being cannon fodders. The current and the new eco-systems would co-exist and a player would be able to go from one to the other seamlessly.

I know its crazy but I suggested once in a discussion to attach to new Eden a “Super High-Sec” grid, where PvP is not possible (CONCORD would kill you instantly if you try to gank). NPC’s would be more aggressive and deadly than anywhere else, the market more limited. It would be challenging to implement and balance it out with a market, but I believe it could help improve overall retention.

Then, moving from Super High-Sec into High-Sec then to Low / Null would become a natural process and much more gradual for new players.

There are tons of things which could be done in Eve to make it better, but so little is actually implemented. It’s unnnnnnnbelievable that with the current staff nothing better comes out than a couple of huge super mining structures which will make the TiDi even worse !

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High sec is already safe enough if you have intelligence, knowledge, prior planning, and awareness of your surroundings. If a person doesn’t have these abilities and is risk adverse as well, he really needs to find another game. This isn’t a HTFU post, but a request not to change a game so many of us have enjoyed for so many years into something that will drive the majority of us away. I agree that a regained focus on EVE by CCP could reap financial benefits for them , while addressing the games deficiencies as defined by those who play it the most. However, you have to wonder if the cutting CCP did was too deep, especially in regards to community interaction.

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What on earth are you people talking about “re-focusing on eve” and such?

Did you people even read the article and what freaking Himlar said?

Literally ccp is cutting coats and doing layoffs, selling an office and closing on to freaking FOCUS ON ASIAN MOBILE GAMES LOL.

And “complex” ones that that.

Falcon even said this wont affect eve development.





Sadly, surprising no one but CCP.

Ccp tried to start CCP shanghai to make dust 514 with inexperienced devs who had no dev experience in shanghai with Playstation’s because they were banned in China before they lifted the ban in the free trade zone meaning the dust team was essentially creating a 2005-2006 era launch title that never left the alpha phase and was eventually led by CCP_Ratatti who openly admitted he had never played Eve online and was unfamiliar with how the game should apply to dust.

Ccp Atlanta which was just closed also spent along time working on that world of darkness and that game ended up being vaporware that went no where and never released from dev hell. They had to lay off some guys there too when wod folded iirc.

When ccp announced Valkyrie most of us sighed and said frankly it was a bad idea and that it wouldn’t go anywhere.

It’s unfortunate CCP atlanta is closing but everyone keeps warning them over and over again and they don’t generally listen to the playerbase in that regard.

Idk why they thought anyone had an interest in Valkyrie or VR which is and always has been a gimmick like motion controls. 20 people on steam is even worse than than several thousand who stuck with dust. At least dust had a chance cause it had millions of players lifetime but the turnover was so high they never stayed with the game and quit so it was just a constant influx of new people. Valk had no broad appeal the way a free fps on console would where the install base is astronomically higher than any pc only game ever will.

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“High sec is already safe enough if you have intelligence, knowledge, prior planning, and awareness of your surroundings. If a person doesn’t have these abilities and is risk adverse as well, he really needs to find another game.”

This is a 1000 fold stupid repeat dude, and is exactly what should be addressed without nerfing the existing, but personally I don’t really care much about this part because this is the complexity I like in the game. I am just thinking out of the box (in contrary to you) and saying that a good proportion of people who are new to the game don’t stay because at least at the beginning of the Eve journey they don’t want all this overhead. If you have a kid who learns how to walk, do you throw him out of the window after the first attempts and say instead go and learn how to fly ?? Duh !

I have learned the hard way, I liked it, and sticked to it, but I am part of a minority of players out there.

The vast majority of new players do not have the knowledge, they do not have the planning, they do not have awareness, they do not have all that stuff we have learned when they log on, and yet they still want to play EvE and learn gradually. They still want to play right away without spending 90% of their time out of the game with PyFa, EFT, zkillboard, bla bla bla.

Do you get that, or it that hard for you to grasp this very simple concept ??

耶稣他妈的基督,我只是不能相信这个 !!!

My, a bit salty there, aren’t you? I merely suggested that to “fix” EVE doesn’t mean they have to change the core tenets such that the game no longer is what made it great originally. There are games that have rules/play that do not fit certain player groups/people; whether it’s the rules themselves or the restrictions on their actions. This doesn’t make a person or group “bad” or “worthless”, just not a good fit for the game. That you had to directly attack me and my opinion rather crudely suggests that you may have some issues outside those of the game.