CCP - Need to look at neutral bumping alts

#d bits will be sarcasm…
Assumptions were made.

  1. You assume he fights anywhere aside from highsec wardecs. When he’s not using ban-avoidance.
  2. Just as he dismisses the original post that he completely read and understood.

While I agree that bumping itself is a valid tactic, bumping with OoC alts with no risk that isn’t immediately more risky to implement to counter, is not a valid tactic in my book.

The cost of a ship to blap the overpropped Omen is worth ISK that will be guaranteed lost as it will be CONCORDed, while the bumper suffers no risk until something that can blap it shows up, for which they will be reimbursed insurance.

This is why I worked on possible solutions to the issue that left legitimate bumping tactics in place, while removing obviously cancerous bull-■■■■ practices.

For Clarification:

I bump people off hole and station all the time. But they have the option to fight back. This also wouldn’t interrupt the normal (still cancerous imo) bumping in high-sec with miners and PvE dudes, just the stupidity that is there when there is actual ■■■■ on field that is fighting in a war, and there being a 0-risk way to pull ■■■■ off like what happened with us – we sure as hell weren’t going to shoot a <100m Omen with >700m Leshes for a guaranteed loss, and we weren’t going to violate ToS logging in alpha-toons with omens to counter-counter the Omens, or log out DPS/Logi for ganking catalysts or Nados… that would have been equally retarded.