CCP - Need to look at neutral bumping alts

By using the “Warp fleet except logi” feature?

By using the fleet orbit feature?

You can have your logi in a different squad or wing and either squad / wing warp.

There’s this thing called regrouping. You can find it in the little drop down hamburger menu in your fleet window.

See? I don’t claim to know everything - in fact there’s a lot I don’t know and I generally keep my nose out of it because I’m humble enough to admit that I shouldn’t be the one in the room talking about it. These are basic elements of the game that you either didn’t know existed or haven’t thought through how to use them to your advantage. So this guy posts 100% constructively and you feel the need to chime in sarcastically and show your ignorance. I think you need to calm down, get a grip, maybe accept the fact that you should just read and learn from the knowledge and experience of others.

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You were not. You’ve actually been trolling for several posts, with insults and condescending posts. Exactly like this one post where you are condescending and off-topic again with the loki nobody cares about.

I think you need to calm down, get a grip, maybe accept the fact that you should just read and learn from the knowledge and experience of others.

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The constructive post I’m referring to is not my own, but the post of Beatson. He offered his opinion on the matter and Renly replied in the ignorant manner he did.

Oh he cared about that Loki. I also hear it made Knowledgeminer upset that he had lost it.

Yes, maybe once someone that displays equal or more knowledge and experience on the subject shows his face. Till then you guys need me here to call you out on blind ignorance such as that of Renly’s. Enjoy your day guy as it’s clear you’re only here to troll and not even fully read posts before doing so.

But since that’s off topic, this is just spam .

Then write whose post you refer to instead of “this guy”.
But thanks for agreeing you are only here to troll.

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Every fleet I’ve been in has different squads for DPS, logi, tackle, etc, etc. You have everyone align, then have squad leaders warp each squad off one by one, or everyone but logi warp individually. Then you can squad warp logi last.

Your fleet orbit comment is a bit idiotic. Everyone but the anchor should be orbiting. If your fleet is too lazy to hold down W and click, or right click > orbit, your fleet doesn’t really have any business doing any pvp. If you’re too lazy as an FC to yell at people not orbiting, you have no business being an FC.

There are so many ways to counter bumping. If your first thought is “Let’s change the rules of the game to benefit me!” when others are successfully countering these tactics, you really need to re-examine your approach to the game.


That’s nice. Neither did I.

The rest of your post is nothing but arrogance, so you will have to forgive us for not buying that statement.

Oh. Okay. So now however you have your squads and wings set up, now you need to rearrange it just to combat the fringe tactic of HS neut bumping and possibly at the expense of familiarity, more usual arrangements and more common tactics. Fantastic.

Also have to keep in mind warping them separately. I am sure that with all else going on, that little tidbit of remembering your logi will need a separate warp should go swimmingly, EVE being such a low attention game and all.

But yeah, points for “possible”. Practical is another matter, especially considering the resources of the players involved.

Well, If makes other ships orbit a target ship that’s gonna come with fresh issues too.

Hey, I got an idea? How about if neuts wanna take part in a fight, they get to take an actual risk?

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Its not my first thought. And actually I have been thinking about bumping in HS coming with actual direct consequences for a very long time now.

This may not be the best example of why it should change, but I certainly want to test its solidity.

It was a question in response to your overly vague suggestion.

Maybe the OP’s fleet can pull that off. Maybe not. IDK. Generally speaking, your suggestions are valid. For this person, they may or may not work well.

But I can only see these as inter-rim solutions to a problem that should not really exist. I think that is the core difference of opinion here.

Yes. If bumping is a problem enough where you come to the forums to gripe about it, I’d say it’s worth setting your fleet up in such a way to combat the primary issue at hand? Adapting and improving is part of the game. Remember, this is chess.

Eve doesn’t need to be a low attention game, especially if you have a fleet out and are moving or doing fleet things. To me it’s as simple as having your logi anchor / logi fc do the separate warp after the bulk of the fleet is safely off grid. Nothing complicated or annoying about that at all.

I don’t see what’s impractical and why you’d think resource limitations are a consideration when we’re talking about setting up a fleet. It’s literally dragging names of pilots into different leadership positions.

No it makes the ships in fleet orbit the pilot that issued the regroup command. So in a combat situation you can use regroup to wrangle in a straying fleet member and even use it as a way to anchor the fleet on you making a bumper have a much harder time if you’re moving properly.

This includes human resources. If its impractical or not is an issue for the OP. You will have to take it up with him. Its not my problem.

Its not. That was sarcasm. There is a lot going on which brings me to:

Sure. But there are limits. Pushing the boundaries is recommended but success is never guaranteed.

Its hard to believe you can’t think of how that can create fresh issues. But hey, this is all theoretical for the OP until he puts it to use and gives feedback.

Until then, and even after, I think bumping in HS as a neut covered by Concord is a crap of a dynamic.

Bumping is annoying, so I can kinda understand the desire to just get rid of it, so you could fly through other ships. We can already shoot our guns “through” other ships as if they weren’t there, and fly through suns.

However, this idea of flagging people for bumping seems so outrageous that I struggle to reconcile it with the apparent seriousness of the people proposing it.

What do you mean bumping wasn’t nerfed. It was. CCP added a change that if you were aligning for three minutes you’d automatically warp, no matter your alignment.

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Yes, “orbit something” is incredibly vague, given that the only requirement is that you need to be moving to avoid the worst consequences of being bumped. If you’d ever been in a half decent fleet, you’d know that orbiting an anchor is practically a requirement.

“Maybe”. I’ve been in a fleet of new players who have managed to warp in individually when called, and warp out when needed. They’re hardly interim solutions when station bashes have been happening for years and good FCs have avoided the problem.

Again, if you have no experience of FCing and can’t call warps when you need to, or you can’t warp a squad, you have no business being in a leadership role. This all falls down to “get good”. Bumping is a valid tactic, is not an exploit, and is easily countered.

Every station bash I’ve been on has people orbiting. It’s a great way for logi to negate damage, constantly keeps you in distance of your logi, keeps your moving so reds can’t warp to 0 on you, plus loads of other reasons.

Looking at your killboards, it looks like you’ve never participated in a station bash, so I’d say you’re out of your element here. May I suggest taking Anderson’s advice:


Questions should be followed by a question mark.

And you are asking me a question about something that never happened.

Sounds more like a buff to warping than a nerf to bumping to me. But if that was what was meant, hey, don’t fault me for someone else being overly vague.

Cool. I forgot for a second that your experience was all encompassing as well as optimal for all situations.

But since subtlety is lost here and words like maybe are useless, how about I just post “You’re wrong!” and call it a night? I mean, you are going to post as if that’s what I said anyway so might as well.

How many ALTs do you suppose I have?

Anyway, did I dismiss you advice? Oh yeah, I just did. You’re wrong. We must stick to binary choices here.

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Yes, if losing ships and not being able to mine a thing are trifles, sure.

Git gud, scrub.

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My bad, forgot a question mark. That change was a nerf to bumping because if you were trying to warp, and then were bumped for three minutes, you would automatically warp if you weren’t pointed.

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All situations, you mean the two being discussed in the OP? The two I’ve directly addressed in my post? I’ve flown with some pretty damn experienced people, and they’ll all tell you the same thing: orbiting during any kind of PVP is quite essential (I guess apart from cap fights). If you want a couple of reasons why, just look at turret and launcher mechanics, then at speed and sig tanking.

Quite frankly, that is what you’re doing. You’re dismissing my experience and my suggestions as “interim solutions” that aren’t actual counters to bumping. I’ve given you several solutions and good reasons why you should do them, not just as a counter to bumping, and you’ve essentially said they’re not viable because either the FC’s too lazy to do squad and fleet warps, and that people are too lazy to orbit.

I don’t think it matters, as you’ve proven that you either haven’t been in a station bash fleet, or your FC didn’t know what they were doing.

How about you stay away from the rhetoric and get back on topic? Why should CCP take OP’s suggestions, when there are good counters to bumping that an FC should be doing for other reasons? Why should CCP waste time and effort “fixing” something that’s been in the game for 15 years and completely ruins a play style?

Honestly, the only response there can be to you is “get good”.

I am dismissing your belief that you know the OP’s set up, ships, MO, playstyle and everything else well enough to say “This will work best or better for you for sure guaranteed”. I accepted it MIGHT be good enough. Maybe. IDK. Talk to the OP.

And while these are counters, they are rather weak for a game that is so often called a game of destruction.

Yeah. Going FY in HS is so terrifying loads of people are bound to just up and rage quit.

Or are you calling neut bumping in HS to meddle in war decs an entire playstyle? IDK. Maybe it is. IDK everything. You tell me.

Cause I was thinking it was fringe and not all that effective anyway, on top of just being a garbage mechanic.