CCP Peturrson, Has A Fantasy

Sure, but with things like Tornado or Gnosis you’re getting into the realms of 60-90m ISK, which is a bit expensive for taking out the cheap anti-ganker frigates. This is what I mean by things being dis-incentivized.


Navy yes . Facpo? not a chance, tried to tank them with 150k hull tank battleship back when we still could test stuff on a test server. They cheat. After few seconds they just ramp up the dps and you die very quickly.

There’s entire swathes of threads detailing how noobs may be put off Eve by ganking. Yet I consider it just as likely that noobs are put off by all the bloated mechanics you mention. It’s just that the carebears are more vocal, rather than being more numerous. But I’d suspect that barely a day goes by without some noob leaving due to the lack of PvP.

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You’re right, and it would discourage a fair number of players.

I have long since decided that EVE is my hobby. As such, I will sink as much money into my hobby as I can afford because it grants me enormous satisfaction. The satisfaction is my reward, my ‘profit’, if you like.

I regard it as excessive to use 4 Omega accounts in order to spank an irritating Procurer pilot who has recently taken up residence near my home, but I will do it, for the love of EVE!


ISK-wise it doesn’t discourage me. In fact I created quite a nifty 400 DPS Moa setup for just 17m ISK and which has 18K EHP. But…am I going to ‘waste’ a 17m ISK ship on a less than 1m ISK Griffin ? Nice solo kill…I can easily afford the loss…but Eve is precisely the sort of game where one’s victory becomes ’ ha…you wasted all that ISK’.

I wonder if this sort of thing ever enters Hilmar’s fantasies.

But here’s something for Hilmar’s nightmares : Disgruntled noobs are more likely to express that disgruntlement than bored noobs. Thus one can gain the false impression that swathes of people leave Eve because they got ganked or whatever…when in fact the silent majority were simply bored of all the bloated mechanics in the way of them having a good fight.

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Weren’t there also people flying around in Gank Atrons to kill Ventures?

Yes, Dyver, I’ve done it.

Yes, if every new player in Highsec who was ganked left the game, it would show up as a little red flag on CCP’s mini-map. Surely?

That ganking hasn’t (yet) been removed might indicate that CCP doesn’t regard it as a significant issue, given the amount of churn to which they have coyly admitted.

Surely there is nothing more vocal than a nullbloc leader.

Nullbloc leaders are carebears.

A soon to be dissolved Imperial Senate

…and we all know who runs the Imperial Senate. The core tenent of Eve Online is, PvP. How do we access Dev Space, the home of CCP? I bet there is some really good stuff in Dev Space. PvP is consensual upon undock, and since CCP does maintain a region of space and solar systems in New Eden and fly’s spaceships around, then Dev Space is open to be entered by Capsuleers.

How do we get into Dev Space to change the problem that opens the door to Dev Space? The forums.

We are coming. We want your beer. Your chips, and your PLEX.

Mostly just cockroaches.

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Never gonna happen. I suspect that all that goes on there is testing anyway.

Easy, all you have to do is swim slowboat there.


…players were able to swim out to the island, and that swim took around an hour of hard work. It involved using a level one character constantly casting renew and other healing spells; and the player had to know exactly where to point themselves or risk being hopelessly lost in the vast oceans…


Mostly just cockroaches.

Gankers? :rofl:

We should be allowed to attack Dev Space. Even a small amount of Dev space, maybe 25 solar systems, that only brave and glory seeking Capsuleers would dare breach the Jovian Field to access Dev space, if for only a limited time.

It takes more than one Capsuleer to accept another’s politics and by accepting such helps build something more meaningful than plain outright deciding whether being an NPC @Mr_Epeen or being a part of something broader like an Alliance!

Why did you delete that?

It was good, don’t hide behind the truth

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