CCP Peturrson, Has A Fantasy

Oh but it wasn’t really a likes kind of thread

Unless the gankers end up in space prison, this sounds worse than the current system of crime and punishment.

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Space prison could work. Put the pilot into a prison where they have to go through remedial training missions to return to a normal sec status.

The more crimes committed the more missions the criminal has to do. And if the problem continues? Actual prison time where the person cant log in or use the forums, but if they are paying, then their sub is paused until they get out of jail.

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We already had this. Some years ago you couldn’t easily regain sec-status via dogtag trading, you had to kill rats for quite some time to “prove” that you focus on lawful activity again. With the implementation of tag-trading they simply turned the sec status into a money/math thing, allowing any outlaw to go back to “lawful status” without any issues, over and over again. And the costs for these tags can simply be calculated into the target choice for their ganks. I can understand why this seems ridiculous, I personally don’t like it, both from a lore- and from a game-design perspective.


I think CCP is wary of making revolutionary changes in Highsec.

You rightly point out the benefit to the Company of the introduction of tags-for-sec. It’s clear that they have little appetite for appeasing assorted grievances, when doing so might reduce their income.

It’s all about the money, really. There’s a tipping point (isn’t there always?). Whilst Highsec gankers spend big on multiboxing in order to take down the modern better-tanked vessels, CCP is unlikely to be swayed by random Forum thread initiatives driven by the moral positions of their creators.

Of course, it could tip the other way; if the outcry from aggrieved Highsec capsuleers (and their demonstrable exodus from the game) became a persistent - and growing - trend, we might expect CCP to relinquish their reluctance to interfere in Highsec crime mechanics - and positively drool over Dryson’s submissions. Well, some of them.

The current situation seems to be unpopular - for various reasons - with some people on both sides of the Highsec game play divide. Personally, I just leave it up to CCP; it’s their can-o’-worms!

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It isn’t a real space game?

Is it chutes and ladders then?


No. It totally betrays Eve being a PvP game when a player is forced to engage in any form of PvE.

CCP should just bring out a single player Eve for all the whiny people. It would as near as dammit make no difference for all the people who don’t like interaction in a multiplayer game.

Even better, an opt in PvP (MMO) version of EVE already exists (unless they changed how it works).

It is that way. :point_right:

:wink: :psyccp: :popcorn:


That’s called ‘undocking’. And the day that anywhere in Eve is 100% safe to undock will be the day I cancel my subscription. I jest not.

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The point is people have no reason to complain because if they want opt in PvP they have that option already thus no need to introduce it to EVE Online.


The “key players” are very fickle. What make most of them “important” in the first place?

Ever seen someone flip the board and all the game pieces suddenly go every where?

Thats called a sudden disconnect.

If you can’t stand Eve Online, then why are you here, trolling?


Dryson is a ganker, don’t mind him.

Just ignore and block.


Does sound like something a ganker would say!

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