CCP Peturrson, Has A Fantasy

I think she misspelt it.


Are you people done with your fake accounts and identitfying as someone who plays EvE Online to be able to stalk people off-line after finding out who the real person is?

That’s a whole bunch of serious allegations, Dryson. I get that you might be feeling the effects of negative attention but lashing out in this way will get you nowhere.

My advice? Take a break.

We have alts just waiting for fleet invite.


:eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:


Turn brain off and just say yes to our corporate overlords. Like don’t even fight it at this point.


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The first issue of the Senate to address would be abuse.

We know that gankers are extremists, most of High Sec has seen it over and over again. The constant ganker believes that their efforts are doing this or that and should be exalted. In every form of communication, the ganker illicits abusive responses to anything the ganker perceives as a target to gank.

I propose that the gankers who constantly abuse other players using communication platforms be charged with numerous infractions.

The Supreme Court would have numerous court officials that would be basically like Facebook AI that tracks and administers punishment for infractions.


A little over the top to assume Dryson…

Not really, because of tall I am I can pretty much see the slithering beneath.


Sounds alot like Dryson just likes to watch the ganker princess wriggle and squirm.

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No, not really. I am only expanding on the idea that CCP Petursson talked about in the video.

Could you please be more specific and elaborate as we’re not all mind readers.

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No such thing as a mind reader. Never has been, and never will be.

Too long the trickle, of souls was dry.

CCP Peturrson, Has A Fantasy

Don’t they all?

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I harboured that belief, too. Experience taught me to discard it.

To your point, though - as long as some people behave in utterly predictable ways, there’s no need to read minds!

Oh yes there is, we already covered this in your other thread about time travel and space.

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You guys have proven zero ability to deliver a product which isnt simply a joke full of null reps. Roll the game back to 2016 and fire some people starting at the top.

I have a fantasy too.

One where null sec region gate connections swap round every couple of weeks

One where Capitals get modern redesigns.

One where CCP actively discourage massive blob fights and discourage anything that causes TIDI

One where you can make optimal isk/h with 2 accounts doing any main stay activity

One where PI comes with templates to setup planets.

One where a few planets have atmospheric flight and interactions.

One where we have Walking in stations in npc and player owned capital systems.

One where super capital gameplay is encouraged with decent insurance so the end game isnt just a game of hiding in a blob of supers that never will take a risk for fear of losing 10 years worth of game investment. because yea eve is hard but losing years of effort just makes people quit.
Because losing say 15% of a titan and the build time is still a massive loss.

One where fleet fights are not just follow the FC and press f1 and don’t dare pick your own target because EVE is so basic primary target calling is still the most efficient way to win a fight.

One where we have content based on players fun not profit margin increases.

One where Remote repairing is removed and local tanks are buffed

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