True, but there’s also ‘Question / Observation’ threads posted there as well. In fact, the actual description for that Sub-Category is:
Welcome to the Third Party Developer’s Forum
The place to discuss everything related to third party development using the EVE API! Feel free to sit back, relax, and discuss your tools and apps here!
When I read that, it reminds me more of a ‘Think Tank’, a place to discuss, test and figure out how to make various Apps work. Which is why I mentioned the EVE Technology and Research Center Category in the OP of this thread.
Also it would just be another scroll fest there to find an application for a specific topic, for instance:
EVE PI - Planetary Interaction Android App
Since I’m just a user and not a programmer, I wouldn’t even think of looking in that Sub-Category. I’d more than likely be looking in the Mining & Extraction Sub-Category located in the Industry Gameplay Center Category. And since it wouldn’t be listed there, I’d probably create a thread there asking if an app was available for that.
Also there’s guides in the Third Party Developer’s Forum too, for example:
[Tutorial: YAML to JSON on Windows] Converting the Static Data Export (SDE)
Hell, the only reason I’m looking in that Sub-Category now is due to writing and answering replies in this thread. Besides, what would it hurt to have an app be posted there as well as in the Category topic that it was originally created for in the first place. If anything that would make it easier to locate and give it much more exposure which is a good thing, right?