Well, it certainly won’t hurt to get an updated reply from a GM on this. There is the EULA wording, and then there is CCP’s interpretation of that wording. The “one action per keypress” standard has been pretty solidly accepted since this post in 2015:
With the specific references being:
" Input Automation
Input Automation refers to actions that are commonly also referred to as botting or macroing. This term is used to describe, but is not limited to, the automation of actions which have consequences in the EVE universe.
Input Broadcasting & Input Multiplexing
Input Broadcasting and Input Multiplexing refer to the multiplication of inputs, actions and events to multiple instances of the game.
Going Forward
As of 15th of March 2013 we have been policing input automation based on a two-strike policy
• 1st strike for input automation is a 30 day ban
• 2nd strike for input automation is a permanent ban
Input Automation remains strictly prohibited, and is policed under our suspension and ban policy."
"Input Broadcasting and Input Multiplexing of actions with consequences in the EVE universe, are prohibited and will be policed in the same manner as Input Automation.
This includes, but isn’t limited to:
• Activation and control of ships and modules
• Navigation and movement within the EVE universe
• Movement of assets and items within the EVE universe
• Interaction with other characters"
Of course people can say “Well that ISD isn’t official, that GM wasn’t the right one, CCP Falcon isn’t part of CCP anymore”. And be correct, frankly. CCP has always applied their rules when, where and how they see fit.
They don’t apply their rules consistently, they don’t catch everyone, and they don’t even make an effort to. The rules and interpretation of the rules are basically there to give them some kind of footing if they look at your account activity, decide they don’t like it, and want to ban you. (See the recent forum posts from the “I got banned for playing too efficiently” person… I don’t have the link right now).
So as stated, anyone can rules-lawyer all they want. It won’t make one whit of difference if they decide to ban you. One action per keystroke is simple and acceptable. Go past that and you’re inviting CCP to “interpret” you into a ban. Maybe. If you’re caught. And you haven’t paid them enough to look the other way.