Ccp response needed. whats being done to lower plex prices

probably nothing

If you go to an actual tradehub, you’ll see it hasn’t doubled yet. In other news, nothing will be done to lower prices, they’ll lower themselves when everyone stops buying plex with ISK

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What confuses me is that ppl seem to think that using in game aquired currency to pay for an account should be easy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If a game feels like work, it’s time to quit that game. That’s my take on it and that’s why I sub with real money.


Remember when PLEX was 300m, and it went up to about 500, and people complained that it was too expensive and new players who wanted to plex instead of sub were gonna quit?

Remember when PLEX was 500m, and it went up to about 800, and people complained that it was too expensive and new players who wanted to plex instead of sub were gonna quit?

Remember when it went up from 800m to a bil, and people complained that it was too expensive and new players who wanted to plex instead of sub were gonna quit?

Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the CHILDREN!!!


Just google “Eve online plex price”. You will see “Plex price too high” from as early as 2012.

This is one of early threads of plex complaint: 400M isk for a PLEX?.. really?

In a sense, the 15 USD / month is becoming cheaper because of real world money inflation. I am 100% sure 15 bucks in 2003 was worth far more than 15 bucks of 2017.


Yes. A one year sub for eve (when at full price, excluding any sales) costs less than 31 English breakfast teas from Starbucks at current prices.


I never liked how CCP have to make you agree on recurring subscription. Customers have to check if they are cancelling or they wil be billed if they forget to cancel.

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Well, isn’t that what the word ‘subscription’ usually means though? I think they do also say recurring.

I always treat my subscription as for a described amount of time that is described when you click the offer, not “to infinity”.

Anyway, you have to check and that is additional stuff you have to remember.

Yeah, maybe. I think all these things should probably include a checkbox for the recurring option, off by default.

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I think you mean “alpha option” given the context of the rest of it.

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It’s not the Plex price, it’s about the inflation of ISK. We need more sinks.

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There is nothing to do about Plex prices. N.O.T.H.I.N.G !

It is very good that they are high. The higher the better. Yes !

That encourages players to lose stuff cause they just Plex their account and don’t bother losing bling stuff. At least that is how it works for me. I Plex my account and go PvP and if I lose my ship I just buy one new 5s later, and go back to battle. I don’t lose my time grinding ■■■■.

I see some players with 7 omegas or more. This is a cancer ! Grinding via PI or mining bots and using the ISK to extend subscription. If plex would be 10x the current price, that would stop this multi account madness.

I believe CCP is well aware of this, and I hope Plex pricing will continue raising.



The rise of PLEX-price is caused by the falling player count!

I think that’s actually something of a feedback loop - yes, what you say, but also the rising PLEX prices are in turn contributing to the falling player count. Vicious circle.


Death spiral. Sounds ominous.
There was a bump connected to introduction of alphas, so it might just be the logins returning to “normal” and not connected to Plex price at all.

Nice meme, but add numbers of new PLEX bought with real world money & amount of ISK in players wallets throughout the game to that & then you might have something :slight_smile:

PLEX was rising in price even when amount of players was rising. I think its mainly just that people have more free ISK.