This depends on the price of modules. The main difference will be that you will encounter fits which are not possible today. The info about new OP fits will spread and people will supply the pieces. Not by skill and effort but by gambling. The whole fitting expierience will change from careful optimization with limited resources towards gambling. If it doesn’t fit, just throw tokens into your slot machine until you get what you need.
EDIT: Everything will center around the new modules, farmers will farm the tokens, producers will produce the perfect base mods, gamblers will provide the perfect mods. A whole new economy replacing the old.
Not necessarily. My problem with Salvos is his simple(ton) economics. The price of DED/Faction items is the upper bound on the “sky rocketing T2 price” that Salvos is claiming. Further, this also limits the extent to which Faction/DED modules will see a price drop.
Here is how I see it: there is no way to innovate or do technological advancement in EVE. You cannot come up with a better warp disruptor. There is no path forward for that. Seems to me that CCP is trying to experiment with this…maybe it won’t work, but IDK.
Why do you think this? I’m not being a jerk here. I’m asking you to try and flesh this out a bit more. Sure if I could take a T2 module and turn it into a Faction/DED equivalent with certainty you’d have a point. But doesn’t this hinge on the RNG? Suppose I have to use 25 T2 modules to get one of these new Faction/DED module equivalents, is that going to really upset the market that much? Elitatwo noted that a T2 warp disruptor costs 1.5 million so if I have to spend 35 million in T2 warp disruptors to get a Faction/DED equivalent along with the cost of mutaplasmids and other costs? IDK, depends on what we are comparing it too I guess.
Indeed, but the other factor to keep in mind is that if anything becomes OP CCP can always nerf it as they have done in the past. They can nerf it is a variety of ways, such as tweaking the RNG process, the bonuses the RNG produces, etc. Yes, CCP Rise noted nerfing the stats of the base module, I’d consider that a rather last resort solution myself.
There is, its t2 production. But to get above that limit, you always had to run sites, go in dangerous places, run PvE in PvE fit in low sec for example, with PvP sometimes happening on the way. Now if anybody could just run some low tier abyssal pockets with intend to farm powerful mutas without any PvP stuff going in the way, to then make a really good module (better than from DED sites), the rest will have lower participation. Then it will be maybe even removed as not enough people will do it and it will eat their precious dev time to keep it working.
If all modules were manufactured then we wouldn’t have a problem, but everything above T2 are drops. Drops come from pve content, why we would want to do that content when demand for that module will plummet (DED modules will be eventually replaced by mutated ones)? People won’t bother with module price + cost of mutagen. Most of people still don’t comprehend the minerals they mine are not free. When I’m checking storyline module prices I want to cry.
Another problem is content accessibilty. I will create content on demand, just by using filament, no need for jumping around the cluster and searching for sites. This is gamebreaking not gamechanging.
I would rather want to see all modules being created rather than RNG mechanism introduced. It’s won’t end well at all. It will mess with economy, it will mess with balance, learning curve will raise from Everest to Olympus Mons.
No, you are missing my point. There is no path forward other than what CCP has put in the game. Whatever is the best item in game that is it. You cannot get beyond that. At. All. Ever. In a RL economy there is no such bound. Look at cars. Today’s entry level car is quite comparable to a luxury car of 40 years ago. Power lock,s power windows, AM/FM stero, CD player, bluetooth, ABS brakes, heck some cars even come with heated seats now. In game we face a hard limit that CCP determines and there is literally nothing you can do to go beyond that at all. Nothing. Ever.
Now you are speculating. How much mutas will one get from a HS site? Will it be enough to generate a DED module? IDK. Back when I started I used to run HS DED sites. Getting the MWDs was awesome. 25 million/MWD. Great ISK. Interceptor pilots wanted them bad. Now those sites are ■■■■. I’m pretty sure somewhere along the way EVE died at least 3 times between then and now.
You are assuming that the demand will plummet. It might drop…or it might not. GSF developed a doctrine around the TFI…then they abandoned it. Why? Because they could not get enough hulls. My point is you are assuming a heck of alot here. Markets are very adapteive. So much so that alot of “just so” reasoning has turned out to be pure idiocy (e.g. Gevlon Goblin’s claim that controlling HS trade citadels would mean a Titan-a-week dribblings). Did any of these things come to pass? No.
Yeah…if only I had a nickel every time someone claimed this.
Sure. Let’s make it deterministic instead that will be better.
And in our fantasy real world, we don’t have to consider game balance, only power creep.
And this is exactly the point we are trying to make here, it is utter power creep and has nothing to do with economics.
The irony is even better, CCP claimed they would focus more on game balance - hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!111111eleven
Market are adapteive, supply in this game is not. If there is a demand for wheat I will just sow more wheat. I can’t increase supply of high-tech items I need for hacking modules, because sites drops finite amount of them. There are ofc exceptions from that like products based of finite earth resources but still. GSF abbadoned doctrice because supply couldn’t match demand (and the mechanism behind how we could get the hull is not that simple), RL market would just adjust. Now as I wrote, content will be created by players, by opening filament, supply of abyssal items will be enormous. I won’t need to warp around the cluster, scanning, expose myself to pvp and after dungeon is done I’ll get item to open another. For example for 3 hours session I can find 1 site and have no luck at all on drops, in that time I can do 12 abyssal pockets. It’s not like missions, where salvage can be obtained from other sources. CCP want mutagen to be widely used, and good rolls don’t be rare. On that base I don’t think I’m assuming a lot. Either way it will go wrong, overfarmed mutagens will change module market in a bad way, not enough supply will make them expensive which is pointless from creating new shake off for the pvp.
This is a real ■■■■ argument.
“Hey its ok. Dont worry about it now. CCP can nerf it later, after we exploited it and damaged EVE irrevocably, and others after us cant exploit the same imbalance anymore for profit”
Technetium bottleneck, carrier ratting, BPO lottery etc all imbalanced and “nerfed” later, once the damage was already done.
That’s the optimistic case - that things get abused, and that CCP steps in within some reasonable time frame, and somehow does a correct rebalance.
Of course we all know that won’t happen. The more likely case is that things are screwed up for years, and then CCP comes in with some half-measure that doesn’t get the job done. I mean, how is balance now? How long did it take them to attempt to fix strategic cruisers? And what was the result of that effort?
I’ll say it again: people who nerf carriers in PvP because there’s an economic problem in PvE, and people who would consider nerfing mainline modules so they could cram in the RNG modules, are not to be trusted with balance, much less anything else. This is gonna be a disaster.
The form of the carrier nerf was a surprise and dissappointment to everyone.
Both me, as someone who believes Player NS influence is real on CCP decisions, and to Player NS itself.
It’s not any more of a sidetrack than your mentioning technetium and whatever else. Your point - and mine - was that there is a pattern here. There is a history.
You want to know the future? Just look at the past. “The man who does not know history is doomed to repeat it.”
Worst part of the addon is that it will affect not only combat pvp part. I don’t care about SP trading or SKINs because I don’t use it. RNG mechanism will affect me directly. I provide DED modules.
Mutated T2 will replace them as cheaper, more plentiful, and as effective (if not more).
Not just on the consumer end, but also the new “transmuter” professionals whom will prefer buying/using T2 modules to risk the random result of the mutation on.
Especially for weapons, which must be T2 rated inorder to use T2 ammo.
They want to keep their costs down, so as to run as many mutations as possible for the desired result, according to law of averages.
T2 is far more efficient for that than raking DED/LP modules off the market, and which are less common due to the effort/time/RNG required to obtain them. T3 modules dont exist.