I agree with your analysis. Not sure if removing local is really the solution. I propose to make EVE smaller, forcing everyone closer together and thus creating potential for more conflict while also stopping the insane ISK faucet. Here: CCPls: make EVE smaller
The reason I prefer my solution is this: in the extremely unlikely event that CCP would get rid of local in Null, you can be 100% certain that AFK Ratting Groups will just fall back to using Cloaky Intel Bots on stargates instead - basically creating local with their own means.
There should always be NPC that tackle Ratters in every single Null Anom and on top of that I’d really like if EVE loses 3 out of 4 systems forcing conflict.
On the other hand, our proposals to make the game “better” for people like us will most certainly go unheard. We may not want to accept it, but EVE might have lost its Edge a while ago and what used to be legendary for smart people playing a dangerous and challenging game is just a mere shadow of itself, with only grinders still alive. If by a remote chance CCP realizes that they made a few mistakes on the way, we can’t really hope for changes that are drastic enough. The damage has been done and it might just be too late. Maybe it is time to accept that “our EVE” is a product for a smaller group of customers than Grind Online. And by staying around and taking part in discussion and providing refreshing change from their mining, all you do is taking away a bit of their boredom (as do I).
Let them choke in their grind instead and remember EVE for a game that used to be cool, how about it?