CCP should seriously consider removing Local from Null

I dont see how it would, as you cant run an alpha account simultaneously with an omega, nor two alphas simultaneously.

Furthermore, by the arguments being put forward to keep Local in Player Sov, WHs should have Local as well. They have to roll holes and constantly moniter the remainder with player presence.

Shows that you don’t have any idea. Just a few things: Virtual Machines, Proxies, VPNs, separate computers are but few examples on how the alpha restrictions can be circumvented and are being circumvented.

And when it comes to WH, you also don’t know what you are talking about. WH groups are mostly concentrated in 1 single system and can sustain their activities in 1 single system. Monitoring 1 single system (regardless whether it’s your home or your remote connected ratting wormhole) is not nearly as hard as monitoring several systems/constellations that you have to have in order to allow loads of people to generate income/have moons/mine and so on and in which you still generate less income than in 1 high class WH system. the WH comparison and justification for Null sec local removal does not hold any water.

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This maybe so, but its technically not allowed by CCP and hence cant be used as an argument for balance or design. In anycase, players doing that are an exception, not a majority.

As to WHs, the equivalence is as follows:
NS: Static gates easily monitored/camped. + Local.
WH: Dynamic numerous entrypoints which must first be pinpointed and then monitored, or rolled. - Local.

If WH dwellers are able to provide their own comprehensive intel even with dynamic entry points and without Local, I dont see how NS could not do the same.

That NS empires comprise multiple systems is not relevant. Each system is a unique location with defined entrypoints, just the same as each WH system is a unique location with dynamic entrypoints.

What is allowed and what not does not matter. CCP cannot prove these kind of things reliably, thus not prevent them reliably. Therefore, they are very much a point of consideration when you talk about game balance.

There are no “dynamic entry points”. They scan all the signatures and remove them from their scanner, getting immediately notified when new signatures spawn/become visible. There is a huge difference between 1 or 2 WH spawning in your single system where you maybe have 20+ guys sitting around compared to several constellations with loads of entries (gates, cynos, WHs) that would need to be monitored.

Yes, the fact that you need to have several systems absolutely matters because you cannot sustain an entire alliance out of 1 system unlike in W-space. The fact that you have to have several systems and constellations, in particular for larger alliances, makes the basic situation not comparable to that of W-space where you entire group can farm in a single system and make billions in the process.

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Don’t want local go to a WH they’re literally everywhere. A corp mate last night had scanned 23 in 2 hours just in our home region. Those calling for removing local from null only want easy kills so they can pad their KB. There’s a reason Wormhole dwellers make loads of ISK it’s because it’s the riskiest space in EVE. There’s no hand holding what so ever, and if you let guard down even for a second you die.

I think what this and nearly every other argument about Eve mechanics boils down to is people with a higher tolerance for one type of tedious gameplay trying to force more of that tedious gameplay onto others with less tolerance for it, to their own advantage.


The greater advantage you give to cheating and external automation, the more cheating and externally automated the game will become. I don’t even have a player giving me intel from the cloud ring direction, I am simultaneously the ratter and the canary. Because of local I have enough time to go reship, which means I have enough time to actually defend my friendlies - which is the way the game was designed (even in highsec, thats what concord does).

The game design trade off is extremely simple, local with the enemy able to insta transit any size fleet through a gate or cyno, or no local, with the limitations and effort of wormhole domination and rolling to transit fleets.

This thread has been littered with this explanation, over and over again.

Null space is still settled and civilized and colonized space. It’s like living in the country, but still has telephones and electricity. Certain basic utilities are in placed, like local commutations. So local is just a basic automatic just can’t be removed without some sov feature or maybe the destruction of the local message relay satilite.

Wormhole space is like undiscovered ungovernered unmanaged undeveloped primitive lands without basic utilities.


Unfortunatly this will not happen, as nulsec players bring the most income to CCP through various activities. If local was removed, things would change and CCP revenue drops dramatically. But nice idea for a cooler PVP experience.

Like in the real world, money comes first. Otherwise the cure for cancer would be publically available.

Why do people here seem to think that removing local from null will increase your chances of being able to kill people?

I have news for you, nobody will ever bother to mine or rat as it would be more profitable to do it in high/low sec for most corps at that point, so you wouldn’t have anyone to kill. There are plenty of PVP pilots in null ready and waiting for fights whether local exists or not, go fight them instead of complaining you can’t kill things that don’t shoot back.

Don’t people actually play for the fun of it, not just to min/max ISK making?

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Where is the fun part in getting hotdropped every 5 minutes. Where’s the incentive to do anything in null if local is removed?

getting into fights and defending your home? If you’re in fleet, comms with your alliance and watching intel channels when logged in, having no local really isn’t that big of a deal. Take those steps and you will virtually never die to a hotdrop.

Local in null should be tied to a structure. If a corp or alliance can build the structure and defend it, they get local, if they can’t, they shouldn’t have it.

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In my experience, removing local wouldn’t be justifiable because as corps/alliances and coalitons goes, region wide intel would literally be a failsafe option and there fore would defeat this idea completely. In WH space however it’s risk vs. reward because of no local and the only time you would know if somebody is there is when you wake up in a new clone wondering what just happened.

This further justifies the tactics used in cloaky camping and makes this action a legitimate game play, and therefore it should be accepted as is.

I’ll get some flack sure but to me, if and I say “IF” CCP were to remove local in nulsec, they may as well convert each nulsec region into a giant wormhole and you can have all of the “no local” you desire, just my two isk worth.

Game’s rule not just for anti-Cheat tools, afk cloaky make more afk

Remove AFK cloaking and AFK PVE will more than replace the numbers.

Of the two choices, not earning ISK while AFK is the far better one.

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HS/LS mining/ratting has nowhere near the profit of NS.

HS/LS mining/ratting has nowhere near the profit of NS.

Do you think that will remain the case if local is removed? Don’t be ridiculous. Removing local will just make it harder for smaller alliances, not larger alliances, because large alliances have the means to counter hotdroppers and fleets, smaller alliances do not. So at that point smaller alliances will just move to low/high sec.

You are a carebear who only wants to kill things that have no chance to kill you and CCP shouldn’t pander to people like you. You seem to think that because you do “PVP” in the loosest sense of the word, that somehow makes your opinion worth more than those who rat or mine in null sec.

If you want to hunt where there is no local then go to wormhole space. You have no valid argument against this.

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Local chat
Some see it as intel, others see it as local chat.
Depends on who you ask
if no one is in a sytem but you , no one will know you’re there = no intel and you ar stil in local chat
Intel = Active player action
All intel programs work through a chat chanel made by a player ,So somebody has to report in to that chanel before the program gives a warning
coming into a system and see that there are anomalies where you can immediately warp to is free intel (no active player action)
Dotlan is free intel

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Id be ok with removing Local from ALL sectors.

Its a silly system.