CCP stop those annoying NPC Mining fleets


Annoying as many people as you can in the most possible and effective way(miners taken away ore from npc’s) is actually a good thing in your world?

THIS is actually a reason people drop a game into the trashbin and you find it reasonable?

This is SO "keep the game at 2003 status "elite minority thinking that it hurts the brain…eve is special regardless what the market says we do not care…we are eve,it’s 2003 and no reality should bother us…

Go seek help…it’s urgent…


You mean talking like everyone does is “an informed and educated opinion”?

It’s the opposite because just speaking a propaganda text has NOTHING to do with the truth…it’s just stupid and uninformed if the lies are so obvious but the propaganda says otherwise so what you see cannot be,right?

This is why some here are so furious…the lies are there,you just have to see it…but some people choose to wear blinders instead,just to have their peace…the peace of a mostly dead game,but this is still a peace right?
So it cannot be that bad…it shouldn’t,it mustn’t…

Well…some see behind the pink curtains of “ecomomic reports”…and behind it is nothing but a wooden scaffolding…it’s fake…like a hollywood town…

But some people will never accept this…they are in their own bubble and people leaving are simply “not made for eve” regardless how long they were here…THIS is the true meaning behind those “2003’ers”…it’s the unability to accept that the world has changed…and if the world has not changed why change the 2003 status,right?


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You do realise that NPC mining fleets did not come in to the game until 2016 right?

That most people from 2003 have already left ? and that NPC mining fleets are a PvE feature … (maybe not a terribly good one mostly because CCP does terrible PvE).


What is your point about that?

A crappy feature is a crappy feature and people who are defending an outdated status are crappy too because it’s 2019 right now…

BOTH are things that have to stop if the loss of players shall not continue…

I’m NOT saying ALL people since 2003 have left because of npc mining fleets nor do i say the “2003’er” are responsible for the player loss alone…but BOTH parts are a factor in the WHY of the player loss…again not alone…but still a factor…

But there are many other factors and bad decisions like those examples CCP made that lead to the current loss…

Denying it will not help…the only thing that helps are making the RIGHT(and this means mainstream only) decisions by CCP.

No more "eve is special,no more “this game is not for you”,no more “we did it this way for 15 years now”,just CLEAR mainstream oriented content(which means get rid of all content that is inconviniend and annoying in any way(like NPC mining fleets or PVP everywhere f.e.)…THIS is the only imaginable way this game can survive…

And i do not care about the voices of the 2003’er…it may not be “their” eve any longer but all you need to do to see that their opinion is wrong is to look what other games do…and how they succeed at the market…but those people do not want that the games is “successful”…they want to keep “their” eve and they declare “their” eve to be the “only” eve that works because “their” (outdated as stated before) eve has worked for 15 years and they do not WANT a change…

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As above.
Lrn2play. You don’t have a good grasp of Eve.

NPC Mining fleets are fine. They have just exposed a deeper issue with mining, which has actually always been a problem even between other players, that of downtime being the only time belts refresh.

I have a preferred solution of respawning anoms replacing all belts in all areas of space, but at the end of the day CCP could choose a number of ways to solve it, as long as it spawns new ore at reasonable intervals through the day it doesn’t really matter which they do.

Once this happens it is then possible to compete with npc mining fleets in a number of ways.


An informed opinion is one that is based on facts, information and experience; your opinion about Eve appears to be based on what you feel should be, not fact, not the information available or experience.

The fact is that Eve is a PvP game, the information portrays it as a PvP game, and having played for a decade I can tell you that the experience backs both the facts and the information about the game.

It’s the opposite because just speaking a propaganda text has NOTHING to do with the truth…

it’s just stupid and uninformed if the lies are so obvious but the propaganda says otherwise so what you see cannot be,right? This is why some here are so furious…the lies are there,you just have to see it…but some people choose to wear blinders instead,just to have their peace…the peace of a mostly dead game,but this is still a peace right?
So it cannot be that bad…it shouldn’t,it mustn’t…

If the propaganda is true, it it still propaganda?

Well…some see behind the pink curtains of “ecomomic reports”…and behind it is nothing but a wooden scaffolding…it’s fake…like a hollywood town…

Can you back this statement up? Do you actually understand the economic reports?

But some people will never accept this…they are in their own bubble and people leaving are simply “not made for eve” regardless how long they were here…THIS is the true meaning behind those “2003’ers”…it’s the unability to accept that the world has changed…and if the world has not changed why change the 2003 status,right?

Some of us want to play Eve as is, not the shitty facsimile of it that you want to play.

We don’t want to play the same game that you so obviously do, we want to play the game that you don’t want to; the one envisioned by CCP that has lived so long because it offers that which others do not, and because it isn’t a game for everybody.


You keep saying things like this to people, yet refuse to explain why.

For example you claimed elsewhere that my saying that I, as a PvE player, have the same freedoms that PvP players have to play in the way that I want to, was wrong.

You still haven’t explained to me why.

Put up or shut up.

Some of you are bad for the game then…

And this “facsimile” is the way games are played in 2018/2019,get used to it and do not get stuck in your 2003 bubble…

There isn’t something as the “right for nostalgia” in 2018/2019 mmog buisness.

Look at the market and how games succeed in 2018/2019…there is nothing more to say…with a common sense you will clearly see that i am right…

That doesn’t answer the question, way to deflect the point because you don’t actually have an answer to it.

And those of us that you claim are bad for the game, are the ones who embrace it for what it is and have kept it going for so long.

Simply put Eve offers a unique experience, which is why we play it.

And this is why you are bad for the game…

You may not understand it but this is what this is all about…it’s 2019…

Repeating a meaningless statement does not give it meaning. It just makes your argument weaker. We know it’s 2019. And EVE is still succeeding doing what it is doing.


CCP have ignored the mainstream since 2003, for the most part they appear to have deliberately shunned it in fact; despite which Eve has outlasted hundreds of mainstream MMO’s.

@Nevyn_Auscent that’s all he’s got.

Balos : Eve must become more mainstream (I suck at Eve, it’s too hard.)
Someone: Why?
Balos : It’s 2019. (Eve should be easy like other MMOs where I’m spoon fed content and I don’t have to make an effort or think about stuff.)


I guess I thought it funny that you are constantly banging on about the game being stuck in 2003 and that it needs to change to a more PvE bias and yet the thing we are discussing in this thread is a PvE feature made in 2016 …

You might want to think about the PvE features CCP has introduced lately … NPC Mining Fleets, Foward Operating Bases and Resource Wars … none are particularly popular.

If CCP goes down the path of more PvE friendly features given the above examples do you think you will actually want them when you get them?


They all have one thing in common though, they all involve competition, whether it be with other players or the game itself; moon mining in hisec is another example, primarily PvE in nature but puts you at risk from wardecs and people pilfering the belt you create.

It’s almost like PvE is there to generate conflict between players…


People should be careful what they wish for, they might just get it.

Edit: Given that the recent PvE updates all generate conflict in one way or another; is it possible that CCP themselves think hisec is too safe and have added in some NPA(ssholes) in the form of the new AI to spice things up?


Note that two of the three aren’t popular due to the loot sucking. RW actually loses you isk even. the rewards are that bad they are negative.
The third isn’t popular because it exposes a flaw in mining that predates them.
All three are actually good PvE systems at the idea level, just with a critical flaw in their execution that can be fixed.

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You are totally ignoring a 1/3 player loss since 2016…but this is what i expected…reality is hard for you…

Prove this numbers loss exists.
Players online does not prove this btw.

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I’m well aware of how many players we’ve lost since 2016, and many of them haven’t been lost due to Eve being too hard for them. I doubt it’s a third either.

Many have gone because Eve was getting easier and edging into trying to gain an audience on the fringes of the mainstream; and failing to do so. They didn’t like the direction Eve was heading; skill extractors and injectors being one cause.

Eve has always had a high churn rate, CCP and their investors are well aware of that fact; PA would certainly been aware of it before buying up CCP, if they weren’t then more fool them.

Eve is not for everyone, that’s a fact. It’ll never go mainstream because of its reputation and complexity. It’s a game that appeals to people who like problem solving, thinking outside the box, the long game, creating their own entertainment, etc.

There is no place in Eve for a safe place from the intentions of others, if you’re playing Eve you’re affecting other players; that is hardcoded in each and every aspect of Eve, from mining to coalition warfare.

PvP everywhere isn’t just a concept, the whole game is designed from the ground up to generate conflict in multiple ways; the addition of the new AI that competes with players for resources reinforces that in a way, PvE now meaning that the environment competes right back at you.

Disclaimer. I tend to mine where they aren’t, my location being fairly off the beaten path with access to 10s of systems within a few jumps.

Many belts, few locals; and even fewer NPC miners (so far)

Still waiting on something beyond “I want” “mainstream” “every other game” and “2019” as an argument for change from you.

You can only yell it in so many ways before it gets boring for the reader; and it makes you like you’re about 13 years old and being a stroppy git because you got told no when you asked for something absurd; like changing a long standing PvP MMO into something that belongs on an xbox complete with people like you spitting your crap in the lobby.

hmm went slightly offtopic…:expressionless:

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Then call them warbears, nullseccers, whatever you want but the people you quoted are NOT CAREBEARS as you claimed in both your original post and or ‘link’ post.

Not one of those posters was a carebear and that is why quoting them as such is not fair to those posters the only one that even comes close clearly has more interest in nullsec and lowsec areas of game play because he states:

  1. Space feels kind of empty… especially in Low-Sec and Null systems.

While he goes on to add highsec it clearly reads as an afterthought precisely because this person isnt a carebear.

Misquoting three people and calling it support for your statement isnt support, it is a lie, since those people are not carebears and you characterized them as such.

I expect another post twisting the facts and filled with lies and misquotes will be forthcoming but I have grown tired of your pathetic attempt to justify your statement which i have proven false.

Says the guy who doesnt comprehend the english language.