There are enough belts to go around between you as player and the npcs you just may need to move a bit at times.
Previous NS corp member, now solo miner/industrialist opinion :
In itself, these NPCs miners aren’t that bad, they do make us react to them since they litteraly take away from us all day long our content. Having to change ship and go after them is quite fun actually, putting ourselves in the ganker role without wrecking security standing is a big plus.
I immediately stopped trying after my few first attempt at “just shoot them instead of crying”, here’s my 2 why :
Once the npc start warping away (the pirate miners will near instantly start their warp engine when you warp-in), you cannot lock them anymore, so unless you’re in a destroyer or frigate sized ship, forget about putting a point on one of them before they all gtfo the belt. AFK players don’t do that.
The response fleet warp on you in less than 5-6 secondes, it’s not even close to concord response time, and even the frigates can obliterate a BS or an orca easily, not challenging just broken since you can’t even kill one npc mining barge before getting poofed
So yeah, either increase the response time of miners fleeing and the response fleet warp-in, or stop with these NPCs, they ruin the HS casual gameplay for people that start to play a long time after dowtime.
We got worse content with the resource wars, but still, it could be made quite fun actually with a few numbers changed.
Pshh. Who mines belts anymore? It is now better to be moon mining anyway.
You need a tool character. Skip tutorial and dock near your main. When evil npcs appaer get your drones log off main undock with alt and attacjk them untill they warp. Log off alt log in main. Rinse and repeat. That way you dont loose npc corp staning in case you pop one or more.
Even better if you have two omega accounts…
I was talking about pirate miner NPC, which are either Guristas or Blood Raiders, if there is a FOB in system they will send mining ship to the belts. But yes your advice stands for the friendly NPC corps.
But whatever kind of NPC it is the problem of the response fleet warp-in is still there, scaring away the miners doesn’t work for long, they need to be destroyed to really stop their mining.
FOB miners aren’t as big a drama. you just go blow the fob up. The ones working from stations you can’t get rid of.
If veldspar is what youre using as a metric, then it has nothing to do with Delve. We dont mine veldspar in delve, because there are better, more profitable, more lucrative ores.
Furthermore, if youre complaining about the economy from hisec, then again, its not delve. Moving ore from null to hisec is stupid, because we get better return rates for refining in nullsec. No one would pay the amount it costs in fuel to jump and move ore from null to hisec, only to refine at worse rates. And no, we would never refine something in nullsec and bring it over. The amount of M3 that would take is ridiculous.
Its not delve. Stop making Delve the boogieman for all your problems, just because youre jealous of the isk we make.
Low ship prices are good for the economy. Good for new players.
price of veldt is to do with delve. Because null industrialists cried about how ABC’s weren’t valuable because they had flooded the market, and got ccp to add large amounts of low ends to them as well, which then murdered the value of low ends and meant null industrialists could be lazy and just keep mining the high ends to get everything.
So yeah… It is delves fault.
Though Veld is actually one of the better highsec ores atm. Even if the price is down.
What do you mean by ABCs? youre not making much sense here.
Also, null industrialists, and not Goons sepcifically, right? And before we moved to delve, right?
In other words, completely and utterly nothing to do with delve. Lets move on to your second part.
What do you mean by “Low ends”, and add large amounts of it where? Hisec? Lowsec? nullsec?
Because, hate to tell ya, we have always gone for the anomalies in null. Almost no one, cept for maybe new players, mined in the belts, because all the high quality ore are in the anomalies.
Again, nothing to do with Delve. Moving on.
Did you read your sentence before you posted it?
So youre saying that we used to mine the low value ore, more than the high value ore? Why? Why would an industrialist be stupid enough to do this? Why would you deliberately go for the cheaper ore first?
And then, because the low value ore got murdered to even lower values, we started to mine the high value ores… and got… lazy? What?
Its hard to follow your train of thought. Maybe you could read your own sentence and figure out what you meant to say, because so far, its both lacking in logic and reason.
Yeah, no.
Having mined quite a bit in both high and null I would disagree that these fleets need to be removed at all. If you are a serious miner at all these belt eaters never should be a problem. There are plenty of areas they are not, lower security areas, there is ore out there in other areas of the game and easier to obtain.
Crying about it means you havent used in game methods to get around your problem.
As for null and specifically Delve killing high sec ore prices its partially true yet high sec is supposed to be less reward than null sec anyway. Yet I know personally I can still make good isk mining in high sec solo as much or as little as I want to mine. To me its not much worth it anymore but I do still do it for nostalgic reasons.
So all told I am utterly thrilled at what CCP has done with these fleets in game and yes thats coming from a 15 year miner in game.
Spot the non miner pretending to be a miner to talk big.
ABC is the traditional old school arkanor bistot crokite which used to be the high value ores till they got overmined in null and the market crashed due to over supply.
Low ends is the lower end of the mineral spectrum. Things like Trit.
High ends are the supposed rare minerals such as zyd & Mega.
Low and high end are not however value, since value is meant to be player driven, except when null lobbies whine to CCP and mess with interconectivity of areas of space as a result.
Null got massive quantities of things like Trit and Pyerite aka low ends added to the ABC ores and Spod by whining about it lots.
This meant that suddenly Delve mining was producing huge amounts of these minerals, which meant that the price of the high sec ores that produce only these minerals and nothing else dropped.
So yeah. Delves fault.
you cant always shoot them sometimes it says they are invulnerable i get so mad when i cant shoot them and they emptied MY field
Yep. Years ago, when ores were separated between high, low and null sec, there was an interesting economy going on between the sectors. High sec miners and industrialists could trade with null sec by mining trit and producing “bricks”, or modules, that refined to trit. These bricks were eagerly bought by null sec blocs for local manufacturing. Similarly, low sec miners could supply high sec industrialists with relatively valuable ores (hedbergite and hemorphite), giving miners a reason to venture to low sec.
Alas, null sec is completely self-sufficient these days, and the value of low sec ore is miserable (veldspar is more valuable than hedbergite and hemorphite). Inter-regional trade was murdered by CCP, at least with regards to minerals.
That’s a bug or they haven’t finished landing after a warp.
As soon as they start their warp sequence, you cannot lock them and if you got a lock on them you lose it. By warp sequence I mean like when a player is not aligned and click the warp to button.
They haven’t finished landing after warp but are already mining?
Interesting post…
Seems to me like working as intended
Can you be bothered to record it and put it on youtube? Maybe it will be clear for everyone then.
Oh, so ABC stands for Arkonor, bistot, corkite?
Great. So youve proven again that this is not Delve.
We dont export our ore, because its meaningless. The most valuable ore, that gets mined first, is Gneiss and Spodumain, because those are required in bulk in order to produce ships.
You and I are different types of miners. We mine in delve to produce ships that are used and sold in delve. You mine in some other place just to haul what little ore you get to hisec and sell it there. I have no idea why you do that, but it seems we are different types of miners.
Yeah, i got that.
You dont seem to understand the difference, do you.
Nobody exports tritanium or pyerite to hisec. Its not feasable to do so, because of how much space it takes. A jump freighter can only hold around 350K m3 per trip. If you were to fill it to the brim with tritanium, thats only 35 million units of trit. Thats it.
Thats enough for only 3 battleships worth of tritanium.
3 battleships.
Why would any industrialist be stupid enough to export Trit from nullsec?
Guess we spot the non-nullsec miner pretending to be knowledgable to talk big.
I very much doubt that’s intended.
See above but even more so.
The price of compressed veld would suggest people are trying to import it into lower sec status systems.