CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

If this existed, then it doesn’t anymore, because I’m not seeing anything remotely like a ship or a module in the cash-shop, in game right now as we speak. I certainly am glad I missed it, if so.

The thread you linked to is around 2 years old --I should think/hope that CCP learned from (hopefully-)backlash not to do that since, as I’ve been more-or-less fully “back” in EVE the last year and a half or so. And I’ve never seen ships/mods in that ■■■■■■■ cancerous pustule of a cash-shop, and I had never seen any before I “semi-retired”, either.

In any case, that’s just more proof of what I said about the bar and its potential and/or eventual height.

It would seem that I haven’t missed much.