CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players

If this existed, then it doesn’t anymore, because I’m not seeing anything remotely like a ship or a module in the cash-shop, in game right now as we speak. I certainly am glad I missed it, if so.

The thread you linked to is around 2 years old --I should think/hope that CCP learned from (hopefully-)backlash not to do that since, as I’ve been more-or-less fully “back” in EVE the last year and a half or so. And I’ve never seen ships/mods in that ■■■■■■■ cancerous pustule of a cash-shop, and I had never seen any before I “semi-retired”, either.

In any case, that’s just more proof of what I said about the bar and its potential and/or eventual height.

It would seem that I haven’t missed much.

Certainly, there are ways to defend against an alpha strike, but they often involve tedious and prolonged methods. In reality, there exist strategies to counter every move gankers make.

The real question is why these countermeasures aren’t more widely adopted. One reason is the prevalence of laziness among those who prefer to rely on others and complain on forums. Another factor is that gankers dictate the pace of gameplay, forcing opponents into a reactive stance. Effective crime-fighting requires proactive measures; otherwise, gankers will devise even more tedious tactics.

In my opinion, the alterations made to ganking mechanics have harmed anti-ganking efforts as much as they have hindered ganking itself. Players require tools to combat gankers that inject excitement into the process.

Upon closer examination, many victims of high-security crime engage in solo activities, rendering them vulnerable and easy targets for small groups of assailants.

It’s a shame for solo players just trying to chill in high sec but these are the realities of eve right now. And if your a group you need to learn the dangers of high sec and how to count to them

Those poor helpless antisocial players…

How do you proactively crime-fight a crime that has already been commited?


Why bother, why not gank these lazy solo players instead?

C’mon girly…You know you want to.

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Newly issued NEPF (New Eden People’s Front) sidearm to combat suicide ganking


Ok I laughed out loud at that

Since this reason alone covers 93.42456% of all cases (proven by gallente blaster-tech scientists™), we can just stop here.

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You know what else is prolonged and tedious?

Setting up a gank.


Frostpacker believes that the most stubborn, carebear you may ever meet and optimistic anarchist will save us all!!!

/ who knows which fantastic pilot we’re referring to?

The most stubborn ,most definately @Iceacid_Frostpacker

The most anarchistic, @Githany_Red

Listen up Fang. Frosty doesn’t even come close.

It shows how self centred you had become to think such.

You need to search on forum members profiles.
In game BIO
Find me the name and frosty will reward for your efforts!

The moon is my sun,
the night is my day,
Blood is my life,
and you are my prey.

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I am not who you you want me to be right now. Back off Fang


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I’m starting to think that you had given up fang?

It was Mike and the reward will go towards the magic school bus as soon as I log in.


F1 Monkey of the month

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Comes back to the issue of having zero consequences for crime since people have multiple accounts. Man goes on a psycho killing spree, loses security status, then dumps his brain into a clone with a different face and name and goes back to making money to fund his psycho behavior in the alternate clone body. Definitely screws with the idea of immersion.

There is no solution.

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Seeing as you have no zkillboard history you talking about yourself , right?

Not a fan of science fiction?

Sounds a little bit unethical to build security standing to 5.0 then blow it all away on a couple highsec ganks don’t you agree?