CCP Totally Failed it's Hsec players


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Yup. They are in clown world. And there are a bunch of clowns running things right now.

I agree CCP have incentivize pvp to gank but i have not seen any increase of miners killed. few things you can do so you dont get gank is

  1. dont mine in high sec where gankers are know to hang like Mesybier or Uedama
  2. take note who is in local. mark all gank corp and alliance as red so when they are in space you can make a judgement call if you should continue mining
  3. run directional every 5 minutes
  4. do not afk mine
  5. align to station
  6. mine in a fleet

but you already know this since you played since 2009

Alas, Deiter, none of the counter-strategies you mention is as attractive to the Highsec Miner as coming onto the Forum to whine and weep at CCP.

You see, they don’t actually believe they should be expected to do anything in mitigation, because they perceive themselves as victims or potential victims of crime. They feel that they should be protected, that ‘someone should do something’ - but the ‘someone’ is not them, of course.

This, despite clear evidence that ‘crime’ (in this sense) is simply part of the game, a playstyle and a career choice, among many others.



That will definately save you

7. Buy a mining permit

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There is no counter-strategy to ganking. Resistance is futile. :octopus:

Upon being suicide ganked, a miner should congratulate the ganker on his success. A “good fight” or “gf” in local is customary.


Yes … Audacity …it was yesterday’s word of the day @LordOdysseus

Must be a coincidence…

No I read the thread from yesterday you made in OOC

Ever heard the phrase too little too late?

Seriously, CCP has a track record of changing a bunch of stuff at once and then having no clue how to adjust down the track. The introduction of MESS & DBS are a perfect example, for the most part DBS is meaningless whereas MESS actually created a whole new career.

Not sure how to look at this. Sure, the sample size must have gone down due to the war eligibility changes, though its not like the ‘measurement’ ( non mutual war with at least 1 kill ) changed, so the CCP graph is correct and the destiny graph is dishonest for doing a % comparison vs a volume comparison. It could be argued that there being less volume was the entire point, with only 5 alliances responsible for over %50 of the wars its not like there were hundreds of ‘war’ groups suddenly out of a job, no, it was just a bunch of thugs blowing up miners and transports too stubborn to drop to a NPC corporation during the war.

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You have it backwards: the % graph is objectively a statistically dishonest comparison, and the volume comparison would actually show the effect of their changes on the number of non-mutual wars with at least 1 kill. Which are numbers CCP did not provide, but tried to assert anyway in their blog.

Yes, you made this clear.

Yes. Why are you still here? If it’s already too late and you earnestly believe that, why are you still sticking around complaining about 20 years worth of ganking?

Or are you just trying to squirm out of the uncomfortable facts?

Perhaps the corps direction had changed since said pilot had decided to join and even through wardec happened that pilot still hold the bond that was created when that pilot had originally joined said Corporation.

Human miners are poor as dirt.

Not wrong there, looks like the botting software has really improved from the old macros people ran when ice belts were infinite.

If a job is worth doing, do it well. When its not worth doing, people should not do it. High security miners and industrialists fail at that last point miserably.

Did you completly miss the linked discussing the “pay for ships” new eden store pack or is this wilful ignorance?

CCP Zulu said as much in 2011.

It always starts with the thin end of the wedge.

Exactly right, and exactly why here is a EVE Mobile game. That market is so large only a small percentage of it becomes a very big pile of cash.

It has to be more than 1.5, as HD2 doesn’t force people into the online store to do stuff, everything can be unlocked through regular gameplay, right?

The people that saw that will remember where they were forever on that day.

The crime is part of the game, however the punishment is laughable. It only starts to really hurt at like -5 or less standings and its far too easy to just use ISK to work around that.

Can’t defend against an alpha strike, other than not be there to shoot at. If not being there to shoot at means people do not play, its the same problem as old school wars of driving folk away from the game or into the arms of the null blocks, perpetuation the whines about the CSM being too null focused.

One day wars changed for the better. Ganking changed when alpha accounts count no longer go red safety. Ganking changed when red flashy and very low security status meant loss of station or docking access. Keep chipping away and one day it will be where it needs to be, out in low security space.

In 2015 it was a bunch of World Of Tanks players who did not read the forum and did not check the war status before undocking. Direction or no, a lot of EVE players just do not care and will log in and do whatever they want and to hell with what anyone else says.

The old ‘I pay my $15 a month, I do what I want’ esp if that means running their orca through Nijara on autopilot.

The % graph is great, even before the war changes it clearly shows the majority of wars did not result in PvP. Wars were to cheap, too easy to declare against 100’s of groups with no real intent behind them other than to opportunistically blow up dumb industry pilots.

It would have been nice to see the number of players who kept playing after getting war declared, or the number of players who left corp. Cannot recall numbers, though I remember in the CSM notes it after the 2nd war declaration the attrition rate of players leaving was enormous, especially if they were new to the game.

its related to crimewatch changes made years ago and current wardeck mechanics.
someone even ganked my hauler alt the other week when i was afk on autopilot… i say ganked; i tanked so…

war decks should have been changed so that corps with X amount of sp could only dec other corps with X amount of sp; sounds a bit dumb but would at least resolve issues where alliances of high sp characters cant deck nubcorps; sure an experienced player could still but at least the playing field would be more even.
The structure changes werent all bad just not really the fix it should be; imo cits in highsec should still require standings with faction and charters like POS used to - bonus idea only corps with high gal standings could dec caldari structure corps.
I could go through a list of ideas that could make hs more fun for those who engage in that sort of thing but theres little point.
Needless to say CCP should have looked deeper into resolving ganking issues when players started ganking newbros/alphas in ventures; dont get me wrong im all for piracy but that aint it - a new addition of ‘letters or marque’ might be an amusing idea to flesh out but again, not much point, besides CCP have been adamant about simplifying things to the point a clever person can no longer do strange and magical things. Tbh its why a lot of smaller experienced and highly skilled pvp alliances have died the past few years; these guys dont want n+1 they want to use their brains to beat larger forces because the challenge used to be everything in eve.

Yes, that is fun. You should try it sometime.

once ransomed an orca for 1bil in a wh which was nice; i kept my promise too, i stopped shooting him… shame no one else did lol

Smart woman - they do the work , you get the cash.

Resistance is futile :octopus:

(git gud noob!)