How CCP stopped me from playing my game style

The worst part is that CCP tried to justify all of it with quite possibly the most egregious attempt to lie with statistics that I’ve ever seen from the company in this blog:

Like for example in this graph:

They literally went from a weekly sample of more than 1,000 wars to a sample of about 100 wars (because the changes eliminated war eligibility for over 90% of player groups overnight), but kept the same plot.

Had they kept the entire war sample consistent across the entire graph, it would’ve looked something like this:

(The replaced section would oscillate more, but the trend line/average would remain the same.)

Which is to say that across wars that were seeing activity/kills, there was no perceptible change to the amount of PvP activity, which is what they tried to pass off as something that did happen. It’s just that with their graph, it looks like there’s suddenly a higher volume of wars with actual daily kills, when in reality that’s not the case at all.
