If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

There’s no way that statistic is true. It just goes to show that CCP is extremely bad at statistics. Possibly even intentionally, in order to present a certain unrealistic portrayal of their game.

If you look at some pics people are posting of their stats, characters that play for about 3 hours are in the 50th percentile. There’s no way that that’s the demarcation point for when the bulk of all characters (not players, characters) start aggressively engaging in PvP.

When analyzed a zKill snapshot maybe around two years ago, the figure I arrived at was something like 8% of the active player base engages in aggressive PvP in any capacity (most of those on the extreme low end of being part of like 1 total kill or something), and that was assuming 200,000 unique players.

What’s likely happening here is that either CCP is cherry-picking characters for their statistics, or are including all PvP activity and not just the “kill” side in their statistics (which would come closer to 50%).

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