If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Fake mail is fake, it is easy enough to get past Aiko, the fifteen minutes criminal timer, the removal of unlimited bumping and the fact that I was breaking up my stuff into smaller loads when passing through choke points and using ships there were harder to catch. Another strategy was to stop just before the choke point and move through. But the most important reason I was successful was that Aiko did not even seem to be aware that I was moving my stuff, because Aiko made no attempt to come after me, not once.

I must have done about 100 move ops through Uedama during that period, six were with a freighter and four with bowheads. I kind of enjoy doing sneaky stuff like that, but you have to have a lot of free time to do it.

Next I should expect a Dracvlad is elite post coming my way for merely explaining this, but if it makes you happy, feel free.

Ah, so the gankers got you?

Too scared to try bigger loads?

Whoa, now thatā€™s a good AI! It sounds exactly like Dracvlad!

What a brave hero!

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then iĀ“m sneaky if i move my stuff through uedama without getting ganked ? oO
i dont think so ā€¦ and i dont think so that youre sneaky xD

its not that hard to avoid ganks and only fly in a freighter or in a bowhead through uedama doesnt mean you get ganked ā€¦ freighters and bowheads without any loading are not the primary target !
and as youre a hero because you dont get ganked ā€¦ wow ā€¦ youre a superhero by moving through uedama ! ironie off

LOL, assuming that the freighters and bowheads were empty, they were not, they just had cheap bulky stuff in them.

I knew it:

Not a hero, just smart, cold and calculating, and I had a lot of time on my hands.

still the same as empty ! nothing of value and you think youre the greatest because you dont move 50b in one single load in a ship through uedama ? oO

like i said ā€¦

i doubt thats true xD
i think youre only to scared to move more stuff ā€¦

Instead of flapping his gums about what ā€œreal PvPā€ is and isnā€™t, Dracvlad should start up EVE and actually show us. Yes, that would require actually playing the game, which is something he hasnā€™t done in any tangible capacity in the last ten years, but maybe itā€™s time to dust off those gloves and dive back in?

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Itā€™s just a Pk game now, and a niche one at that.

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Actually according to the Frostpackers, she is the Witch Princess Goddess, also know as the Goddess of the Hunt.

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I see the PKā€™rs and wannabe PKā€™rs are all a bit toasty, merry Christmas to you all.

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you dont need to blame yourself only because you dont know the difference between a PK game and eve as PvP game :wink:

Come on Dracvlad, get back into EVE, make a new corporation, and take us on some of your ā€œreal PvPā€ ops.

Donā€™t you want to prove to everyone how youā€™re right about all of this? Donā€™t you want to prove that all the legends youā€™ve been spreading about yourself being a fearsome and respected warrior are true? Thereā€™s never been a better time.

@Dracvlad I think youā€™re onto something. Youā€™ve certainly struck a nerve. Everyone knows that PKā€™s seek ONLY the low hanging fruit. The Catalyst CANNOT be used in ANY PvP engagement. ONLY in PK scenerios. Itā€™s a good thing the PKā€™s canā€™t reproduce, itā€™s only a matter of time before they become extinct.

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That made me laugh.

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Thatā€™s good to know.

What kind of post will make you log in and play the game?

Itā€™s comforting to be able to work out from the year end stats on my various chars that more than 50% of Eve players engage in PvP.

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Thereā€™s no way that statistic is true. It just goes to show that CCP is extremely bad at statistics. Possibly even intentionally, in order to present a certain unrealistic portrayal of their game.

If you look at some pics people are posting of their stats, characters that play for about 3 hours are in the 50th percentile. Thereā€™s no way that thatā€™s the demarcation point for when the bulk of all characters (not players, characters) start aggressively engaging in PvP.

When analyzed a zKill snapshot maybe around two years ago, the figure I arrived at was something like 8% of the active player base engages in aggressive PvP in any capacity (most of those on the extreme low end of being part of like 1 total kill or something), and that was assuming 200,000 unique players.

Whatā€™s likely happening here is that either CCP is cherry-picking characters for their statistics, or are including all PvP activity and not just the ā€œkillā€ side in their statistics (which would come closer to 50%).

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Where there are vermin , there are pest controllers.


I sort of wish that Autopilot could be set before undocking so I donā€™t have to manually undock.