If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Carebears simply don’t understand that the labels they assign to the players who harvest them are actually viewed as badges of honor. Calling someone who destroys other players a “griefer” or a “sociopath” or a “PKer” doesn’t make them slick into the shadows in shame and regret at what they’ve done; it’s basically just another trophy they add to the mantle.

Kind of similar to how they’d place bounties on us, thinking that it would be sweet revenge for our transgressions. They couldn’t understand (or refused to even try) that it was a source of pride for us. Man, that was a really good game mechanic. I wish they’d bring it back.


Is Pk an abbreviation for PvP?

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It has quite a few meanings, all of them having to do with being bad at competitive video games like EVE, and life in general:

  • Pudknocker Karens
    – PKs don’t know how to fly their ships, and always complain about their lack of skill compared to respectable, well-versed pilots like miners and mission-runners, demanding game mechanic changes to enable them to grief players who otherwise don’t even notice their existence

  • Pretentious Krabs
    – PKs are really nothing but mindless ISK farmers (a fact they always try to hide with straw men and personal attacks), engaging in the game’s objectively easiest activity to farm risk-free ISK that they RMT away to pay for rent because no one will give them jobs in real life due to their toxic attitude

  • Pissant Knaves
    – They’re completely harmless, and only pretend like they’re tough; they can only achieve success against real PvPers like miners and haulers by using exploits and DDoSing their targets off the internet

  • Podunk Kippers
    – They’re about as ineffective and insignificant as small salty fish (a stunning coincidence, considering how salty PKs usually are because they fail all the time)

  • Powerless Kumquats
    – PKs are basically about as scary and intimidating as a small orange fruit


Not in the sense that you’re about to try and twist it into.

Aiko steps on an ant and becomes a combat veteran.

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You missed Possum Killer and for you, Paradise Kiss

Who hurt you sweetie?

Nobody actually.

But well done for getting on my blocked list, it’s an honour for you to be there.

thats wrong !

why ? loot at the next quote :

@Zaera_Keena hurt you ! dont know why, it was nothing that could hurt anybody xD but for you it was that painful that you decide to block him !

maybe i´m now on the same list because i write somtehing which doesnt match with your ideology ? oO

btw … you could have blocked him without any kind of comment xD nobody would know … but thats the problem right :wink: nobody would know …

It’s an abreviation for the true source of ganker power…

It is amazing the reaction you can get by correctly defining Eve as a PK game.

PK players are not necessarily good players, they just know how to take weaker more vulnerable players out.

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Yet you are the only edgelord here using that abbreviation. Did aiko hurt you?

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but you arent correct xD youre creating a wrong definition … eve is a PvP game !
eve isnt a PK game because its not all about kill other players ! its about PvP in all aspects of the game … its a very big difference !

every player which lost the fight is weaker oO so you always kill the weak player ! nobody can kill the strong player because they are the winner of all fights xD and if they lose then they are the weak player !
and you say player who kills another player isnt good ?

thats stupid ! still if you only kill harmless ppl you have to be better … why ? because its hard to kill a harmless player who knows the mechanics ! in eve this means he warps away before you can tackle him !

he´s the only one who dont understand that eve isnt a PK game !


Never managed to get a kill on me, I have only lost an AF to gankers on an alt during my time playing, does that help at all.

@Vuhdo_Rin it is now a niche PK game, live with it.

its not xD and you are not able to understand it !
its one part of eve but its not eve ! i will link you the definition of PK like wikipedia think it is !
and if you read it you could see that eve isnt a pure PK game !

Player versus player - Wikipedia

and it was always niche … you dont understand it aswell !

this means you dont actual play this game ? and you want to tell us something about this game ? oO
very strange fanatism …

Aiko isn’t able to kill someone who hasn’t actively played the game during the entire period of time she’s been around?

@Aiko_Danuja looks like you’re not the god we thought you were.

You don’t undock, or even login.

Did she ever claim to be that? Thought she only claimed to be a princess. :thinking:

The game is interesting Dracvlad… you are just a pleb.